Chapter 5

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"Go on, now," The redhead nudges the goth's back.

Raven took in a deep breath as he slowly unwrapped himself from the Jerseyite, staring ahead to the party that was placed in front of them.

It was crazy. Insane. At one side of the house, people were breaking bottles left and right, throwing punches at each other.

The other side was full of what mostly seemed to be the girls, who were getting very verbally violent with each other.

In the middle of the room was a huge party, people dancing so hard their legs about gave out.

Raven realized that he absolutely did not fit into any of these categories.

"You know, I don't think that this is for me. I'm just going to-," The ravenette makes his way towards the door before his wrist is grabbed.

It couldn't have been Kyley who did this. The grip was much too firm and strong on his hand to be the redhead. Kyley could do this, but he was too kind to the goth.

Raven's ice blue eyes immediately widened in horror once he realized who he just met eyes with. A man, fix foot five at least. With no hesitation, he throws Raven to the ground before he kicks him in the side repeatedly.

The black haired boy coughs and grimaces, a throbbing pain emitting from his lungs and spreading to the rest of his body. This hurts like hell to him. He coughs more before he realizes he's coughing something up. He places a hand over his mouth, feeling something wet. For the brief second a white light had shined down on his hand, he realized it was red and glossy.


He feels dizzy from the bright lights, bright colors flashing of red, green, white, purple, blue... Pretty much anything that you could think of. He couldn't defend himself, Stan was only 5'5 and about 120 pounds at the moment. He just closed his eyes and wished for it all to stop, but the taller man continued to kick him as hard as he could.

Another shadow casted over Raven, causing him to start gasping in fear. He tried to scamper away, but his shirt was grabbed by one of them.

One of the men had a sharp knife in hand, the other a beer bottle.

'This is it. This is how I am going to die,' Raven thought to himself. He closed his eyes tightly, not even having enough time to cry tears of fear.

And then suddenly, the man on the left raised the bottle high in the air before he smashed it against the taller man's head. Glass shatters were spread throughout the air before they hit the floor.

This directed the taller man's attention to the figure who just smashed the bottle against his head.

"What're ya doin'?! I thought we were on the same team!" The larger man growls lowly, shaking his head. "Don't tell me ya like goths?!" He questions, inching closer to him.

"Actually, I do," The other man grins, unphased by the larger man's words. "In fact, I'd say that I love 'em," He turns his head towards Raven with a wink.

Raven can feel his heart beating quickly in his chest. He rests against the wall, too weak to even stand up anymore. He is feeling a number of emotions currently, unsure of which one that he can focus on. He sits there with his back slouched against the wall, taking in heavy pants while coughing. For a brief moment, the bright colored lights shined down on the man's face who saved him.

"...Kyley!" He gasps, reaching out his hand while he coughs once more.

"Shh, shh...," The redhead approaches Raven carefully, taking his hands into his own and held them gently for a moment. "It's okay, babe. I promise you," He whispered, hugging the goth in a warm embrace for a moment.

This was the most affection and care that anybody had shown Raven in his lifetime. He squeezes Kyle's hands with all of the strength that he has remaining in his body.

"It's gonna be okay, babe," The Jerseyite whispers, nuzzling his face into the goth's neck before pulling away.

Raven isn't sure on how to feel about everything that just happened. He didn't know why Kyley was acting in such a way towards him, why he pulled him into that warm embrace, or why he saved him from getting beat. He feels himself start to tremble as the Jerseyite pulls away, reaching out a shaky and pale hand while he breaks out into a sweat. Stan starts to breathe slowly before it quickens faster and faster, and he soon begins to realize that he is going into a panic attack.

The goth continues to breathe quickly until he begins to hyperventilate, his vision blurring around him. His vision begins to blur faster and faster until the world around him fades to black.

"Kyley, I... I...," Raven grimaces, tears falling down his face. "Be careful... He has a knife," He whispers before he begins to pass out, his head falling forward as his body goes limp.

"You jackass! Look at how much you've stressed him out!" Kyley grimaces, picking the goth up in his arms.

"Yeah, and? Goth bitches like that don't belong in our territory! You were born in Jersey, right?! You should know how it is!" The taller man says in almost a demanding voice.

"...," Kyley feels anger coming from his heart and running throughout the rest of his veins. Every other flashing light of color was blocked out in his vision expect for red. He starts to growl lowly, feeling his blood start to boil.

But then he looked to the unconscious Raven in his arms.

He thought about what was best for his safety. He runs upstairs to a bedroom and swipes the key off of the dresser. Kyley throws Raven onto the empty bed and slams the door behind him, pressing the key into the doorknob to lock it.

He then races downstairs to the man that hurt the ravenette.

"Listen... I'm not here to play games," He growls. "Apologize right now, or I'll kick your ass!" Kyley's eyebrows narrow as he sets his hands on his hips.

"I refuse to apologize. Everything that happened to him was just!" The taller man grimaces. "And look at you, your life! How come ya waste it so-AGH!" He grimaces loudly.

The redhead took no time to stab the taller man with a large broken shard of glass, throwing it aside before he throws punches at him as well as kicks. Kyley's got him pinned to the ground, raising the bottle and hits him repeatedly with it until the man doesn't move or make any more noise.

The party seems to go silent as they watch the scene play out, how the glass broke more and more until it was reduced to a singular shard.

Kyle has never felt so angered before in his life, looking to the taller man on the floor. His white tank top is stained in blood and his chest rises up and down quickly as he attempts to catch his breath.

The crowd whispers and talks behind the redhead's back, but Kyley does not even acknowledge it. He runs upstairs as fast as he could to return to Raven, attempting to shake the black haired boy awake. He notices the blood that he had coughed up on his shirt, and how weak he seemed to look.

"Raven...," He whispers in defeat.

Kyley was exhausted.

Raven was unconscious.

Even then, the two still only had each other.

Kyley, who used the last of his strength to do this, pulls Raven in close and holds him tight for the rest of the night.

He knows that he doesn't have the strength to protect him anymore, but he will try to use himself as a shield.

For Raven is who he cares about more than anything.

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