59th chapter

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Sebastian was sitting cross-legged on the floor with his eyes closed. He looked like he was meditating. Inferi were standing around him. They looked like they were awaiting an order, similar to the Imperius curse. It was frightening.

"Sebastian, stop. You're going too far!" Garreth shouted at him. Sebastian opened his eyes and gave us a smile.

"I've finally done it. I can use the relic. I control all the Inferi. This relic is capable of controlling dark magic. This will allow me to control Anne's curse. And after that we can live the life we dreamed of. Then we don't have to worry anymore that something will happen to someone. Nobody will be stronger than us. I'll teach you how to control the Inferi. And then the three of us are invincible. Then we can protect our children. And we never have to fear that anything will happen to them if they master this magic.", Sebastian said, smiling softly at us as we approached.

"The Inferi tried to kill us, Sebastian! You don't control them!" Garreth yelled furiously. "Yes, but I actually wanted to remain undisturbed as well, so yes, I control them, they should eliminate all intruders. I didn't know you'd suddenly appear here. But I am glad that you are here. As always, I am very happy to see you. Despite the fact that we've spent almost every day together for the past few months, I just can't get enough of you two.", said Sebastian and tilted his head slightly and smiled lovingly at us. His voice was relaxed, almost genuinely happy, actually.

"Sebastian, please stop. This is really going too far. The Inferi are attacking Feldcroft. They are walking through the village and killing the residents! Please stop before someone you love gets hurt." I pleaded, but Sebastian shook his head gently.

"Caelie, we didn't do all this to give up right now, just before the end. It just has to go that last step further. Then everything will be perfect. Then Anne will be healthy and we can all live our lives in peace.", Sebastian said quietly.

"Depulso!" we heard a harsh voice call out from behind us. "What have you done?!" Solomon yelled angrily. Without hesitating, he attacked us. Sebastian was flung against the stone wall by the spell and it took him a moment to get up again. We repelled Solomon's attacks
.After some time, he called out "Accio Relic!", and levitated the relic from Sebastian.

"Solomon, give it back!" screamed Sebastian, beside himself with rage, pointing his wand at Solomon. Solomon mumbled something and tapped the relic with his staff, which immediately turned to dust and fell to the ground.

The Inferi, now uncontrollable, immediately rushed us. We fended them off, but Solomon attacked only us. He hit me with a charm and I fell to the ground. The Inferi came terrifyingly close to me. "Stay down, sweetheart!" Sebastian yelled in rage, unleashing a wave of fire over me that burned all the Inferi around.

"You're going to pay for this, Solomon!" yelled Sebastian, who was now completely freaking out.

I tried to get up, drank a healing potion, and continued tending the Inferi as Garreth rushed back to Sebastian.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I heard Sebastian yell. A blazing green light illuminated the hall. I looked for Garreth. Garreth stood and held onto Sebastian, whose wand was now several meters away.

"DID YOU TRY TO KILL ME SEBASTIAN?!" Solomon yelled and ran towards Sebastian, knocking Garreth aside and lunging at Sebastian. He smashed Sebastian's face repeatedly with his huge fist before beginning to strangle him. Garreth attempted to smack him off Sebastian with full force while I continued to burn the remaining Inferi.

All of a sudden, I heard another "Avada Kedavra!" and the catacombs were lit up again with a flash of green light. I looked at the two boys. Solomon fell off Sebastian to the ground.

Garreth helped Sebastian to get up and we looked at the entrance to the room. Ominis was holding Anne and trying to calm her down. She casted the curse. Solomon was dead.

Anne knelt beside him while Sebastian searched the cave for remains of the relic. Anne touched Ominis with one hand and Solomon with the other and disapparated.

"Why can Anne do something like that? How can she apparate? How come she knows the killing curse?", Sebastian yelled desperately, while he kept searching, "We have to follow!".

"No, we have to do something else." Garreth said and apparated us back to our house.

"Garreth, I have to go to my sister. Let go of me!" Sebastian yelled, trying to shake Garreth off. "Sebastian, give her time. Ominis is with her. Don't worry.", he said softly, "I'll help you now. You'll feel better afterwards, I promise."

Garreth was just about to heal Sebastian's arm when he looked at him and placed both hands gently on his bloodshot neck.

"Your whole body is covered in darkness and the remnants of dark magic.", Garreth said quietly and furrowed his eyebrows. "Solomon destroyed the relic. Anne will die." Sebastian yelled in despair and began to cry. Garreth said nothing and cupped his cheeks.

Suddenly, a radiant, bright light emanated from Sebastian's body.

"Garreth, what are you doing?!" I yelled in panic. "I'm saving Sebastian from himself. From his power and from his thoughts.", he said softly and put a hand on Sebastian's chest. He closed his eyes and the light increased even more.

All of a sudden, Sebastian started to scream. "We're almost done, you've almost made it. The darkness in your soul is really strong and has been anchored in it for a very long time.", Garreth whispered and stroked Sebastian's cheeks.

He checked Sebastian's upper body with his hand and put it on his forehead."Just as Sebastian was freaking out, I saw it all. I know how to use that magic," Garreth said calmly. Slowly the light faded.

Sebastian opened his eyes again. He wordlessly kissed Garreth on the cheek and sat down on the sofa.

"What was that?" Sebastian asked softly. Garreth poured each of us a glass of pumpkin juice and sat down with Sebastian. "That was the power of the Weasley family, as the note said. After you freaked out, I saw Godric Gryffindor and even spoke to him briefly. He was proud of me that finally someone had awakened his power again. He told me this power is only awakened when a loved one is about to lose themselves in the darkness forever. It's pure magic. White magic. I've removed the dark magic and darkness from your heart." Garreth said and smiled at us. I sat down with them. Pure magic?

Sebastian looked puzzled but was unexpectedly calm. "I didn't even know it existed. Garreth, please try to heal Anne with this." He said softly. Garreth nodded, "I'll try, but for now we should give them some time. I suspect that she is emotionally drained right now. I am sure, that she didn't really want to kill Solomon. She just wanted to rescue you. And I can imagine that she's pretty angry right now, because her love for you enabled her to do that. That's why we should at least keep our distance for a while."

"And while that sounds harsh, Solomon deserved it. The whole time, until we started, you were alone. Anne couldn't help you, Ominis didn't want to help you and Solomon wanted you to sit there and just watch your sister suffer," I said quietly.

Garreth and Sebastian looked at me in shock. "I know that sounds really bad, but if Solomon had helped you with his means and if Ominis had stayed by your side, you probably wouldn't have sunk so deep into this darkness. And I'm sorry that we didn't help you either." I added.

Sebastian furrowed his brows. "You did help me. But I realized that this research has changed me. I didn't mean to pollute your souls like I did mine. I purposely kept you guys out of it, which is why I've been traveling alone a lot lately. I know that if I had asked you, you would have accompanied me to the abyss of the world. And I love you both for that, but I really wanted to keep you two out of it."

"Yeah, and by Godric Gryffindor's words, I guess I can't deny it. I love you both too," Garreth said blushing, looking down at his pumpkin juice.

"And I love you. But what's next?" I asked. In two days Adaliz wanted to arrive and we wanted to start our journey.

"I'm going to write Anne and Ominis a letter. Apologize. For everything I've done to them. If Anne is ready, she will get back to me one day, and if not, then I will accept it. Ominis is with her. He'll take care of her. But for now Iceland is waiting for us.", Sebastian said and smiled a bit.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang