Ben/Carlos Part 14

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Ben: Carlos, you look anxious

Carlos: Thanks, it's my anxiety

Ben: [Genuinely concerned]


Jay: Why are your tongues purple?

Ben: We had slushies! I had a blue one.

Carlos: And I had a red one.

Mal: Oh...OH

Jay: ...You drank each other's slushies?


Carlos, screaming: I FIXED IT

Ben: What did you fix Carlos?


*Explosion in the background*

Carlos: ...

Ben: ...

Carlos: Everything besides that


Carlos: Can you imagine getting paid for being cute?

Ben [Mumbling]: You would be a billionaire then

Carlos: What did you say?

Ben: I don't need that, I'm already rich


Ben, kissing Carlos: Woah, your heart's beating really fast.

Carlos: Sorry, I'm a little nervous.

Ben: Is this your first time?

Carlos: No, I've been nervous before.


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