Chapter 14

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The movie continues. Raven is cuddled up close to Kyle while watching it, gripping onto the taller male tightly. He's forcing himself to watch it, cringing.

The curly haired boy continued to hum softly to himself as he basked within the warm water, running hands throughout his hair while smiling sweetly. He was quite pretty, as many actors and actresses of this time period were. It came out in the 60's, anyway.

It suddenly switched to Toolshed, the black haired man looking outside the window.

"Honey?" His mother questions. She seems to be an old woman.

"...Yes, mother?" Toolshed questions.

"Will you keep a good eye on that boy for me? He seems to be a little lost," She requests.

"...," Toolshed sighs, leaning up against the window. "Mother, we've been over this before. The guests aren't fond of it if I check in on them constantly. Whatever could it be, anyway?" He asks, lightning heard in the distance as long as heavy rain.

"...You know what to do, Toolshed. I raised you like this," She says with an almost demanding tone to her voice.

"Ugh! Fine... Fine, I will go do it. I'll ask if he's okay or something, I don't know...," He grabs a spare key to room 32.

His mother continues to rock in her rocking chair. "So proud of you, my Stanley...," She whispers.

"...Stanley?!" Raven's jaw about drops to the floor.

"Stanley, what's wrong with that name? Do ya not like it, Raven?" The Jerseyite looks to his lover curiously.

"No, no! Stanley is my name!" The black haired goth says with a surprised sound to his voice.

"...What? I thought your name was Raven!" The Jerseyite exclaims with widened eyes.

"...Raven is a nickname I've gone by for a long time. But Stanley is my real name. Not a lot of people know that," He adds.

"Oh... Okay. Well, I like it. Fits ya," Kyle grins before kissing the top of his beloved's head again.

The film continues to play.

"Cradle me where southern skies can watch me with a million eyes... Sing me to sleep, lullaby of the leaves...," The curly haired boy sings before continuing to hum.

Toolshed presses his key into the door, so silently that the curly haired boy has no idea that it had happened. He steps inside of his room, opening up the nightstand and taking out no other than...

A knife. A large one.

He twists the doorknob to the bathroom, stepping inside slowly.

"Cover me with Heaven's blue, and let me dream a dream or two... Sing me to sleep, lullaby of the leaves," Kite continues to sing as he pours shampoo into his hands, running it throughout his hair.

Toolshed stood there silently, so much so that the curly haired boy had no idea that he was even in there.

Raven couldn't help but to cringe, knowing what was to come. He took in a deep swallow as he continued to watch.

Kyle didn't seem to have much of a reaction, he just seemed to be more interested in the movie than he was scared.

"I'm breezing along, along with the breeze. I'm hearing a song, a song through the trees...," Kite continues to sing. His voice is sweet and even somewhat soothing. He has no idea that the owner of the motel is present in the room with him.

Toolshed continues to stand there, listening to him for a few moments.

"Oooh... A pine melody, caressing the shore. Familiar to me, I've heard it before," He sings softly before closing his eyes with a content smile, rinsing the soap out of his hair.

"That Southla-" His singing is interrupted while a piercing scream escapes his throat moments later.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" He lets out an ear ringing scream, and the suspenseful music intensifies.

Toolshed lifted his knife up and down repeatedly, stabbing the boy a good four times.

His blood splattered all over the shower walls, the smaller boy weeping and crying as the knife pierced through his skin.

The goth gasped in fear as he jumped onto his boyfriend, hiding his face in his chest.

The cries coming from Kite sounded so real, the Jerseyite's eyes widened. They were so pained and hurt as his blood splattered all over the place.

The lights from his eyes dimmed out slowly, and he lied there limply, in a pile of his own blood. He took in a few shallow breaths, his pupils shaking as he looked towards his murderer.

"W-Why... Why.......?" He asks with a whisper before his head fell, and he lied there while the water from the shower shifted his blood around.

"Our guests never leave...," Toolshed spoke lowly, turning the shower off.

Raven about felt sick, hiding his face in his lover's chest.

The rest of the movie was about Toolshed trying to hide the body and clean up the mess that was created. It turns out that he was schizophrenic and not all there in the head. For when he kneeled in front of his mother's rocking chair, it showed her face for once. She was a rotting skeleton, already dead. It turns out that he was talking to himself whenever she'd speak, and 'she' would motivate his murderous intentions.

The end of movie showed the police confronting him, those who were searching for Kite as they found out he stopped at that very motel. The credits rolled slowly after.

"...," Raven sat there with widened eyes, rising up from his seat while staring out into the void.

"You scared?" The Jersey man questions with a grin. "Don't worry. I'll protect ya. It was a good movie, though. One of the scariest I have seen for sure. I am impressed," He takes Raven's hand within his own and leaves the theater with him.

"I am not scared at all! That was stupid. Toolshed and Kite, pfft...," He laughs, shaking his head. "What kind of names are those, anyway? Hahaha...," He giggles, leaning up against his lover.

Kyle drove the two back to his apartment, sitting down on the couch. "You wanna shower first, babe?" The Jerseyite questions.

"...No, I'm good. I don't think I got that dirty, no need for a shower today," He shakes his head.

He was totally scared out of his mind.

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