Chapter 31: Avdol

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"Polnareff, are you sure it's him?" Joseph asked, though he already knew the answer. Polnareff hesitated a moment before turning around to face him.

"Joestar-san, I'll be traveling on my own from here on out." He replied. You were shocked at the fierceness of his gaze, at the hate that blazed in his sky blue eyes. Joseph drew a breath through clenched teeth.

"Pol-" Avdol began, stepping forward with his arm outstretched.

"No!" Polnareff jerked away from his hand. He glared at the Egyptian man with narrowed eyes. "With my sister's murderer finally within reach, I'll be damned if I wait for him to come after me. It would put me at a disadvantage, and that's just not my style. I'll find him first and kill him!"

"But we don't even know what he looks like or, more importantly, what his stand does." Noriaki explained. "That puts you at a disadvantage either way."

"I already know what his stand does! It travels through mirrors. And, he's got two right hands. That's enough for me. He knows I'm after him. He'll be on the defensive. See ya!" Polnareff waved over his shoulder as he began to walk away.

"Tough talk from a man who's digging his own grave." Avdol deadpanned, stopping the Frenchman in his tracks. He slowly turned his head.

"And that means?" Polnareff growled. Avdol stepped forward.

"Just as it sounds, my friend."

"Are you trying to say I can't win?" He stomped back to the front steps of the restaurant, the fire still blazing his his eyes.

"Yes! Can't you see? The enemy is trying to isolate you! I won't let you go it alone, Polnareff." He brought his hand up, pointing at Polnareff's chest.

Polnareff slapped the hand away and got into Avdol's face, jabbing an annoying finger into his chest.

"Listen." He said. "Let me make one thing clear: I never once gave a damn about Dio. I told you I'd tag along to get my revenge, did I not? Joseph and Jotaro already know. I've been alone from the start!"

"You selfish fool!" Avdol exclaimed, pushing Polnareff's chest away. "Did you forget that Dio brainwashed you? Did you forget that he's the root of all of this?"

"You have no idea how it feels to have your sister raped and murdered under your watch! I heard the last time you met Dio, you ran like a wild dog with his tail between his legs!" Avdol's eyes widened, and he clenched his jaw in anger. You gripped Nori's hand tighter and knitted your eyebrows together. Polnareff had struck a nerve. "A coward like you would never understand why I need to do this! You have no understanding of loss!"

Joseph drew a sharp breath. That last sentence broke Avdol. His usually bright disposition dulled. It seemed to blacken, actually.

"What did you say?" He muttered, his usually booming voice a husky whisper.

Polnareff even seemed slightly taken aback. He reached up and gently pushed Avdol's hand away.

"D-Don't touch me." He stammered, backing away.

"Do not tell me that I know nothing of loss, Polnareff." Avdol breathed. "I have lost just as you have. I assure you, I understand more than you will ever know."

Polnareff's lips were slightly open, and his eyes held a look of confusion. Avdol's eyes stared dully back, almost as if he was looking far in the distance, somewhere away from here.

You released Nori's hand and walked up behind Avdol, placing a soft hand on his back. His eyes seemed to regain some of their brightness as he looked down at you and smiled sadly.

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