Sign Of Life [Cause of Death II, The Grand Finale]

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Kyle made his way back to the waiting room. The sight that he was meant with was heartbreaking.

Butters' small body was trembling and shaking hard from the amount of stress he felt from fearing that Raven would lose his life.

"We... When we came up here, I thought... I thought...," He choked onto a sob, Kenny pulling him into a close and tight embrace as he rubbed his back.

"I know... I know, but it's okay. It's going to be okay," Kenny nodded his head slowly, wiping a few of his own tears away.

"This... This is not what I...," The smaller blonde seems to be struggling to even get his words out. He leans his head into Kenny's jacket, sobbing into it. He looks truly heartbroken.

Tweek's eyes are shadowed over, and he looks just as scared. Tears stream down from his face as well, and he looks to Cartman with a trembling body as well. It's not as bad as Butters, but he still looks quite affected.

Cartman isn't crying. He is trying to stay as strong as he can for the others. They all need a shoulder to cry on, and he knows that now is one of those times. He slowly pulls Tweek into a hug, the two holding onto each other tightly.

Kyle had nobody to do this with. He sat down on one of the empty chairs between all of them, taking in a heavy swallow.

"...What happened in there?" Kenny asks with shaky breath, looking quite distressed. He has a few beads of sweat on his forehead, and he looks to be just as scared as the others.

"...I don't think he has much faith in himself. He said that fate is cruel to him, and there were a lot of things that he wanted to do in life that got taken away from him. I kissed him, and then I had to leave," Kyle bites his lower lip harshly, trying his damndest not to cry.

"...," Kenny looks upset about that news, gazing down to Butters.

"I-If he doesn't have... F-Faith in himself, he... He will... He... He is going, he...," Butters can't even seem to finish a full sentence. Every atom of his body is affected by this news. His heart, soul, mind, and body especially.

"Shhh, shh...," Kenny hushes him gently, shaking his head. "It's okay. You are going to be okay, I promise...," He grimaces, thinking about what is to happen.

The five of them waited in there for hours. Six to eight, to be exact. It was intense, to say the least.

Butters continued to tremble, cry, and shake.

Kenny cried as well, though held onto him tightly.

Tweek couldn't handle the news and went into another panic attack, Cartman having to calm him down.

Kyle didn't cry once. He looked completely emotionless as he sat there, awaiting the news.

Eventually a few doctors and nurses left the operation room, looking towards Kyley.

"...Kyle?" The nurse spoke quietly, approaching him. "Were you waiting here for Raven?" She asks.

"...Yes," He nods his head slowly, rising up from his seat.

"...Come follow me," She gives a sad smile, as if trying to hold back tears herself.

The woman took Kyle back into the operation room with her. Raven was resting on the bed, able to take a full breath in and out. He was fast asleep in the bed, but he certainly was conscious.

"He... He did it? He's going to make it, right?!" A wide smile comes upon the redhead's face, gazing towards the nurse.

"Yes... He made it!" She nods her head, tears of happiness coming down her cheeks.

Kyle looked towards the black haired boy. Raven opened his eyes up slowly, coming back to his consciousness.

"...Darling?" He questions weakly, smiling softly with tired eyes.

"Yes... Yes, it's me! Babe, you made it!" The redhead smiled gleefully, taking Raven's hands into his own.

"You did it, Raven... I knew you could," Kenny follows up from behind Kyle, holding Butters' hand tightly as to comfort him.

"You... You really did it?!" Butters looks shocked, tears of joy coming down his face. "I am so happy right now, you have no idea!" He claps joyfully, running up to the opposite bedside.

"Wow... You did it, Raven. You made the one and only Mistress cry!" Cartman teases, walking beside Tweek.

"Wow... All of the hope that we had in you has truly come in clutch!" Tweek pats Raven on the head affectionately.

"Raven... May I?" Kyley blushes, placing a hand beneath Kyle's chin.

"Yes... You may," Raven nods his head slowly, smiling lovingly to the Jerseyite.

Kyle leans down and presses a deep close to the goth's lips. Raven kisses Kyle just the same, pulling away with a bright shine in his eyes.

He looks much better. His skin is less pale and his cheekbones are fuller. He doesn't have shortness of breath at all, and is actually quite doing just as well.

"Kyle... Thank you for everything that you have done for me. All of you, really...," The black haired boy smiles sweetly, lying his head on the pillow to sleep.

6 Months Later

It was May now, a beautiful and bright summer day. Today was the day of Kyle and Raven's wedding.

Cartman, Kenny, Butters and Tweek... Well actually, Mistress, Anetra, Marcia, and Princess Poppy had all gotten ready in their drag.

Mistress scored a long blonde wig along with a red dress.

Marcia wore a light blue dress along with a straight blonde wig.

Anetra went for a brunette look with a lilac dress.

Poppy wore a sapphire blue dress along with a golden wig.

Kyley stood at the end of the aisle, wearing a white suit with a red tie.

And finally, was the beautiful bride herself, Raven Fierce.

Raven was wearing a medium black wig along with a large, sparking black wedding dress. He held a bouquet of red roses in his hands, something that Marcia had bought for him. They had Poppy's husband as their priest.

"Kyley Broflovski, do you take Raven as your lovely wedded... Wife?" Craig asks the question, almost sounding unsure with that last word.

"I do," Kyle nods his head.

"Raven, do you take Kyle as your lovely wedded husband?" He asks.

"I do," Raven nods his head happily.

"You may kiss the bride," Craig announces, rolling his eyes.

Kyle leans into Raven's face, and kisses him softly.

The crowd claps, and Marcia even wipes a tear away.

What happened next, you ask? Well...

Kyley got a job as a police officer, Raven working as a makeup artist. They moved into a house together in Jersey.

For their honeymoon, they did what Raven had always wanted to.

In Orange County, Motionless In White was on the Fierce Tour, named after Raven himself.

The goth stood beside his husband, listening to the music and partied about the hardest he had his entire life.

"...You happy, babe?" Kyley asks teasingly, standing there beside him.

"Happiest I have been in my life. I love you, Kyley," The two join in another kiss.

I have had so much fun writing this, thank you all for reading!
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