Chapter 26

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The group had finally arrived to New Jersey's airport, Butters stretching his arms as he rose up from his seat.

"Come on guys, we'll be late!" He smiled to all of his friends, rising up from his seat and grabbed his luggage, running past the crowd of people with a bright smile on his face.

"Late?! I don't want to be late!" Tweek scrambles to grah his luggage as well, running behind the other blonde.

"Hey! Let me through, damnit...!" Cartman hisses, pushing past quite a few people.

Raven had been awake for awhile, drinking his morning cup of coffee while watching TV.

"Mornin', babe," Kyley rubs one of his eyes, smiling to Raven as he yawns.

"Good morning, darling," He smiles sweetly, pulling a blanket over his body as he watches the TV intently.

"What are you watching?" The redhead asks, sitting beside Raven on the couch.

"There was a Motionless In White concert last night. That's what I am watching," The black haired boy yawns, leaning up against Kyley and closes his eyes.

"...Of course you are. Sometimes I feel like I've gotta compete with that guy," Kyley rolls his eyes, wrapping an arm around Raven.

He looks almost exhausted today. He usually was never like this. Raven's eyes were completely closed, and he opened his eyes slowly before getting up from the redhead. He coughed harshly a moment later, holding onto his ribcage again.

"Ugh...," He frowned deeply, his eyes opened only halfway.

"...Hey. Are you feeling okay?" Kyley begins to feel concerned, gazing at the black haired boy.

"I'm okay, honey...," Raven nods his head, though continues to frown. "Trust me... I am fine," He rises up from the couch slowly, only to stumble a bit, falling backwards.

"Hey...!" The Jerseyite caught him just in time, his worry for the goth spiking up even more than what it was before. "I don't think you're okay. You seem really exhausted, and you can barely catch your breath," He cringes, gazing at Raven.

Kyle's eyes widened as he took a closer look at Raven. His cheekbones were prominent, and his skin seemed to be even paler than usual. The redhead felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach.

It hit Kyley in this moment that Raven was not doing well, and his emphysema was getting worse.

"...Babe, I think that you should take it easy today," He frowned deeply, forming a bead of sweat as he pulled the goth close.

"I'm...," The black haired boy coughed again, his lungs stinging. "I'm okay. My friends have come up all this way to see me, I can't let them down...," He shook his head.

"They wouldn't want to see you like this!" Kyley shook his head as well, frowning deeply. He scooped Raven up in his arms, taking him to their bedroom and sat him down on the bed. He pulled the covers over him, taking hold of his hands.

"I guess... I guess you're right," Raven nodded his head slowly, his eyelids feeling heavy, as if he couldn't keep them open and longer. He closed his eyes and lied his head down on the pillow, coughing once more as he attempted to take a full breath in.

He seemed to have a shortness of breath that was noticeable. It hurt Kyley to see him like this, Raven seemed to be in a wide amount of pain despite him saying that he wasn't. Kyley crawled in bed beside him, holding him close as he attempted to comfort him.

"...I think that we should take you to get checked out, babe," The redhead feels as if he is holding tears back, worried for what may happen to his lover.

"No... I'm seriously okay. I have been dealing with this since I was a teenager. Everything is fine. It's fine...," He flips over to his side, closing his eyes once more. "For now, I'm going to try and rest. A nap is not going to hurt me," He placed a hand on the side of Kyley's face, kissing him briefly before he pulled away with a smile.

"...I'll just let you sleep for now. But I do disagree with what you're saying," Kyle muttered to himself, allowing for the black haired boy to fall asleep.

Meanwhile, at the airport,

"Butters?! Is that you?!" A familiar voice called out to the energetic blonde boy.

Butters turned his back, only for his eyes to be met with none other than Kenny! Or... Anetra, if you will.

He gasped, running towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Hi! Did you just get here? How was the private jet?" He asks excitedly, smiling widely to his old friend.

"It was pretty good, I would say. I also noticed that you three seemed a little stranded, but worry not! I already rented a car, so we've got a sweet ride of our own now!" Kenny smiles, pulling Butters into an affectionate hug.

"Oh, that's awesome!" The shorter blonde claps happily, looking towards the other two.

Cartman and Tweek seemed to be in an argument of some kind, chaos radiating off of the two.

"You told me that you would be the one renting the car!" Tweek stated, his heartbeat spiking up from the stress that he felt.

"No, that is not what happened! You said that you would be the one renting the car, I remember it clear as day!" The brunette folds his arms, tapping his foot against the ground.

"...Yeah, they have been at this for awhile," Butters stated, a bead of sweat rolling down his face.

"Ladies, ladies... Mistress and Poppy, you're both pretty," He teases, patting them on the head. "But don't worry about the ride! I rented the car," Kennt winks, showing it off to them all.

It looked quite expensive, it was a shiny black car with high mileage.

"Oh! Then it works out just fine," Cartman shakes his head with a soft smile. "Thanks, Kenny!"

"No problem!" The blonde shakes his head.

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