Helping Out some new Friends

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Yesterday's Lie PT.2


Vee and Ivy entered the Gravesfield Historical society, and while Ivy looked around a little, Vee took a sniff and quietly sneezed.

"Bless you." Yn and Ivy said simultaneously, when another voice began to talk.

"Is it that dusty in here?" The voice asked, causing Ivy and Vee to look over. A man, carrying a broom walked up to them and fixed his glasses. "Welcome to The Gravesfield Historical Society. Lemme guess, you're here to buy those weird cards, right?"

"How did you know?" Vee asked.

"Well they've been really popular with high schoolers', The man answered, "yeah, saw an old lady try to dump 'em in a river a while back, but I bought them off her instead. Was really odd though, she kept asking for snails."

"Yep, that definetly was Eda" Yn said with a nod, whoel Luz got all excited next to him.

"This is it!" She said, while Vee and Ivy continued their conversation with the man.

"You want a set?" He asked and Vee nodded excitedly.

"Yes please!"

"Appreciated." Ivy said with a nod.

"Well, it'll be just a minute, so feel free to look around." The man Said and entered a room labelled STAFF. Vee and Ivy chose to walk into the Historical Society's museum and stand opposite a framed painting of a flag. Luz and Yn appeared in the framed reflection.

"Are you okay?" Luz asked, when she noticed the two basilisks dekected expressions. "Hey, forget what that girl said! I know what it's like to run away from home. we did the same thing."

"Yeah, dumb stuff happens." Yn agreed, earning a glare from Ivy.

"You and I are not the same", Vee said, "you had a mom who loved you, a home, a life, you had it GO0D! And you STILL wanted to run away, I... I didn't have a choice. My real name is... Number five and his", she pointed at Ivy, "is Number four. We are basilisks, and technically, we... We shouldn't exist."

"Our kind went extinct a long time
ago, but we were brought back." Ivy began to explain. "They wanted to know how we drained magic.X

"We met a basilisk once." Luz said

"She hurt a lot of people." Yn added

"For many of us, all we knew how to do was feed." Vee retorted and then gave a sigh, before continuing the atory. "Some of us escaped, but I knew it was only a matter of time before HE caught us again."

"Belos" Yn said with a growl in his voice.

"That's when we saw you", Ivy Conti "and... and realised there might be a way out of this!"


A  yellow light emitted from the abandoned house in the Woods and a moment later, Ivy and Vee emerged from the housewhere the portal was set up.

"Kids? Where are you?" Camilas voice rang out, startling Vee and Ivy, causing them to swiftly ransform into a replica of Luz and Yn.

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