Chapter 17

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"Say, Raven... Or, Stan," The redheaded Jerseyite chuckled a little upon saying the goth's real name. "You never exactly told me the story of how you got here. You just said that you came here without a lot of money because you hated the town of South Park," He takes a sip from his hot chocolate. "Hey! This is really good!" He takes another one shortly after.

The goth giggles at that, finding his excitement cute. "Well... That's not wrong," He shook his head. "That pretty much is the whole story of it summed up of how I got here. But I'm guessing you want to know my background information, huh?" His eyelids drop and a sad smile comes upon his face. "I will warn you right now... It can be pretty heavy to listen to," He whispered, rubbing the side of his arm.

"I'll listen to anything that you want to tell me," Kyle frowns, setting his drink down. "Tell me the entire story of your life," He says while looking towards the black haired boy.

"...I grew up on a stupid farm with my mom, sister, and dad. I hated it so much," He rolled his eyes upon thinking of it. "I didn't have that many friends at school. Just about five close ones. I had a really good one, named Wendy Testaburger. She and I, we...," He covered his mouth suddenly, as if suddenly becoming emotional. "Um... I was nine years old. She and I were crossing the street together, when a car came speeding by us. She pushed me out of the way, and before I could even process it... She was hit, and died," He takes in a deep breath before exhaling it. "I remember that sight as clear day... It was so terrible," He frowns, pushing a piece of hair behind his ear.

"Shit...," The redheaded man shakes his head, feeling a pain around his heart from hearing it all. "I didn't know you had to go through something like that... I didn't mean to bring up bad memories," He grasps onto his lover's hand gently.

"It's no problem... It feels good to get it off of my chest," He forms a small smile upon his face. "I eventually had gotten sick of the dumbass farm that I had to live on, so I lit it on fire and burnt it down to the ground. My mom and sister were locked inside, without my knowledge...," His eyelids drop. "My father had enough of me after I was tried, so he cut me off. And as a 10 year old boy, I lived in one hell of an orphanage. It sucked," He frowned deeper, thinking about it. "I got into smoking at a pretty young age, too. It was the only thing that made me feel better about all of the shit that I went to. When I was about 15, I was old enough to get a job at a coffee shop. I had been working there ever since, but by the time I was 18, it still wasn't quite enough money to get me by," He explains to his boyfriend.

"So... Did ya ever get another job to help you get by?" The redhead questions, gazing into Stan's ice blue eyes.

"Well... Yes," The goth chuckles a bit, a light blush coming to his cheeks. "But I'm not sure if you would think of me the same anymore," He whispers underneath his breath, blushing a bit more.

"Was it legal?" Kyle asks.

"Yes, it was legal!" Stan nods his head. "But it didn't pay that much at all," He sighs.

"Then it can't be that bad! Tell me what you did," Kyle grins, squeezing Stan's hand a bit harder.

"Well... I was a drag queen," The ravenette's face is about as red as can be now.

"A... A drag queen? What?!" Kyle's jaw drops in shock. He never took Stan as the kind to do that kind of thing. "...What would you do?" He asks.

"I would perform for a crowd. They'd turn on all sorts of colored different lights, and I'd be in the center of the stage...," He forms a small smile upon his lips. "This is a secret, so don't tell anybody," He puts a finger to Kyle's lips. "But... It really made me feel better about myself. I could leave Stan Marsh behind for a night, and become Raven Fierce. A fearless, strong, and independent queen...," His smile grows a bit bigger.

"Raven Fierce?! That was you?!" The redhead cannot believe what he was hearing. "Holy shit, you were on TV! I was watching it one night by myself, and I had a bit of a panic attack because I thought that you were hot," He blushes deeply as well.

"You did?!" Stan's eyes widen in shock for a second. "Well... Maybe I could bring her back for you," He smiles to the redhead before leaning in to press a kiss to his lips.

The two hold it there for about five seconds before pulling away.

"I'm not really surprised because you are so damn good at makeup," Kyle laughs softly, kissing Raven's head before pulling away once more. "I'd like to get to know her. She founds fun," Kyle seems to be quite a good boyfriend. He won't judge Stan for anything at this point.

"...Would you ever like to tell me about your past? I doubt you'll surpass how embarrassing mine was, but you know," He rolls his eyes with a grin.

"I don't think it's embarrassing at all. I thought it was cool, actually!" Kyle nods his head. "I'll tell you about my story, too. So it all started when I-" Right as he starts to explain, the brunette woman returns.

"What would you guys like to drink?" Heidi asks with a sweet smile plastered among her face.

"I'll tell you in a little bit, Ms. Fierce," Kyle winks with a teasing smile before turning back to Heidi. "Um, I'll have a...,"

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