Chapter 27

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The Jerseyite had come back home exhausted, about 1,000 dollars of cash in his hands. He opened his wallet and placed it inside, panting heavily.

Kyley looked at himself in the mirror, his nose was bleeding and he had a few scratches around his body. It didn't hurt him enough to care.

He had been keeping a secret from the goth. He researched emphysema further and discovered that Raven is close to death. He never told Kyle when he was diagnosed with the condition, but Kyle figured it had been close to five years now. He was showing the symptoms of it, for sure.

His lungs stinging was a common occurrence and he began to develop a nasty cough, too. He even stopped getting up early and doing his makeup so precisely. He had lost a lot of energy, and clearly needed help for it.

But the problem was that there was no cure for emphysema. The last thing that he could do to save his beloved was somehow get enough money for it. The both of them struggled to keep a good income, so Kyley started going the extra mile to get money.

He joined in illegal fighting rings. They were nasty and violent, but the winner got paid a large amount of money if they won. Snobby rich people would bet on who they believed would win. Kyle would win almost every time, and he got paid a couple of thousand dollars each and every time he did it.

Right now, he stood in the shower, the warm water stinging his body a bit as it hit his wounds. He grimaced, running his fingers through his hair. The pain made him cringe, but it wasn't enough to make him stop. Nothing was ever going to stop him at this point.

He did everything for Raven, who was falling to be extremely ill despite his words. Kyle couldn't remember the last day he saw him energetic and smiling. Once he got out of the shower, he pulled a white tank top over his body as well as a pair of dark teal colored sweat pants.

A knock was heard on the apartment door, and he turned his head towards it before approaching.

Kyle twisted the doorknob, gazing at who it was.

"Hi!" An energetic blonde boy waves with a wide smile. "Does Raven live here? You fit the description of his boyfriend that he told me about!" Butters seems quite happy, holding a gift bag in his hands.

"Sorry if we are just suddenly overwhelming you, we have been wanting to see him for awhile!" Tweek nods his head with a nervous expression on his face.

"...If you wouldn't mind a little introduction, here it is! I am Cartman, as known as Mistress!" The brunette smiles happily.

"...I know who you are, you used to be Bad Irene!" Kyle folds his arms, his eyebrows narrowing angrily.

"...What?" Butters turns his eyes to the brunette, to whom shrugs in response. "...Anyway, I'm Butters! You may know me as Marcia Marcia Marcia!" He smiles widely, brushing off his shirt.

"...," Everyone in the group is smiling, expect Kenny. He can feel that something is wrong. "Hi. I'm Kenny," He forces a small smile. "You're probably more familiar with Anetra though, huh? Yeah...," He suddenly frowns, unable to fake his facade anymore.

"...Listen. This probably isn't the visit you had imagined, but Raven is really, really sick. His emphysema isn't contagious, obviously. But... He's not doing good. He's been in bed the entire day, and his pains in his lungs have been worse. He started coughing a lot more, too. It's not good," Kyle shakes his head, sniffling a bit. He is trying to hold back tears.

"...Oh no!" Marcia's jaw drops, and he looks about heartbroken. "That's why he hasn't been as active on the internet, huh? Oh, this is bad...," The blonde about feels his heart break at hearing the news.

"I tried to get him to stop smoking, and we were working on getting him off of cigarettes. Everything was going well, but it then just hit him out of nowhere. I think that the only way I will be able to save him is if I earn enough money to get him a lung transplant, and I'm going to have to do it quickly. I don't know how many days he has left, if I am being honest. I think that I am slowly losing him...," Kyle's eyes drop, and he looks about the saddest he has ever been in his life.

"...How much money do you need, and how much do you have right now?" Kenny steps up from the group, knowing that he was the wealthiest from when he won the drag talent show.

"...It may cost well over $1,295,900. That's more than my entire apartment, rent and all. I'm only about half of the way there, including money for rent and everything else. Raven's own money, too...," He grimaces. "I'm currently around 600,000 dollars. I'm working as hard as I can to help him get the money. I can't lose him... Not after everything we have been together," His eyes drop, and he looks depressed.

"...I will give you the rest of the money," Kenny nods his head slowly, knowing what he has to do. He wouldn't be rich anymore, but he could care less about that now. He knew what it was like to be a poor kid and not able to afford medical bills. He knew it all too well.

"That's... That's really kind of you, thank you," The redheaded man tries to hold back more of his tears, inviting them all inside. "Here... Come in," He sniffles, opening the door all the way for them.

Kenny figured out the money situation, deciding to Venmo Kyley the rest of the money that he was missing.

"Thank you, um... Kenny? Anetra?' Kyley gives a small smile, his eyes bloodshot.

"Both is fine with me. I would do anything to save Raven, so it's no problem at all," He shook his head with a sweet smile.

Butters made his way to the bedroom, opening the door slowly. "...Raven?" He questioned softly, wiping tears from his eyes.

The black haired boy opened his eyes slowly, turning his head towards the door. "...Butters? I'm glad to see you," He says in a quiet, yet raspy voice with a small smile.

"You're going to be okay, Raven. We are going to get you those lung transplants, okay?" He walked to the bed beside Raven, holding one of his hands.

"Really...? Wow...," Raven smiles widely, holding one of Butters' hands. He coughs harshly a moment later, his eyes watering from the pain. "Sorry... I am growing really weak, Butters. This... This may be one of the last times that I speak to you," His eyelids drop. 

"...What?" Butters felt his heart about drop to the bottom of his stomach. "Raven, you...,"

"...I think that I'm dying, Butters...," He says barely audibly.

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