Chapter 13

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Raven pulled away with a joyful smile. He giggled softly while turning his head to look out the window, a beautiful sunset present for the couple to look at.

"Wow... There's a real pretty sunset today, huh?" He chuckles while turning his head back to his lover.

"Yeah... It's a real pretty one, alright. Still nothin' compared to your beauty, though!" Kyle presses a kiss to his cheek, hugging him nice and tight to his body.

"You flatter me...," He smiled while a soft blush formed upon his cheeks. He couldn't lie to himself anymore, he was head over heels for the Jerseyite and never wanted to be separated away from him.

"I mean every single word, babe," The redhead smiles sweetly, running his hands up and down Raven's back.

"I... I'm so glad that we can be together like this. You know, nobody has even laid a finger on me for at least a decade. I have felt so alone," The black haired boy sighs, nuzzling his face into Kyley's neck. "I'm thankful for you...," He whispers with a sweet tone to his voice.

"I'm thankful for ya too, more than anything!" The redhead smiles big, pressing a kiss to Raven's head. "Now, c'mon. I didn't stop here for nothing. There's a movie bein' shown at that theater over there," He points to a movie theater ahead of the two.

"A movie theater? What are they showing?" Raven questions, feeling Kyle's arms sneak under his legs and lift him up slightly.

He scooped the goth up bridal style, opening the door to the front seat with him in his arms. "I think it's a horror movie of some kind, but I can't remember. It's the one with that shower scene or whatever," He shrugs. "Have you heard of it? It's pretty damn old, but movies like that were better than the ones we have now. They think that the cheap effects and shit will get people to scream their lungs out, but not me!" Kyle shakes his head, huffing. "The CGI work honestly makes modern horror movies a comedy to me, ya know?" He grins.

"...I haven't seen this one with said 'shower scene,'" The goth shakes his head, Kyle setting him gently down on the ground. "I think I have heard about it though. Ice Nine Kills made a song about it, right?" Of course the goth brought up one of his favorite bands again.

"...Uh, yeah. Sure?" Kyle shrugs, having never heard of such song before.

"...Nevermind, I forgot you aren't goth," He shrugs his shoulders, then takes his boyfriend's hand in his own and walks inside of the theater with him. Despite his protests, Kyle still bought him popcorn, candy, and a drink for them to share.

The redhead would often feed candy to the goth, finding him cute.

After the commercials had played, the lights dimmed and the movie began to play.

This chapter goes into detail as to what the movie is after this point. It may be disturbing to some. (Contains blood and murder along with other spooky elements). Please view with caution.

It was about a man named Toolshed and the protagonist, Human Kite, or Kite. It jumped right off into action, as if it was a super hero movie. Everything was in black and white.

"...Are you sure that this is the right movie?" Raven questions, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah, this is it," He nods his head, holding the goth's hand in his own tightly.

A dark and loud thunderstorm had come into play moments later. Kite was shivering, rubbing his arms tightly as he walked down the street.

"I don't have anywhere else to go...," He spoke quietly to himself, until he had spotted a motel. "Huh...?" He looked up to see a sign with blanking lights.

It read:
"Fates Motel"

"Maybe I could stop there for the night...," He stepped inside of the motel, being met with the front desk. "Hello?" He looked around, as nobody was there.

Suspenseful music began to play as a cold wind blew through, the floorboards creaking.

Raven cringed at this, feeling his adrenaline in his body spike up.

"Scared yet?" The Jerseyite teases, wrapping an arm around Raven. "Don't worry, baby. I'm here for ya," He kisses the top of his head.

Kite turned around as he felt the breeze run through from the door, looking around to see if anybody was at the motel at all. Suddenly, a hand came on screen, pressing against his back.

His eyes widened, turning around while panting and trying to catch his breath.

He then realized it was just the man who worked at the front desk.

"Did I frighten you? I apologize," The man at the front desk asks. He has a name tag that reads "Toolshed."

"...No, you did not frighten me. Do you work here? I don't have anywhere else to go tonight," The curly haired boy sighs, his eyelashes dropping as he looks towards the receptionist.

"Of course I work here. My mother is here as well, but...," He narrows his eyes before starting to whisper. There's a rocking chair placed beside the window, a woman's back facing the two. "Don't mind her... She's not well," He nods his head slowly.

"...This shit is so creepy," The black haired boy feels a shiver run down his spine from just watching it.

"Old movies are good at building up suspension, gotta say," The Jerseyite grins.

"Your mother is not well...? What do you mean?" Kite asks, tilting his head out of curiosity. "...Why?" He questions with a frown.

"Her mental state has seemed to gotten worse the more she's gotten older," Toolshed sighs, shaking his head. "I'm so sick of cleaning up her mess all of the time... But I do it out of love. As her son, it is my responsibility to care for her as she once cared for me," The taller man forms a small smile upon his lips.

"Oh... Well, it's good to see someone who continues to care for their parents as much as you do. That's sweet," Kite nods his head with a small smile. "May I please check out a room?" He asks.

"Yes. Of course. Good choice that you made, you know. Once our guests stay, they almost never want to leave," Toolshed nods his head, pulling out a room key. He passes it to the shorter male.

Room 32.

"Thank you. How much do I have to pay?" The curly haired boy reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet.

"Oh, no! Please, don't. This one is gladly on the house," He smiles to the smaller boy. 

"Oh... Alright," He nods, waving.

"Enjoy your stay, dear!" Toolshed's mother calls out to him.

"...Something just seems... Off," The goth pales a bit, his eyes widening in fear as he meets eyes with his lover.

"Yeah. It's a little too normal, right?" Kyley grins, kissing his lover briefly before continuing to watch the movie with him.

Kite pressed the key into his room's door, to which creaked upon opening. It was kept fairly clean, all things considered. The window opened from how harsh the wind was.

"...Ugh, horrid weather!" He huffs, rushing over to the window and closes it while pulling the covers over it as well. "I'm so cold...," He rubbed his arms, having gotten goosebumps on them from the terrible weather.

He then looks towards the bathroom in his room. "A shower would warm me up...," He rises up from the bed, stepping into the bathroom.

"...Is this what ya meant by the shower scene?" The Jerseyite questions to the goth.

"M... Mhm...," The goth nods his head slowly, his eyes widened as if fearful.

"Oh, babe...," Kyle can't help but to laugh a little.

Kite removed his hood from his body, removing himself of his clothes and hung them up on the back of the door while humming softly.

You can't escape the shower scene. 

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