Chapter 20

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The blonde had woken up with a giddy smile upon his face. Tomorrow was the day that he was to fly to New Jersey, to visit his old friend to whom he hadn't seen in what felt like ages. He quickly opened his suitcase and placed his own belongings inside, and then packed some of the goth's as well. His suitcase was a bright aqua with bright stickers on it, such as a beach scene, smiley face, and of course... A sticker he had gotten custom made for his job. It was written in bright pink cursive and read, "Marcia3x." He grabbed his phone and sat on his bed once he was done packing, pulling up Stan's contact and called him. He hadn't even heard his voice since he left. He missed Stan more and more every day, and could not wait to see him once more.

"Hhgggnnnn...," Raven groaned as he heard his phone ring. He was woken up by it, and Kyley was as well.

"Who is calling you...?" The redheaded man groans, throwing his pillow over his head.

"It's Marcia...," Raven rubs his eyes, slowly rising up from bed and pulls the blankets back over. He steps outside of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him and answers the phone. "Hey Butters... What's up?" He yawns, checking the clock. It is about 2 A.M. for him.

"Hey Raven!" The blonde greets with a bright smile on his face. It is pitch black outside in South Park, and in New Jersey. For Butters, it's 4 A.M. for him.

"Is there a reason that you are calling me at 4 in the morning...?" The black haired boy yawns once more, sitting down on the couch. "Are you okay, darling...?" He asks with a frown. Butters was usually dependent and would go to the goth for a number of problems that he had to deal with in life.

"Well... No!" The blonde giggles softly, shaking his head. "I was up and early, just packing for the trip tomorrow! The other girls and I were talking and we were wondering if you would want to have another sleepover party when we get to Jersey?" The bubbly blonde questions.

"The other girls?!" The jet black haired boy's eyes widen, thinking about what he said. "Like who, Marcia?" He asks, realizing a good amount of them really did miss his presence.

"Mistress and Anetra wanted to come with me to see ya," Butters giggles softly, putting a hand to his mouth. "Or you know, Cartman and Kenny," He whispered the last part.

Cartman's drag persona was named Mistress. She had big, blonde hair and never ceased to amaze with the uniqueness of her outfits. Kenny's drag persona was Anetra. She didn't show much of an expression, but her drag was always on point. She had the most confidence during the fashion contests than any other queen there did.

"Yes, Butters. I remember who they are," The ravenette rolls his eyes with a small grin. "When are you all planning to-" His words are cut off. Suddenly, he leans back into his chair and begins to wince in pain. He takes shallow breaths, as if he cannot fully inhale and exhale.

"...Well, we were planning on leaving after the weekend is-" Butters stops his sentence. "Raven? Hey Raven, are you okay?" He stops smiling all of a sudden, and his eyes are filled in worry.

"...," Raven does not say a word, just clutches his hand near his ribcage and tries to ignore the pain. "N-No, darling...," He shakes his head, wincing.

"Raven!" The blonde begins to panic now. "What is going on? Is anyone else home with you?" He frowns deeply, worrying for Raven with all of his heart.

"Y-Yes, Butters... My, my... Hgggnnnn...," He struggles to speak as tears begin to well up in his eyes. The pain is escalating more and more by the second, and he cannot stand it any longer. He wishes to discuss the party with Butters more than anything, but his emphysema attack seems to overrun that. "My boyfriend... Is home with me...," He slowly rises up from the chair, inching near his bedroom again.

"Wait... You have a boyfriend?!" Butters' eyes widen, and his jaw drops, but he realizes that now is probably not the best time to ask about that. "Nevermind, that isn't important right now! Go tell him about what's going with you. Don't hang up with me, though! I want to make sure that you are okay," He frowns, not even aware of Raven's emphysema problems. He hid it from his friends because he did not want them to worry about them.

"O-Okay, just... Ooooh," He groans again, slowly opening the door to he and Kyle's bedroom and steps inside. "Kyle... I am having an emphysema attack again," He wipes a few tears from his eyes as he looks towards his lover.

"What...?! Are you okay, baby?!" Kyle sits Raven down on the bed, making his way over to him and starts massaging the area around his lungs gently. He knows exactly what it is going on and how to deal with it.

"T-Thank you...," He wipes a few tears from his eyes once more as he leans up against the redhead. If anyone or anything could sooth the pain, it'd be him.

"Raven? Are you feeling any better?" The blonde speaks in a worried tone. He would question about what was going on later. For now, he had to make sure that he was okay above anything else.

"Y-Yeah, a little bit," He nods his head with a soft pant, leaning up against the Jerseyite and tries to catch his breath.

Butters stayed on the line the entire time that he felt as if he was in pain, and Kyle continued to hold Stan and promise him that he was going to be okay. This lasted for about 30 minutes.

"Okay... I'm okay now. Thank you guys," He wipes a bead of sweat from his forehead, finally starting to feel better.

"I'm glad... I'll let you catch your rest now, okay? We will talk in the morning!" Butters laughs softly, smiling brightly. "Bye, Raven! I love you," He smiles.

"I love you too, Marcia. Sleep well," And with that, he hung up for the night.

"Wow... You seem to have quite a good friend back home. He could have very well saved your life, you know?" Kyle smiles to his lover, glad he had a friend as good as Butters.

"Yeah... I love him a lot. I can't wait for you to see him," And with that, the goth rolled onto his side. "But for now, I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight, babe," He presses a kiss to Kyle's lips.

"Goodnight honey," The two closed their eyes and got a good amount of sleep for the night.

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