Chapter 11

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"Alright, babe... You've gotta get some rest tonight, yeah? You can take my bed if ya want, and I'll take the couch," Kyle pulls away from the goth, rising to his feet while stretching and taking in a yawn.

"...," Raven does not say a word, he just slowly rises to his feet and rubs his arm.

"...What's wrong? Do you not want to do that? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, babe," The Jerseyite shakes his head with a frown.

"...No, it's not that at all, actually," Raven continues to rub his arm while a soft blush grows upon his cheeks.

"Then what is it?" The redhead questions, seeing as Raven was acting in a way he usually did not.

"I, um... I don't want to be separated from you. I want you to sleep beside me," The black haired boy giggles softly, pushing a piece of hair behind his ear once more. It was something he did when he got nervous, and many emotions as such were released when he was around the Jersey boy.

"...Oh, babe. You should have just told me!" The redhead laughs softly, scooping the black haired boy up into his arms and brings him to his bedroom. He sets him down on the bed and pulls the covers out, letting the goth get comfortable before crawling in himself.

"I'm sorry!" Raven says with a laugh, lying across from his lover. In that moment, he forgot about everything that he had gone through. The burning of the farm, his losses, how he had been mistreated... He was only thinking about how much he loved Kyle, and how special he was to him.

"Don't be sorry, babe. Here, c'mere," Kyle pulls the goth in close to him, allowing for the smaller boy to rest his head on his chest. Now that the two had been close for so long, it almost felt weird to Kyle for them to be apart. He never wanted to let go of the goth ever again.

"Kyle, I love you. I love you so much," The black haired boy giggles softly, the shared warmth between them making him smile.

"I love ya too, baby," The Jerseyite initiates a kiss between them, and the goth pulls away with the same old smile and a heavier blush.

"I'm really tired...," The goth yawned, resting himself against the Jerseyite.

"You can go ahead and sleep then, babe," Kyle kisses his forehead before pulling away. "I love ya. Get some good rest, my beautiful goth," He moves a hand to run throughout Stan's hair.

"Goodnight. I love you, Honey," And with that, the goth had retired for the night.

The Jerseyite stayed awake for a good while, thinking that Stan looked cute while snoozing off. He kisses his head throughout the minutes, then decides to go to sleep himself.

A beam of sunlight that awoken the two, the warmth on Raven's face waking him up politely. He yawned and turned over to his head, to which Kyle followed behind him and held him tight.

"Mornin', babe...," The red haired man yawns, kissing Stan's neck a few times.

"Good morning...," Stan replies with a blush, feeling a nice warmth surround his heart. Kyle always knew how to make him smile, even if it was little things such as kisses.

"I was thinking that I could take you out to explore a bit. Sound good, yeah?" He asks with a smirk upon his lips.

"...You look like you are planning something. I don't know if I really trust that," Raven shakes his head while laughing softly.

"Well, if I am planning something, it's for the good," He presses a soft kiss to the goth's lips before pulling the covers over, rising up from the bed.

"Exploring doesn't sound that bad to me at all. I could use some more clothes, anyway," Raven huffs, remembering how he left home and didn't take much with him. If he had any other outfits, they most likely were stolen at the party that the two went to recently.

"Not a fan of Guns n' Roses, huh?" The Jerseyite teases, pulling his classic white tank top over himself.

Raven's face turns a deep red in embarrassment. "No! I think that they are fine, really!" He shakes his head, brushing through his hair as he got out of bed and stood beside his lover.

"I know. I'm just giving you a hard time. It's just a Jersey thing," Kyley rolls his eyes with a chuckle, hugging the goth behind and stuffs his face within his neck.

"You sure are affectionate. Under that tough exterior is just a big softie, huh?" The goth blushes softly, leaning himself up the taller boy.

"Hey... Don't say that," The Jersey boy turns his emerald eyes away, tugging Raven closer to him before letting go moments later. "Why don't you go put your black lipstick on? Gotta say, I think that looks pretty damn good on ya," He grins, moving to the kitchen to give Raven some space.

The black haired boy pulled a chair out in front of the mirror, taking a seat on a wooden chair before grabbing his makeup.

He started out with lightly with black eyeshadow, then followed it with some heavy eyeliner that he lined his water line with. He then pulled the lid of his lipstick off, gliding a smooth and velvet like lipstick across his lips. It was rich in color, a black as deep as the sky at midnight. He huffed, wanting to try and look his best for the Jersey boy.

The goth pulled the sleeves of his t-shirt off, cutting holes in them to turn them into a pair of gloves. He grabbed one of Kyle's belts and wrapped it around his waist to fit him better. He still was not quite satisfied, so he pulled a chain necklace from Kyle's drawer and decided to wear that as well.

He groaned, deciding this was the best that he could do.

"I don't look that good... I'm sorry," He frowns, meeting up with his lover.

"Really? I think you look absolutely beautiful! Now, come on. We don't have all day!" The Jerseyite grins, grabbing his car keys along with the goth's hand.

The two were sure to have some type of adventure today.

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