He turned to me and placed his hands on my cheeks. "I wish I knew for sure myself. But right now I only know two things," he said quietly, kissing me.

"Which one?" I asked curiously. He smiled charmingly at me and gave me another kiss. "Firstly, that I really love you with all my heart and secondly, that I want you right now." He unbuttoned his trousers and pushed my legs apart to enter me. His freckled penis was already erect, probably my questions had awakened some feelings and thoughts in him

"Don't we have to go back?" I asked worried. "Oh, I'll hurry. You're riding the fastest broomstick there is, my love," he said, thrusting, laughing loudly. "You're stupid. And that's exactly how I love you," I laughed and kissed him while grabbing his curly hair. He hadn't cut his hair since the end of last year, so it looked even wilder than usual. And I liked that.

Garreth held my lower back with one hand while he used the other to pull my hair back. I tilted my head back and he kissed my neck as he kept thrusting, hard and fast. It didn't take long for him to come inside me. He gave me one more loving kiss before pulling away from me. I just freshened up in the bathroom and we were off to the Weasleys'. This time I ran myself. I was unexpectedly quick. Garreth was way ahead of me in sprints, but his normal race pace was pretty much in line with mine.

Still, I hopped back onto his head halfway down the trail. His dark golden fur was so wonderfully soft and smelled amazing.

A lynx and a gazelle came towards us just before the Weasleys' house. They turned around again and together we transformed again before entering the house. "Why did it take you so long? We were just about to pick you up.", Sebastian said.

"It just took us longer on foot than with the broom. But the journey is much more fun.", I said and gave Sebastian a little kiss. "Hmm, it must have been because of the long way. Definitely.", Natty said with a laugh. We ate dinner together and then the Weasleys shooed us out of the house.

"So kids, if anyone from the Ministry asks, I've picked you three to teach you about the animagus transformation. We did the theory at the end of last year, and we started the practice in February," Matilda said. We nodded to her in agreement. "Natsai, of course you can also say that you already learned it in Uagadou and didn't know that it was illegal to not be registered. When we discussed the topic, you found out and that's why you're accompanying us," she added.

Yvain walked into the shed. He levitated out an old, rusty bucket and dropped it on the ground in the lawn behind the house. "It's a portkey that takes us straight to the Ministry. It requires a permit, but since I use it every day, I got it, of course," he said. "Stand up and on three we'll touch it at the same time. So. One. Two. Aaand three."

I touched the bucket in time and a moment later we were in a long stone hall. I saw fireplaces with green fire everywhere. Floo Powder.

"Hey Dad, how do you get on the Floo Network anyway?" Garreth asked curiously. "It's actually quite simple. You need a working chimney and then someone from the Ministry will come to you, check the chimney and smuggle it into the network. I don't know exactly how it works. These are specially trained colleagues. Why do you ask?" , Yvain asked skeptically.

"Well, the three of us have decided that we want to put a Floo powder fireplace in the shed at Marlee's house. We want to magically lock the door so no one can easily get in or out and we're going to put wards around the house anyway," Garreth said , who grabbed Sebastian's hand with a smile.

"Guys, you better watch out. I think a lot of the stuffy old farts here have a hard time with same-sex relationships, let alone relationships that have more than two partners.I'm sorry, but not all people are as relaxed as our family." Gwen said softly. Sebastian and Garreth let go of each other, and Garreth came over and took my hand.

"And about the chimney. Expand the old cabin, put in a chimney and we'll do it," said Yvain, smiling.

Yvain guided us safely through the enormous building. At a door he stopped and knocked. "Be kind, he's very new to the department," he admonished us.

After a while, the door opened and Ominis opened the door to us. No, that wasn't Ominis, but he looked very much like him.

"Hello Perilian, I would like to register new Animagi." Yvain said with a relaxed smile.

Perilian gave us all a piercing look and shook hands with us in a friendly manner. "Hello. I'm Perilian Gaunt. I'm one of the apprentices and I'm going to register your animagus form today."

He sounded a lot more confident than Ominis and he didn't seem to be blind either. I got goosebumps. This young man had a very strange aura. 

At Sebastian he stopped. "I think we both know each other already, don't we?" he asked Sebastian. Sebastian was just as shocked as I was to see one of Ominis brothers here.

"Oh, you know each other?" Yvain asked curiously. "Yes, he's my little brother Ominis best friend. I may have been out of Hogwarts for a number of years, but i remember my poor blind brother's friends very well. How is the young lady who always walked around with you?" Perilian asked, still smiling friendly. I've never seen such a fake smile in my life. It almost looked like he was laughing at Sebastian.

"She's sick.", Sebastian said coldly. He obviously felt the same as I did.

"Well then, let's get started.", Perilian said and put several stacks of papers in front of him, without responding to Sebastian's answer.

"Well then, ladies first. What's your name, when were you born, what's your blood status, where do you live?" "Caelie Lewis, April 22nd, 1875, blood status unclear, with the Weasley family." I answered coolly.

"Then please transform once.", Perilian instructed. I transformed and he took my measurements and wrote down the genus.

"All right, the other lady please." "I'm Natsai Onai, born September 5th, 1974, pure blood, Uganda and Hogwarts." "Transform." Natty transformed and Perilian wrote down everything neatly.

I was watching Garreth. He also studied Perilian extensively.

"Well, then you.", he said, pointing to Sebastian, "You're a half-blood, if I remember correctly?" he asked. He didn't know his name but he knew his blood status. Weird guy, but well, with the stories Ominis has told about his family, it was hardly surprising.

"Sebastian Sallow, December 30th, 1974, half-blood, also with the Weasleys." He said and transformed without further prompting, while Gwen and Yvain looked at him in irritation.

"And now you. A Weasley, I guess?" he asked, giving Garreth a similar disparaging look as Sebastian, but Garreth was a lot more relaxed. "I'm Garreth Weasley, born August 4th, 1974, living with my parents and of course I'm also a pureblood traitor," he laughed while Gwen clutched her head in embarrassment and Perilian's jaw clenched visibly. Sebastian and I looked at each other and had to hold back our laughter. Garreth transformed and panted happily.

"Well, the four of you were escorted through the transformation by Prof. Weasley, yes?" he asked. We nodded. "Then that's it. I still need a signature from everyone and then you can go.", Perilian said tensely.

Just as we were about to leave and said goodbye, Perilian said. "Please tell Ominis that he is greatly missed at home. He has not contacted us in two and a half years. We miss him."

The words he chose sounded friendly, but the way he said them sounded more like missing their favorite victim.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now