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3rd Person's Pov

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3rd Person's Pov

The students were back in their barracks. Yuna and Soocheol both were thinking about the hug that they had shared.

"Yah can you sleep?" Soyeon asks bringing Yuna out of her thoughts.

"No." Yuna sighed. Nobody was able to sleep after what Lieutenant Lee had told them.

The girls all got up from their beds as one boy entered their barrack.

"I have a plan." Youngshin said. "They can stop 4 of us but can't stop 400 of us can they? What if we inform the other classes?"

"Hey are you crazy? We can't do that." Yuna said.

"We have to do it. Don't you want to go home?" Soonyi questioned.


"Let's go!"

It was the next morning, the other classes had found out about the death of class 3-2's homeroom teacher because of the sphere.

"Push them push them!" They students shout as they try to push the soldiers standing in their way.

No one had listened to Yuna concerns, they all had gone forward with Youngshin's plan.

"What are you doing? Push them back!"

Yuna was trying to push a soldier who was blocking her but her ankle was not helping her as she fell.

Taeman quickly helps his classmate up, as they push together.

"I heard that class 3-2's homeroom teacher died!"

"Yeah! She supposedly died because of the sphere!"

"This bastard!"

"I heard it all from the guys in class 3-2!"

"We heard it all!"

"We don't want to stay here!"

"I heard that class 3-2's Younghoon also died!"

"He also died because of the sphere!"

A gunshot is heard, the students flinch because of the noise. Few students screamed as they covered their ears.

"Hey! If you guys keep acting like this it won't do you any good. You guys won't get any bonus points for Csat."
A soldier screamed.

"I don't care about any of that. Just send us home." Heerak cried out causing the soldier to aim his gun at him.

"You get penalty points, you punk!"

"Thanks for the penalty points! Push guys!"

"What are you doing? Get back inside!" Lieutenant Lee yelled as he came out of the school building.

"Nothing will change from you guys doing this, go inside." Wonbin ordered.

"Why do we have to do this? We aren't soldiers!" Bora exclaimed.

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