Part 101

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Harry: Hey, are you over your breakup yet?

Uma: I don't know. Why?

Harry: I thought maybe you'd like to get a burrito with me

Uma: I'm not really hungry

Harry: Then can I borrow 20 bucks? I don't have any cash and I need a burrito.


Audrey: I miss you a lot Ben

Ben: You know what I miss?

Ben: Oreo cereal

Audrey: What? Please be serious

Ben: Where do they sell that at


Harry: Any plans for tonight

Jay: No

Harry: Ha, loser


Evie: I got a B in Chem!

Doug: WTF, well done!

Evie: Wait, what do you think WTF means?

Doug: Well that's fantastic


Evie: Which way did Mal go?

Carlos: Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I'd guess she went left.

Jay: You could really figure it out from that?

Carlos: No, you idiot, Mal sent me a text. See?


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