Part 33

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Ben: What's your biggest fear?

Uma: That I'll never be good enough

Harry: That everyone hates me and talks behind my back

Gil: Zombies.

Ben, Harry and Uma: ...

Gil: BUT they can open doors


Mal: Could you all at least try to see this from my perspective?

Evie: *crouches down*

Jay: *kneels down*

Ben: *sits on the floor*

Mal: I hate all of you.


Ben: Mal, I am questioning your sanity...

Evie: I never questioned it, I knew her sanity was missing from the start.


Mal: Jay, what do you have?


Mal: Okay have fu-

Ben: NO!


Carlos: Can Jay and I get chocolate?

Mal: Did you ask Evie?

Carlos: She said no.

Mal: Then why did you ask me?

Carlos: She's not the boss of you.

Mal, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap-


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