Chapter 15: The Boy

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You stood at the railing of the boat, looking over the deep blue water. It would be calming if you hadn't just hurled over the side.

"Ngh..." You groaned. "I didn't know I got sea sick." You felt your mouth watering again, and your stomach churned. You leaned over the side again and vomited. Kakyoin was behind you, holding your hair up and rubbing your back.

"I didn't even have that much to eat! Where is it coming from?" You gripped your belly.

"I think it's just stomach acid, Y/n." Kakyoin said.

"Well, it feels awful."

"Y/n?" Jotaro called mockingly. "What's up with you? Can't handle a little boat?"

"Shut up, dickhead!" You yelled.

He chuckled and laid back down on the chair he sat in. Scoffing, you motioned to Kakyoin that he could let go of your hair. You spun around and leaned against the railing. Kakyoin's face was one of worry.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kakyoin placed a hand on your forehead. You gently pushed it away.

"I'll be fine, Cherry boy." You laughed. "Just a little sea sick."

"You wouldn't be sea sick if you weren't a girl!" Jotaro yelled to you.

"What the hell? That doesn't even make sense, idiot!" You retaliated.

He grinned at your annoyance. Kakyoin chuckled and rubbed your shoulder.

"He's just trying to get under your skin." Kakyoin muttered. "Don't think anything of it."

"He's infuriating." You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"You three!" Joseph piped up from seemingly nowhere. "Why don't you switch out those uniforms for something else? Aren't you burning alive?"

You looked down at your uniform. There was a knee-length lavender skirt, but you felt as if it wasn't appropriate for this endeavor, so you changed to leggings. You still had your lavender school top and a blue ascot tied around the front, however.

"Eh, we are students." You shrugged.

"And a good student always dresses the part." Kakyoin smirked. You smiled, and Jotaro chuckled under his breath. "Too much of a stretch?"

"Japanese students are such stiffs, aren't they?" Joseph scoffed.

"Oh shit. Kakyoin!" You felt saliva coat your mouth again. You spun around, and he pulled up your hair.

"1500 yen they're together by the end of the trip?" Polnareff whispered to Avdol.

"Polnareff! That is entirely inappropriate." Avdol reprimanded.

Polnareff frowned.

"I'll give 'em another week."

"You're on."

A loud scream and some yelling disrupted your vomiting. You looked up slowly to see a crewmate holding a young boy by the collar. Kakyoin released your hair as you stood back up and wiped your mouth. He reached over and rubbed your back comfortingly. You felt heat rise to your face.

"What is going on?" You muttered.

"Dammit, I said get off of me! Lemme go!" The boy cried.

"Shut your trap! Brat!" The crewmate told her.

"Oi! I thought we agreed there'd be no other passengers!" Joseph called as the boy kept struggling in the man's grip.

"I'm sorry, sir. Kid's a stowaway. Hid in the storage holds." He said.

"Come at me! I'll break your balls!" The kid screamed.

"He's a bit small for a boy." You muttered. You walked over to the scene, Kakyoin following suit.

"Tell that to the coast guard, you little shit." The man informed him.

The kid gasped at that

"Huh? The cops?" The crewmate released his grip. "Please. Just lemme go! I just wanted to go to Singapore to see my dad. I'll do anything! Purlt me to work, even!"

The man grabbed the boy's cheek and pulled.

"Let's see. What should I do?" He drawled. "Should I let you go? Or turn you in?" He flicked the kid's nose. "No way am I letting you go."

Tears fell from the poor child's eyes.

"Hey, maybe we should-" Before you could finish, the boy bit the crewmate's arm, and he cried out in pain and surprise. He then jumped off the ship into the water.

"He's trying to swim to shore?" Kakyoin asked, walking over to the edge.

"What should we do?" Josepg asked.

"Forget 'em. He wouldn't have jumped in if he couldn't swim." Jojo sighed.

"Jojo's right." You agreed. "He must be a pretty good swimmer."

"No! He's in trouble. These are shark infested waters!" The crewmate exclaimed.

"This isn't good." Kakyoin gasped.

A dark shadow swam beneath the boy.

"Kid! Get back here!" You called.

"It's dangerous!" Joseph exclaimed.

"Sharks! There are sharks out there!" Polnareff cried.

You didn't wait any longer. Climbing up onto the railing, you leaped, using White Angel to increase your jump.

"Y/n!" Kakyoin yelled, reaching out for you.

You heard him, but you didn't have time to answer. You landed only a couple feet away from the boy when a fin appeared from the water. He stared in shock. He let out a shriek of pure terror.

"Shit! Kid, come here!" You pleaded. You desperately swam to him, wrapping your arms around him and getting White Angel into a fighting stance. The shark closed the distance faster than you anticipated.

"Oh, shit." You muttered.

"Y/N!" You heard Kakyoin scream. "Look out!"

You braced yourself for impact, wrapping tightly around the boy who clutched onto you for dear life, but it never came. You look up to see Star Platinum punching the shark out of the water and beating it to a pulp.

You sighed in relief. You felt a hand grip your shoulder.

"Ah!" You cried. He whipped you around and looked you dead in the eyes.

"Dumbass. I had it covered." He grunted.

"Well, I see that now, thank you." You remarked. "You weren't very clear on the whole 'savior' thing."

He rolled his eyes.

"Additionally," You mumbled as turned toward the ship where you saw the distressed red head. "KAKYOIN! WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'LOOK OUT'!?"

You could almost see his face go red from where you were.

"I CAN'T 'LOOK OUT' IN THE MIDDLE OF AN OCEAN HOLDING A CHILD!" You thought saw him flush an even darker red if it was possible. You turn back to the boy trembling in your arms. "Anywho, we should probabl-" You stopped. Now that you were hugging him, something was off. His chest...?

"Oh my god." You murmured. You knocked the hat off of the kid's head. "You're a girl! I was right!"

"A runty one at that." Jojo commented.

"Jojo! She's like eleven!" You scolded.

"Asshole!" She cried.

She wriggled out of your grip and tried to slap Jotaro. He easily blocked the attempt and grabbed her arm.

"Yare yare daze." He drawled wearily. He began to swim back to the ship.

"Oi! Wait for me!" You called.

"Hurry up then."


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