Chapter 22

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The phone connection between Kenny and Stan eventually just shut down, and he turns his eyes around the room before deciding to hang up. He whistles for a little bit before he decides to make a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. After about an hour, the goth had finished making breakfast and untied his apron from his body.

"Kyley," He calls to the redhead, pouring the two a glass of orange juice along with ice.

"Yeah, babe?" The redhead asks, having just finished brushing his teeth.

"I made us breakfast," Raven smiles, making his way towards his lover and wraps his arms around his waist. He leans up against him a moment later, closing his eyes contently.

"Aww, thank you, baby," The redhead presses a kiss to the jet black haired boy's head.

"Well, I feel bad that you are just letting me live here for free. It is definitely for the best if I do something to help out at least a little, you know?" He looks up to his lover with his light blue, near gray, eyes. They seem to be near sparkling and full of energy. 

"What? Do you want something?" The taller man teases, placing his hands on Raven's hips.

"...Well, yeah, I do!" The goth blushes deeply, his pale complexion highlighted by blush.

"What could it possibly be that you want?" Kyle teases with a knowing smile.

"...A kiss?" Raven questions meekly, wrapping his arms around the taller man's shoulders.

"Okay, okay... I'll give you one, babe. Sorry for teasing you," The redheaded man leans down to press his lips against the goth's, bringing him into a soft and loving kiss.

The two hold it like there for awhile before they both pull away, and Raven has a knowing smile that comes among his face.

"Thank you... I love you, Kyle," He leans up against the Jersey man once more, listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you too, Raven... Or, uh, Stan," He forms a bead of sweat. "Which one do you like better? Is Raven your drag name, or do you actually use that as your real name? Sorry... I'm a little bit confused," He rubs the back of his neck while a soft blush creeps upon his cheeks.

"...Raven was both my drag name and a name I used to hide my past. But...," The black haired boy pulls away to lean up against the counter, a lovestruck expression painted upon his face. "You just... You make me happy to be Stan again. So that is what you can call me," He feels a warmth form around his chest and his heartbeat start to slow, but in a good way. He laughs softly shortly after. "And how about you, Kyley-B?" He winks with a flirtatious grin.

"...You can call me Kyle. That sounds just perfect to me, actually," He kisses Stan briefly before sitting down at the table, tasting his cooking. "Wow... It's really good. You're an excellent cook, Rave- Stan!" He corrects himself quickly, much too used to using the name 'Raven' for the goth boy.

"You're so cute," Stan rolls his eyes before sitting down to eat with him as well. ...Or he was, before he got a call.

"Anetra." It read.

"Ooohhh...," Stan throws his head back and groans, picking his phone up. It had a black phone case with roses on it, all painted by the goth himself. "I swear she just called me this morning!" He huffs, answering it. "Anetra? What's up?" He greets, feeling as if their last call just ended abruptly.

"Girl. Sorry that the last call just ended out of nowhere... I... Uh, I died!" Kenny exclaims, having just woken up in his apartment bed. "Pleaaase tell me you remember that!" He sounds hopeful as he huffs, pulling his blankets and sheets over before he gets out of bed again.

"...You died?!" Stan's jaw about drops to the ground, having absolutely no memory of any event occurring. "What do you mean?! You like, actually, experienced death?!" He questions with a surprised look in his eyes.

"...Anetra died?" Kyle turns his head to Stan, interested in what conversation that he was having.

"Yes, I died, bitch!" Kenny sighs dramatically, sitting down at his vanity and huffs. "When we were on the phone, I walked out to my balcony and uh... I was leaning up against the gate, and it broke. So I kind of fell out of it and landed on top of a car! But the funny thing is that didn't even kill me!" He shakes his head, huffing. He primes his face, getting ready for makeup apparently. "I was like, "Holy shit! I didn't die this time!" Like you know, I was in pain, but I didn't actually die. And then a bar on a streetlight broke and stabbed me! That's how I actually died," He files his nails, leaning back up against his chair.

"...How much have you drank recently, Kenny?" Stan uses his real name, too bewildered for the silly conversations right now.

"I did not drink anything, okay?! I swear, all of this actually happened," The blonde seems to be dead serious as he explains his story to the jet black haired boy.

"So you are telling me, that you fell out of your balcony, landed on a car? And then a piece of a streetlight fell on you, and stabbed you?" The goth blinks a few times, his long eyelashes on full display.

"Exactly! And it hurt. I wanted to continue our conversation, but you know, all of that had to happen for some good damn reason," He rolls his aqua eyes dramatically. "Ugh, how annoying...," He sighs deeply, as if annoyed. "And then I woke up with a terrible migrain headache. Because after every time I die, I always wake up in my bed. But this is pretty bad. Like, I'm seeing spots and there's just this throbbing pain in my head...," He frowns, rubbing his temples.

"Have you tried taking medicine?" The goth questions, worried for his friend.

"Yeah, I took some not too long ago. It should kick in about an hour or so," The blonde nods, continuing to get ready.

"Okay, well... I hope that you feel better, Anetra," Stan frowns.

"Yeah... Thanks, Raven. Honestly, me too!" Kenny takes a deep breath in and out. He can tell that Stan does not believe him for a second.

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