A step into the right direction

Start from the beginning

Belos raised an eyebrow at her question. "Hunter is busy with another task," he replied smoothly, still wearing that manipulative smile. "And I believe you are the perfect candidate for this mission. You have proven yourself to be quite resourceful in the past, Tabitha." Belos spoke his honey coated words with such precision, that Tabitha almost believed him. But the failure of never capturing Yn still lingered over her.

She wanted to say something. Tell him that she didn't deserve these words. But she knew better than to argue with the emperor. She simply nodded, trying to hide her apprehension.

Belos' smile widened. "Excellent," he said. "You and your Team will leave at first light. And Tabitha," he added, his voice turning serious. "Remember, failure is not an option."

As she turned to leave, the same feeling of doubt that had been gnawing at her for the past few weeks began to grow again. She had always been a loyal follower of Belos, but lately, she couldn't help but question his methods. Flayre's words had stuck with her, making her wonder if there really was a better way to achieve order in the Boiling Isles, without sacrificing so much in the process.

As she walked down the hallway, her mind was racing with conflicting emotions. Fear, doubt, loyalty, uncertainty. She could feel the cool stone floor beneath her worn down boots, hear the faint hum of magic in the air, and smell the musty scent of ancient books from the library nearby. All of this sent a warm Feeling of familiarity through her chest. But still, she was too lost in her thoughts to fully register her surroundings.

It wasn't until she reached the courtyard that she finally snapped out of her daze. She could see the stars twinkling in the sky above, and she took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over her.

But then, she heard a voice echoing in her head. It was Flayre, the dragon in her necklace, urging her to question everything she had been taught. "Belos' methods are not the only way," the dragon's words came Back to the surface "You have the power to choose your own path."

Tabitha shook her head, trying to push the dragon's words aside. She couldn't afford to entertain these thoughts right now. She had a mission to complete, and that was all that mattered.

But as she made her way back to her quarters, she couldn't help but wonder if there was another way. A way to bring order to the Boiling Isles without sacrificing so much in the process. Maybe it was time for her to choose a different path, one that aligned with her own growing beliefs and values.


Hunter was sitting on his Bad, stitching a new Golden Guard's sigil onto his cape, when Flapjack landed on his shoulder and chirped in approval.
"Yeah, it does look good as new," he said and lifted his cape. The stitches didn't hold and He even used a piece of tape to hold a piece of the sigil in place. "...and I have no idea what I am doing." He sighed in defeat. He really should start to do this more often.. A sudden knock at the door pulled him out of his thoughts, and as He stood up, Flapjack went to hide.

Hunter opened the door for two Coven guards. One of which handed him a letter. Her looked at the Letter in confusion and then turned around and opened it.

'My duties are keeping me busy. I entrust you with leading the Coven Heads today. Consider this a Test.'

Hunter immediately grabbed his cape and walked to the throne room, where the Coven Heads were already leaving.
"Good, you're all Here", he began but the Coven Heads just walked past him. He tried to get their attention, but it was no use. They just walked past him. Only Raine Whispers stopped for a moment and looked at Hunter. But even they quickly continued move, when Terra urged them to move.

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