Chapter 9

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The goth followed behind the Jerseyite shortly after, taking a seat beside him on the couch. He looked a bit nervous, smiling as he pushed a piece of hair behind his ear.

Kyley had lit several candles around the room, smelling of lavender and thyme. He wanted the goth to feel aa comfortable as possible, so he spent time on digging through some of his mother's old belongings, including the candles that she had gifted him.

"Hey Raven. You don't look bad in a Guns N' Roses shirt," The redhead teased with a small chuckle.

"Thanks. It's all because of you, you know," He giggles softly, gazing around the room. The moonlight was shining in brightly, and right on the two. It was as if it knew that this was going to be a special point in their lives.

"What kind of movie do ya wanna watch? You like horror?" The Jerseyite questions, scrolling through cheaply made movies that were on the air.

"I haven't seen anything in a long time. I don't see why it'd hurt," Stan shook his head with a soft smile.

"Alright. Let's check this one out," Kyley settled on a movie much like Friday The 13th... Only much worse. The acting was terrible, and the jump scares were predictable. He wasn't too amused by it, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't entertained.

...Because Raven was terrified out of his mind. He jumped into Kyley's arms and screamed neatly every single time there was a jump scare. He wasn't able to predict them because he hadn't seen one in what felt like a million years. He had true fear in his eyes as he looked towards the movie, unable to look away from it.

"What's... What's going to happen now?" He questioned nervously, looking up to the Jerseyite.

"You better watch out, Raven. He might come and get ya," The Jerseyite grins, raising his hand behind Raven's back.

Right as the suspenseful music reached its climax, Kyley gently slammed his hand on Raven's back, causing the goth to scream as loud as he had the entire night.

"Oh my hell...!" He covered his mouth while breathing heavily, his eyes looking towards the Jersey man with nothing but hatred and betrayal. "How... How could you do that to me?!" He hissed.

"'Cause I think it's cute whenever you scream and jump into my arms," The Jerseyite chuckles, pulling Raven in close.

"...," Raven felt safe in his grasp, carefully wrapping his arms around Kyley's waist. He only started to laugh and giggle softly, "Hahaha...!" He closed his eyes with a bright smile.

Kyle started to laugh beside him, shaking his head as he looked towards the goth.

"Ah... That was probably the most fun that I have had in awhile," The black haired boy smiled, looking at the Jerseyite with a new kind of look in his eyes. "Well, actually... Ever," His heart felt nice and warm in his chest. His pupils were larger, a sign of when you are with someone you care about a lot.

It was none other than love.

"Um... Kyley, I...," Raven can't seem to find the words to say as he gazes at Kyley. His heart beat slows, and he realizes that he has fallen in love.

But his heart, it was broken over a decade ago. How could a broken heart ever love again?

A heart is as delicate as glass. When it breaks, it'll shatter into a million little pieces.

But those pieces... They were mended by the Jersey man.

"...Raven?" The redhead questions, feeling a similar feeling well up inside of him.

He hadn't ever truly loved anybody like this, and it felt so strange, but so sweet.

The credits on the television start to roll.

"...," Without words, the two of them inch nearer to each other.

'...What's going on? Are we moving too fast, or getting too close? Kyley... I've only known him for about three days! No, don't fall in love again! Your heart, it'll break even more. It'll break. It'll break... It'll break, it'll-' Before he can stop himself, his body seems to move on its own.

They press their lips against each other, joining each other for a kiss. They pull away shortly after, Raven's eyes welling up with tears.

"...Kyle, I...," He shakes his head, though a smile forms upon his face.

"You used my real name. You must be serious," Kyle laughs softly, pulling Raven in tightly. He hadn't ever had a kiss like this before, one of true love. 

"I, well... I think that I am in love with you!" The goth blurts out, his body heating up from embarrassment.

"Raven... I love you too," Kyley replies with a soft chuckle.

The two realized they had been in love ever since they set eyes on each other.

Don't Cry [Goth Stan/Jersey Kyle]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt