Part 30

144 2 8


Audrey: My criminal record? The only illegal thing I've done is killing it on the dance floor!

Audrey: Just kidding! I've killed a lot of animals.

Audrey: IN MINECRAFT! I meant in Minecraft!


Jane: I love bees! They're important for the ecosystem and they make honey!

Bee: *buzz*



Doug, to Evie: Wanna see how hardcore I am?

Doug: *Punches the wall*


Doug: Take me to the hospital


Evie: We might have gotten into a street fight back in the city.

Ben: Well, that was predictable.

Evie: One of them punched a gang member.

Ben: Mal?

Evie: Jay, actually.

Ben: Oh, that was my second guess.


Evie: Words that end in 'ie' sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-

Jay: Homie!

Carlos: But then there's cootie-

Mal: Die.


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