Chapter 7: The Tower of Gray

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Crying filled the room. From where? You looked around you. It was dark. Complete, pitch black. Abruptly, a light flicked on in the darkness. There was a coffin. Flowers surrounded the coffin. Bile rose in your throat, and your stomach knotted up. Your eyes flooded with fresh tears. You felt yourself shrink. You were at the casket now. The cries were loud. It's almost as if they were right next to you. Why were you here? Was this... it couldn't be. Your mother died four years ago. This was her casket, or so it seemed. You finally found out where the crying was coming from.

It was you.

You gasped as you woke. Where were you? You were on a plane. You were on a plane with The Joestars, Avdol, and Kakyoin. Kakyoin sat next to you. You were lying on him. You felt wetness on your cheeks. You realized, as your senses came back to you, that Kakyoin had protectively wrapped his arm around you. He was shaking you awake. You were gripping his school uniform at his chest, and your stomach felt sore. Were you crying in real life, too?

"Y/n. Y/n!" He whispered urgently. You looked up at him with red eyes. His lavender eyes were locked on yours in an instant. "Y/n, are you okay?"

"I-" Your throat was trying to choke you. "I'm okay. It was just a dream." You lifted from Kakyoin's side and looked around to get your bearings.

"Was I loud?" You asked. Your stomach felt as if you were.

"No, not really." Kakyoin was still stating at you in worry. "Y/n, why were you crying so hard?"

"It was a dream." You choked. You sighed and lied down on your seat. "My mother-" You shook. "-I was at her funeral again. I saw her casket."

Kakyoin's face softened. He reached out to you and enveloped you in a hug. You wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his neck. You broke into sobs again, and it took all you had to make it go down.

"I haven't thought about that day since four years ago." You told him. You gripped him harder. He held you with a hand on your back and head. You sat like that for a while, just trying to stop your crying. You didn't want to wake the other passengers.

Suddenly, you felt something wash over you. An uneasy feeling. Almost as if you were being watched.

"Kakyoin." You said as you pulled away. You still rested your hands on his arms. "Do you feel that?"

He sat silent for a moment.

"Yes. Yes I do." He looked at you and a hardness engulfed them. They made you feel protected. Your heart beat increased as you looked into those eyes. He turned abruptly away from you, towards the bathroom. You noticed Jojo, Joseph, and Avdol were looking, too. All the other passengers were asleep. Was it a stand user?

A bug flew into the cabin from the bathroom. It buzzed around in the air while you stared at it. Jojo rose behind you.

"A rhino beetle?" He said. "No. A stag beetle!"

"Is it a stand, Avdol?" Joseph whispered. "Did Dio already send some of his men?"

"It's possible." Avdol confirmed. "A stand the takes the form of an insect.

"It hid in the shadow of the seats." Joseph commented.

"Where did it go?" Avdol asked as Jotaro took a few steps forward.

All was silent for a moment.


Kakyoin gasped and whipped his head around.

"Jojo! It's by your head!" He exclaimed.

You turned to see the bug Kakyoin had seen. It was huge. It was, in fact, a stag beetle, but it was three times bigger. Its pincers were longer than your middle finger, and its mouth was frothing. The huge beetle hovered by Jotaro's head.

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