Chapter 18: Dark Blue Moon (con.)

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White Angel was still by your side as you plunged into the cold ocean. Freezing needles pierced your skin, chilling you to the bone. Your arms were outstretched, reaching for the surface. Your stand's hands were still enveloped in the barnacles.

A figure appeared over you. White Angel instinctively threw her fist, but she was significantly slower underwater. A current slammed you into the sea floor, making you want to gasp.

"Welcome! Welcome!" A familiar voice chanted. "So glad you could join me in the watery depths, where Dark Blue Moon rules."

You rose to your feet, balling your hands into fists.

"You never should have underestimated me, girly."

"Ugh. What is it with the 'BeCaUsE yOu'Re A gIrL yOu'rE wEaK' thing?" You mocked. "I literally just beat the shit outta you."

"Come at me then." He said, smiling. He made no move to protect himself.

"Mmm. Yeah, no." You decided.


"You're asking me to come to you and make no move to protect yourself. That's a little suspicious."

"Eh, maybe. But it looks like my Dark Blue Moon's barnacles have taken a liking to your stand's power. For such a small girl, you sure have a lot of power in there. How does it feel to have your life energy draining from your body?"

You looked at her arms. The barnacles were slowly spreading up them and down her sides. You could feel yourself getting weaker by the moment. You began trying to swim up, using White Angel's legs to swiftly push you to the surface.

"Trying to escape, are we?" Captain Tennille asked mockingly. The water around you began to move in a circle, pushing you farther down and to your side. "Dark Blue Moon has been busy making a whirlpool."

You were being tossed around, played with. Sharp shards of glass or some other substance sliced into you, making you bleed. You couldn't get your bearings. The fatigue in your limbs grew. Your lungs were on fire. Fuzzy blackness crept at the corners of your eyes.

"You're running out of air and strength. You're not getting away today, girly!"

Your blood boiled. Your hands that were flailing, trying to steady yourself, tightened into fists. You were angry at the name he had given you. You were angry that he was toying with you. You were angry that you couldn't control your own body in the current. All of this anger flooded your mind, infuriating you.

"You son of a bitch!" You screamed, hurting your throat. "Get the hell over here and fight me like a man!"

You felt heat all around you, and the darkness in your eyes seemed to brighten. Strength flooded back to your body. You seethed with anger. The captain looked at you incredulously. The light seemed to grow even brighter. The water around you boiled, yet you didn't burn. You turned to look at White Angel beside you. She was glowing a bright white, so bright it was difficult to look at.

In the captain's surprise, he had stopped spinning the water. He hadn't expected such a big fight from a short, stubby girl.

You swam towards him, water still bubbling around you.

"Sh-shit." He muttered. "Dark Blue Moon!"

His stand whipped out in front of him, throwing a punch at your glowing self. He retracted his hand immediately, rubbing it and wincing with pain.

"Hot! It's so hot!" He cried, backing away.

Dark Blue Moon began the whirlpool again, but you were too quick. You sped through the water, knocking him square in the temple with a glowing, red hot fist. The side of his face bubbled. His stand slowly faded from beside him. The captain was unconscious. Or dead. He sunk ever so slowly deeper into the ocean.

Your burning lungs reminded you that you need oxygen, and you swam to the surface. As soon as your head broke the water, you inhaled deeply. The fresh, ocean air relieved your fiery lungs.

"Y/n!" You heard Kakyoin's voice call to you. You looked up at the rail where the red head was smiling. Jotaro tipped the brim of his hat, hiding his face. Joseph and Avdol looked at you proudly.

"Kakyoin!" You grinned. "Get me up th-"


The entire deck of the ship burst into flames.

"Oi!" You called. "What the hell is happening!"

"The captain planted bombs on the ship!" Polnareff yelled. "Damn it!"

"Hurry! The life boats!" Avdol cried.

Tiredness grew in your eyes, and you felt your arms and legs giving up. You tried to move to get closer and help, but you couldn't.

"What..." You mumbled. "I wasn't that tired."

White Angel withdrew herself, trying to conserve your energy. You laid down on your back, floating in the water. Blackness crept into your vision again. Fighting to keep your eyes open, you saw a white life boat coming towards you. Your head fell back down and your eyes closed.

'No! Don't go to sleep... Y/n... Don't go...' Your thoughts trailed off, and you plunged into a peaceful darkness.

You groaned as you woke. A dull pain thudded at the back of your skull. The sky was dark now, stars glittering beautifully.

"Damn... ow." You muttered.

Your eyes searched your surroundings, trying to get your bearings. You were laying down in the bottom of the small boat, curled into the fetal position. Anne was curled into you, her head laying on your arm. She snored softly. Your face softened at the sight of her. She's tough, but everyone needs some comfort. Your head rested on a warm surface. A living one. You turned up to see Kakyoin, half asleep, head hanging down. His gakuran was gone, as he had removed it to lay it on you and Anne. He was left in a tight white button-up, and you found yourself getting warm.

"Kakyoin?" You whispered. "Are yo-"

"Noriaki." He replied softly. His bright, purple eyes found yours. "Call me Noriaki."

Your heart skipped a beat. A small blush was creeping onto his cheeks. He had his hand resting on your head. He smiled at you, and you melted.

"Okay. Noriaki."

He thumbed your head, which soothed your headache. You snuggled back into his lap, enjoying his warmth. Your arm wrapped around Anne, and you pulled her close. He chuckled quietly. You once again found yourself drifting off into sleep.

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