Cause of Death (Ending I)

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There is going to be another ending after this chapter, it is up to you to decide which one is canon!

"K-Kyley...?" Raven turned his head towards the redhead, a light smile creeping upon his lips.

"...Yes, Raven?" The Jerseyite is trying his best not to cry in front of the goth. He forces a small smile upon his lips instead.

"...I just wanted to have one last moment with you, if I don't make it through this operation," He frowns deeply, looking towards his lover. "Kyley... Will you please hold my hand? I have grown too weak to lift it," He frowns, his eyelids dropping.

"Yes...," The redhead nods his head slowly, taking hold of the goth's hand as he had asked him to.

"...Thank you," Raven gives a light smile, lying his head back down on the pillow. "Life... Life is cruel, isn't it? I'm only 19, almost 20 years old...," He frowns deeply, knowing what was to come.

"Raven... No, don't talk like that. You can do this babe, I know you can make it through this," Kyle shakes his head, holding onto his hand as tightly as he possibly can without hurting him.

He then looked at Raven's face.

Pale skin.
Dark hair.
Sunken in cheekbones.
Eyebags beneath his eyes.
Dull, ice blue, eyes.

It hit him in that moment, as if a bullet was shot right through his heart.

"...I wanted to go to concerts with you," Raven gives a small laugh, thinking on it. "Guns n' Roses, and Motionless In White... We could be there for each other. You would protect me from the rowdy crowd, and I would pass out from how hard I'd be headbanging... It would have been so fun," His eyes drop at the end of his sentence.

"...And we still can. I know that you can do this, Raven. I will take you to that damn concert!" Kyle grimaces, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face. "I will take you anywhere that you could possibly want to go, I swear on it! I swear on my heart, soul, and entire body! I will take you!" He seems like he is on the edge of a breakdown.

Raven chuckles softly, his tired blue eyes staring into Kyle's emerald green ones. "This is part of the reason of why I fell so deep in love with you. I want to marry you so bad...," Tears fill his eyes. "You would do anything for me, as I would for you...," He lies his head back down on the pillow, smiling to him.

"...Then please live for me," Kyle whispers softly, his eyes glazing over with tears.

"...I will try. I really will," Raven nods his head slowly, coughing harshly. He winces shortly after, his lungs in quite the amount of pain.

"...We are going to have to perform the operation now," The doctor approaches Kyle, frowning. "We will let you know when the operation is done," He explains.

"Okay...," Kyle nods his head. "But before I go...," He presses a deep kiss to Raven's lips.

It was the most passionate kiss the two had shared together.

Raven smiled to his boyfriend as he pulled away, a small blush creeping upon his lips.

"Thank you...," He whispered softly, the anesthesia taking its toll on his body.

"You're welcome...," Kyle leaves the emergency room, closing the door gently behind him.

His surgery had begun. They were replacing Raven's unhealthy lungs with a healthy pair, the last thing that they could do to save his life.

Kyle made his way back to the waiting room. The sight that he was meant with was heartbreaking.

Butters' small body was trembling and shaking hard from the amount of stress he felt from fearing that Raven would lose his life.

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