Chapter 9: Oh Hell

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"It doesn't seem like he was implanted with a flesh bud." You said as you examined the old man's head.

After you had cleaned up Kakyoin, you had set the dead man up in a seat. Blood stained his clothes and face. There were cuts and rips in his body where Kakyoin had torn his stand.

"No, there probably wouldn't be." Avdol replied. "Tower of Gray would kill travelers and make it look like an accident all for pay. He was bought. Blinded by greed. He was Dio's pawn."

You heard the plane creak a little, and you looked at Kakyoin.

"Cherry, did you hear that?" You asked.

"Hear what?" He still smiled at his nickname.

"The plane just creaked."


A foam cup answered your question. It fell from a passenger's cup holder onto the floor.

"Joestar-san?" You called.

"I saw it." He said. "Is it just me, or is this plane flying crooked?"

The cup rolled further to the right.

"No, I'm right." Joseph muttered.

You thought for a moment. Your eyes widened in sudden realization.

"Does that mean-" You trailed off. Joseph looked at your wide-eyed face. He realized, too.

"It can't be!" He exclaimed. He took of for the cockpit.

Jotaro and Kakyoin turned to look at you in confusion.

"If the plane is going sideways..." You gestured to them to finish.

"If the plane's going sideways, it means..." Kakyoin muttered. You saw the wave of realization hit both of them at the same time.

The plane was crashing, and you really didn't want to be on it.

Jojo quickly followed Joseph. Kakyoin stepped out into the aisle and followed him, too. You and Avdol were in the back.

When you all reached the entrance of the cockpit, a flight attendant stepped in front of Joseph.

"Sir, may I ask where your going?" She said. "I'm afraid the cockpit is off-limits to passegers."

"I know that." Joseph replied bluntly. He pushed her out of the way easily and made his way into the cockpit.

"Sir!" She exclaimed. Another flight attendant saw the trouble and came to help, but they didn't know what to do. You assumed nothing like this had happened before. They stood behind Joseph, clueless.

Slowly, they turned around to meet Jotaro. He was stating down at them with annoyance, but the women were fawning over him.

"Move, bitch." He said as he swept his arm to the side, pushing them away. They still seemed under his trance. How did grown women fall for a seventeen-year-old? Especially one that just disrespected them like that?

"Whoa there." Kakyoin said as he caught them both. "Ignore him. His disrespectful behavior is completely incorrigible."

"O-okay." They responded in unison.

You found yourself getting mad again. You weren't... jealous... right? Damn. You were. You couldn't do this again. You couldn't fall for someone only for them to leave you. Never again. He deserves better anyway.

Poor Avdol was confudled.

You all entered the cockpit.

"Jojo! You could be a little nicer." You told him. "They were only doing their job."

He grunted at you.

You rolled your eyes. You knew he wasn't going to apologize.

"Dammit!" Joseph cried suddenly. "He got them!"

You eyes trailed to the three pilots on the floor. They all had their tongues removed and blood pooled in their mouths. They had choked to death or bled out. You felt uneasy and stepped closer to Kakyoin. You placed a hand on his arm. He reached over to pat it, comforting you.

"Their tongues were ripped out." Jotaro pointed out. "That beetle bastard. The pilots never had a chance."

Joseph stepped over the bodies to the control panel. He sighed uncomfortably.

"We're falling. The auto-pilot's knocked out." He said. "We're going to crash!"

A loud yell came from behind you. You turned around to see the old man, bloodied and bruised, standing in the doorway. You thought he was dead. Anger bubbled in your insides.

"What?" Jotaro exclaimed.

"My stand it the Tower card, a symbol of accidents and the end of a journey. " He said. "You will never make it to Lord Dio! Even if you survive this crash, you're still ten thousand kilometers away from Egypt! There will be stand users every step of the way! This world is rank with stands more horrif-"

"Shut up, old man." You interrupted.


"White Angel!" You released your stand. Fear shot through the man. His eyes widened, and he tried to back away.

"Come back here, bastard." You grinned. "I knew you'd regret that."

White Angel rushed the man. She brought up her fist and smashed it into the old man's jaw. He fell to the ground in a pile. You stood triumphant. Then you succumbed to the pain in your knuckles.

"Owwww..." You hissed, shaking your hand. "I've never punched anyone beforeeee."

Kakyoin just stood there. Staring. You caught his gaze and raised an eyebrow in question. He quickly looked away and cleared his throat. Jotaro looked the same as he always did, except there was a small curve at the corner of his lips.

"You stewardesses are real pros." Jotaro said. "Didn't even let out a shriek. And I didn't have to lose my temper." You glared at him. "Now, listen up. Ji-ji here is going to land this heap on the water." Joseph looked at Jojo incredulously. "Make sure our passengers have their life jackets and seat belts ready."

"Yes!" They said, and hurried off to get the job done. Jotaro turned his head towards Joseph.

"Ji-ji?" He asked.

"Hm. I've driven a prop plane before, but..."

"Prop planes?" You and Kakyoin cried together.

"You know, Jotaro, this is my third plane crash." Joseph announced. "Have you ever heard of someone being in a plane crash three times?

All of you groaned. You planted your head firmly on Kakyoin's shoulder. He stiffened a bit, but he probably wasn't expecting it.

"No way in hell am I ever riding with you again." Jotaro muttered.

Suddenly, the plane began to shake violently. Kakyoin wrapped his arms around your waist as everyone was thrown off balance. He was thrown into a wall of the cockpit, grunting on impact, but you were protected. He slid to the floor with you on top of him. You gripped onto Kakyoins green uniform so he couldn't let you go. It's not like he was going to anyway. You squeezed your eyes shut and buried your face in Kakyoin's neck. He tightened his embrace and placed his head on yours.

"Oh hell." You cried, seeing water outside the plane window. "Here we go!"

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