Searching Serenno

Start from the beginning

Time Skip
The ship landed on the planet's surface silently and the large cat that emerged from the cargo hold looked rather furious. "Hahaha, there you are Nalu." Reva beamed. Seren walked past the pair and then looked down at the small remote. Seren picked it up looking rather confused until she clicked a button, the ship whirled as the gangplank opened. "Ahh well look at that a remote. At least the ship can't get stolen now." Seren mumbled. "Soo, where are we going?" Reva quizzed. "We are going to infiltrate Castle Serenno and steal some of the war chests. A chest for the ship seller and a chest for us." Seren answered as her tunic swayed back and forth. Nalu and Reva followed Seren out of the ship, allowing her to close the vessel. Reva climbed her way onto Nalu's back and walked up to her master. "Alrighty, let us break in." Seren affirmed as she swung herself up onto the cat's back and took the cat's reigns from her Padawan. Seren flicked the reigns and began to guide the cat to the castle. Soon the ominous outline of the castle came into view causing Seren to pull back on the reigns. "Wooww." Reva breathed out. Seren looked over the landscape searching for any sign of life, but found none. She flicked the reigns again causing Nalu to begin forward again. As the cat arrived at the courtyard, Seren pulled up her hood and Reva's. "Master, did you ever meet Count Dooku?" Reva inquired. "Yes, but that was when I was a slave on Zygerria." Seren replied plainly. "You were a slave?" Reva inquired. Seren nodded her head once as she continued to guide the cat towards the doors. "Why?" Reva quizzed. "Because and I were born into slavery on Tatooine, so when the Queen came to our home planet and requested to purchase me, I was relocated." Seren explained. Seren swung her leg over and approached the large doors. She pushed the doors open and waited for a trap, only for nothing to happen. "Well, that was anti-cinematic." She mumbled. Seren nodded her head, signally the cat to follow suit. "Now let's find that chest." Seren affirmed as she took the reigns of the cat and lead them through the castle. "Now Reva, where would be able to find the location of the chest?" I inquired. "The control center." Reva stated nervously. "That is a good place to start." Seren nodded as they began into the center of the castle. The soft pattern of footsteps echoed off the walls of the castle as they crept closer to the center. They arrived at Dooku's headquarters where the large, green, glass window hung. "Whoah." Reva breathed out. "Alrighty climbs on off Nalu and I'll show you how to hack into systems." Seren pronounced. Reva nodded her head and hopped off the cat before she hurried over to the Jedi. "Alright, so what you are going to do is rest your hand over the keyboard and close your eyes. Feel the force guide you to the right keys. If I had the technology I would show you what to use to hack into it manually, but I don't." Seren reasoned. Reva closed her eyes and focused on the keyboard. "Press the keys, the force guides you to." Seren whispered as Reva clicked the buttons on the board. The system climbed as it unlocked for the Jedi. "I did it." Reva breathed out excitedly. "Yeah, you did." Seren smiled. "Now search for the treasury." Seren instructed. Reva nodded her head and then clicked on the map. "It is beneath the castle in the catacombs." Reva pronounced. "Alright, well let's get going." Seren nodded. "Wait...Aren't there dead people in catacombs?" Reva inquired. "Yes." Seren answered plainly. "Then can I go wait back at the ship? I don't want to see dead people." Reva stated with a grimace. "Not again at least." She muttered. "Alright, well here is the remote to the ship. Just be safe on the way back." Seren ordered. "Yes, Master." Reva nodded before taking off. Seren watched Reva leave and then turned to memorize the map. Seren nodded her head and held out her hand, allowing a blue flame to ignite in her palm. The light illuminated her hood face and the room around her. "Well let's find these catacombs." Seren sighed as she held out her hand allowing the flame to light her way. She walked into the area where the blueprints showed to go when she found nothing but a ladder. Seren looked down into the dark black abyss and sighed annoyed. "Well, this doesn't look like the hole to hell." Seren mumbled angrily before she left down into the hole. The hole seemed to go on forever until her feet finally touched the firm stone ground. A chill rained up her spine as the cold of the catacombs. Seren ignited the flames once more and looked around as she wrapped her arm around her waist, a vein attempt at protecting herself against the ever-creeping chill. She held her hand out and began to walk deeper into the bone-filled tunnels. Seren's blue eyes scanned the tunnels searching for any signs a cold wind blew past her. "Welcome to my castle, Seren Palpatine." A voice spoke causing Seren to pause then whip around to face the source. Seren's eyes widened with who she was met. "Well if it isn't the dead man Count Dooku." Seren countered. "Yes although I must say you look far better dead than I do." The count proclaimed. Seren took a steady step back as she glared at the man before her. "What do you want?" Seren spoke calmly. "You may share the same name as your father, but you have your mother's heart." Dooku proclaimed. Seren raised her brow and studied the former Sith Lord. "Here to yell at me about not stealing your war chest?" Seren stated with a raised brow. "If my war chest assists you in taking down Darth Sidious, or your father then I will gladly take you to it." Dooku pronounced. Seren's posture relaxed as she looked over the man in front of her. "So you want to take down your former master?" She quizzed. Dooku nodded his head and began to lead the way through the catacombs. "Darth Sidious betrayed me, I wish him to fall as I did." Dooku proclaimed. "Did he kill you?" Seren asked. Dooku raised his brow at the experienced Jedi warrior. "No, your brother killed me. I was unarmed at the time." Dooku answered. Causing the red-haired woman to look down in shame. "That is when he fell." Seren frowned. Dooku nodded his head before he cleared his throat. "By the time I realized my master never intended to fix the galaxy with me at his side it was too late and now he is causing more suffering amongst the galaxy." Dooku pronounced. Seren gave Dooku a dumbfounded look. "Well, you sorta set yourself up for failure." Seren proclaimed causing the Sith to look at her dumbly. "Well look at it, you were supporting the Queen of Zygerria and her endeavors to enslave as many people as possible and kidnapping young girls to become the Knights of Zygerria. You were stealing artifacts from centuries-old civilizations to fuel your greed and you would torture anyone who stood in your way. An empire that is built through flames will always end up being burned down." Seren proclaimed with finality in her tone, causing the Sith to look at her in shock. Maybe it was at her words, or maybe he was simply shocked at how knowledgeable the younger woman was. "I suppose you are correct." Dooku nodded. They walked in silence until Seren noticed a faint blue glow. "What the?" Seren exclaimed. "Ah yes, one of the items I borrowed from the council." Dooku pronounced as Seren approached the small glowing cube known as a Holocron. "You have a Jedi holocron?" Seren asked in shock. "Yes and because of the design of the holograms you can access all the Jedi's secrets." Dooku proclaimed. "Wait can I delete the data from the other holocrons?" Seren inquired. "Yes, I suppose you could." Dooku nodded. Seren took the Holocron in her hand and sat down the group as she opened up the Jedi artifact. "What are you doing?" Dooku asked in wonder. "I am deleting the information the halocarbons hold, so then my father can't use it against the galaxy." Seren explained as she flipped through the settings of the device. She spoke her intentions to the Holocron and the artifact glowed brighter. Far from Seren within the Jedi temple as the ominous figure of Darth Vader stalked by the Jedi holocrons when their light begins to flicker out. Causing the Sith to pause and look at the Holocron. The image of the blue light disappearing reflected off the Sith's shiny black helmet. "No..., stop them." Vader boomed. The man besides the Sith lord frantically ran up to the artifacts only for the device to dim to a close. "What is happening?" Vader growled at the Inquisitor. "The holocrons....they are being deleted." The Inquisitor gapped. Soon the walls of Holocrons dimed signally that the data had been removed from the now useless artifacts. "My lord the holocrons....they've been deleted. All of them, all the information is lost." The Inquisitor proclaimed. Vader stood still as he stared at the empty slot where a holocron was once held. "Someone deleted all of the data, using a stolen Holocron." Vader growled out. "How do you know?" The Inquisitor asked as he turned towards his master. Vader nodded towards the empty slot. "A Jedi." The inquisitor growled.  "Contact Director Shand, she will want to be in on it?" Darth Vader growled out. "In on what, Lord Vader?" He asked. The sith released a quiet growl. "The hunt for the Jedi."

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