Chapter 4: The Curse

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"Holly!" Joseph bellowed through the house. "Holly! These are Jotaro's pants! Where are mine?"

You mumbled in your sleep and wrenched up your face in annoyance.

'Does he have to do that so early in the morning?' You thought. You groaned and rolled ever so slowly out of bed. You pulled on your baggy gray pants and white t-shirt. You shuffled out of the guest room Seiko had given you towards the tea room, where Kakyoin was staying. You had stayed to take care of him. You didn't have anyone to go home to anyway. You rubbed your eye and stretched as you entered the tea room.

Kakyoin's red hair was matted on his head and he groaned at the stream of light from the doorway.

"G'morning sleepy." You leaned on the doorway.

His bright, purple eyes lit up when he saw it was you. You giggled when he sat up and his hair stayed the same.

"Good morning, Y/n." He smiled.

"You look wonderful this morning, Cherry." You grinned at the nickname you had given him. You gave him that name because he wore dangle cherry earrings. You figured if he wore them, he liked them, so you started to call him that last night.

His cheeks flushed a bit at the nickname, but you didn't notice because you were too busy with his hair.

"I'll help you comb it." You offered.

"No, I'll be okay." He told you. "I would appreciate it if you could help me sta-"

A loud yell erupted from the silence. A big thud followed it. You and Kakyoin looked at each other. The look on his face is just as confused and scared as you felt. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open in words that weren't spoken.

"Wait here." You said hurriedly.

"Oi! Y/n sto-" You slammed the door shut behind you as you dashed towards the yell. It came from the kitchen. As you neared the door, you caught part of a conversation.

"... can we do?" That was Jojo. He sounded... strange. In pain, almost?

"There's one thing." Joseph replied. You ran through the open door just as Joseph finished another response. "We must kill Dio and break the curse!"

Killing Dio, you were fine with, but what curse was he talking about? That's when you spotted Seiko on the floor. Avdol was holding her head and listening to Joseph and Jotaro.

"What the hell happened?" You cried.

"Y/n." Joseph said grimly. "You don't need to worry about that."

"Why is Seiko on the floor? Is she okay? What did she do?" You had so many questions. You walked into the room and knelt down next to Avdol who was holding her.

"Is there anything I can do?" You said.

"No, she's under the curse." Avdol explained. "We thought she had avoided it."

"What is the curse you keep talking about?" You asked.

Joseph sighed. "If I tell you, you may become involved in something you don't want to be."

You thought about Kakyoin. How traumatizing it must've been to be under Dio's control. How terrifying this man was. You could still see the horror in his eyes sometimes. Why did you feel this way? So... obligated to protect him? You hadn't been attached to anything in a long time. You tried not to be. Avoiding friends meant avoiding hurt. That's how it should be. Right?

"I don't care." You blurted. You were surprised by the confidence in your voice. "Dio needs to be stopped." You rose from the floor. "He is crazy, and he needs to go down. So tell me, Joestar-san. What is going on?"

Joseph seemed shocked at your eagerness. Your stand could be of great use on this mission. It would be nice to have someone else going, too. They would need all the people they could get.

"Are you 100% sure, Y/n?" He said. "There's no going back."

"I'm sure."

"Okay." Joseph's eyes hardened with hate. "Dio is a vampire. One hundred years ago, he stole the body of my grandfather, Jonathan Joestar. A few years ago, something in Jonathan's body was released, it's what gave me my stand, Hermit Purple," Purple vines appeared on his hand along with orange sparks as he said so, "and Jotaro his Star Platinum. It's what's making Holly like this." His voice was strained at the end. "My girl has a stand."

Jotaro clenched his jaw as Joseph spoke, clearly holding back his emotions.

"The reason she cannot contain this stand is because of her fighting spirit." Avdol continued. "Stands are based on your fighting spirit, Holly is kind-hearted and soft. This stand will kill her if we don't take action."

"We must find Dio. We must kill him." Just as Joseph finished, Kakyoin burst through the doorway, only a bit unsteady on his feet. He caught a glimpse of Seiko and his mouth twisted into a scowl.

"Dio." He said.

You nodded.

"We can set up a bed for her in the tea room. There's plenty of space, I'm done resting." Kakyoin offered.

"Thank you, Kakyoin." Avdol said.

Jotaro pulled his hat down over his eyes and turned his head away.

'I'm sorry, Jojo.' You thought.

Avdol swept Holly up in his arms and began to carry her to the tea room Joseph followed closely after. Jotaro waited a bit longer, but soon followed suit.

You and Kakyoin made eye contact as they left the room. You both know what another's saying. Dio is going down. You may not have any relationship with this family or Dio, but you felt the strings of fate pulling at you. You were supposed to go. You felt it. Having Cherry there wasn't so bad either.

You walked up to Kakyoin and placed a hand on his bandage. He leaned forward a bit for you.

"We'll... we'll have to change those bandages." You stuttered.

He gripped your wrist and you felt your face flush immediately. He looked down at you with those beautiful, purple eyes.

"It's okay, Y/n." He assured. "It's okay to be scared. Thank you for taking care of me." He pulled you into a hug. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as you hugged him back.

'What have I gotten myself into?' You thought.

When he released you after a while, both of you started towards the tea room.

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