Chapter 36: Revenge

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This artist is @Hajnarus on Instagram.

I absolutely adore their art, and I suggest you go check them out!

By the way, this chapter is going to be a tad long, so I'm just warning you beforehand. Enjoy!❤️

The Hanged Man.

"He reflected into the kid's eye!" Noriaki cried.

You felt a knot in your throat. What was it he said? Leave the girl to me? Hell no. Not today, bastard.

"Listen, kid!" Polnareff exclaimed as he leaped out of the child's view. The two of you quickly followed suit. "Don't look at us!"

"Huh?" The boy turned to Polnareff. "Why?"

"Because! I told you, don't look at us!" Polnareff rose to his feet and ran behind the boy. He turned in your direction instead.

"Don't look at any of us, kid! Please!" You cried and moved out of his view once again.

"But you're hurt." The kid said, confusion in his voice and plastered on his face.

"No, I'm fine," You smiled and pointed to yourself. "See? I'm perfectly fine! Please look over there." You pointed in a clear direction to the side of the boy.

"But, miss, you're bleeding." The boy pointed to your chin. Now that he said it, you did feel a dull ache there, but you'd have time to patch up later.

"Please, kid, look somewhere- ah!" The words were killed in your throat when a hand grasped your neck. It was odd. There wasn't any warmth in this hand. It was almost as if it wasn't there, but your difficulty breathing said otherwise.

In the eye of the boy, The Hanged Man's hand squeezed your throat. You let out a strangled cry and clawed at the invisible hand. You only made contact with your own neck, his fingers indenting your flesh.

"Y/n!" You heard Noriaki's panicked voice from behind you, but you couldn't turn to look. You were glad that J. Geil's grip was awkward. It only left you just enough space to get the smallest of breaths, but not enough so that you could turn your head.

"Get offa me, you bastard!" You croaked, still trying to claw at the hand that didn't seem to exist. You gritted your teeth against the pain. "Agh!"

"Well," a voice appeared from the stand that had ahold of you. "I wanted Polnareff. But you will do. What did they say your name was? Y/n? What a wonderful name." He leaned in close to take a whiff of your hair, and you could feel his breath on your neck.

If the adrenaline hadn't kicked in before, it had now. J. Geil's hand prevented you from moving, but not from summoning your stand. Using White Angel, you heated up the spot where his hand was. Maybe he would let go if he was being burned? You felt an even larger pang of fear when you realized the Hanged Man couldn't even remotely feel the blistering heat emitting from your neck. You tried to wrench away from his grasp instead, only to be choked when it tightened. Your throat closed up even more, and black splotches began to creep into the edge of your vision. You felt your legs going weak. You reached your arm behind you to Noriaki, almost as if pleading for help. You knew he couldn't do anything, but it brought you some sense of comfort knowing he was there.

"Damn you, J. Geil!" Polnareff snarled from behind you. He looked the boy right in the eye. "Let her go!"

"What to do?" J. Geil laughed. "You wouldn't poke out this cute little boy's eye with that sword of yours. Now, would you, Polnareff? Not even to save your little girlfriend?"

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