Chapter 3

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"You... Why did you do that?" Raven's eyes widened at how easily the redhead made that man run off. It all happened so soon that it was difficult for him to comprehend.

"That bastard was gonna try to take your money," The taller man rolls his eyes. "Now, are ya gonna grab my hand or what?" He asks in a thick Jersey accent.

"Yeah... Yeah. I will," The ravenette nods, the taller man helping him rise up from the ground. "I kind of feel like this isn't my territory," His eyes drop, revealing his beautiful dark eyelids that he always worked so hard on. "I don't have a lot of money anymore from how damn expensive this train ride was," The goth sighs, reaching for a cigarette out of the box in his pocket. He wasn't allowed to smoke on the train, so this felt great to him. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, closing his eyes. This really showed how long his eyelashes were.

"...Do you have anywhere else to go?" The redhead questioned, staring the goth right in his eyes.

"...No, not really. I don't even have a place here to live," Raven shakes his head. "I'm 19 years old. I went here on impulse because I hated the stupid life that I had back in South Park. I don't have a lot of money. I'm afraid to check my bank account," He sighed, as if ashamed of himself.

"...What is your name?" The taller man approaches closer.

This gives Stan a long time to analyze him. He has slicked back, bright red hair along with a pair of stunning green eyes. He seems to have a few tattoos as well as piercings. He wears a few bracelets on his wrist. His fashion sense is like none Stan had ever seen before. He has a white t-shirt with ripped sleeves, and writing that reads...


This causes the ravenette to narrow his eyes. "Your name... Is it really Kyley-B? Seems too cute for a guy like you," The ravenette rolls his eyes, unsure of if he should trust this man or not yet. The skies above seem to be clouded over with dark storm clouds.

"Yep. Kyley's what I'm known as around here. You got a problem with that, black lipstick?" Kyley chuckles, placing a hand underneath Raven's chin.

The black haired boy's ocean eyes widen. "What the hell!" He grimaces.

"I wouldn't act so mean to somebody who is tryna help ya out. I told ya my name, can you give me yours?" The redhead chuckles, standing beside the goth. "I can assure you that you probably won't survive out here with all of the other Jerseyites on your own. You're gonna need my help," He places a hand on Raven's shoulder.

"I...," Stan thinks for a moment, nodding his head. He puts his cigarette out with his fingers, a pain so familiar that it no longer stings. "Yeah. I guess you're right," He nods.

"The hell...?" Kyley narrows his eyes at that. "That shit really doesn't hurt you?" He questions.

"Me? No... Not anymore," He shakes his head. "I've been smoking for a long time. The pain doesn't hurt me anymore. It's rare that I feel anything, to be honest," He shrugs, as if unbothered.

"Huh," Kyley puts a hand to his chin. "I've gotta get you used to the Jersey lifestyle," He grins, wrapping an arm around the ravenette's shoulder.

Raven doesn't seem to mind and even leans up against him a little bit. It's as if his body moves on his own, but he doesn't question it. "What could you possibly mean by that?" He looks up to the redhead quizzically.

"You ain't ever seen a Jersey party, huh?" The red haired boy grins, rubbing his hands together. "You should come with me! That shit is real fire," He grins wider, pulling the goth in closer to him. "Just stay by me the whole time, and you should be fine. There's gonna be a pretty big party right down that neighborhood today. Wanna go? You should. You ain't got anywhere else to run to!"

The black haired boy removes the cigarette from his lips, gazing up at the taller boy and narrows his eyes. "You mean one of those conformist parties? I'd rather be thrown into a pit of fire and burn to death than go to those. That'd cause me less pain," He folds his arms, shaking his head. "Sorry, Kyley-B," The goth says in an almost demeaning tone. "This is where we part ways. I'm not going to one of those," He refuses.

"Ah. But you're not gonna survive out there!" Kyley shakes his head. "You need to go, you need me!" He pleads.  "C'mon, babe!" He pulls on the goth's sleeve.

The goth blushes at the pet, name hitting him lightly on the head. "Babe?! What, do you think I'm your girlfriend or something?" Raven growls, pulling away from him.

"...Do you want to be?" Kyley smirks.

"Hell no!" Raven shakes his head. "I'm not even a girl, asshole!" He seems quite offended at the comment.

"Okay, okay! I was in the wrong... I'm sorry," He waves his hands and sighs. "You're right. That was uncalled for,"

"Right. Good...," Raven sighs, placing his hand on his hip.

"Please go with me!" The Jerseyite pleads. "You will love it, I swear! You can even request your own songs and they will play it!" He is trying to do everything that he possibly can to sway the goth his way.

"I don't exactly want to get beat up again!" Raven frowns, shaking his head. "I can't defend myself worth anything!" He groans. "You saw that I almost got beat up out there, I don't want to go through that again, and I sure don't have the money to pay for hospital bills!" He growls.

"Alright. Looks like I'm going by myself, then...," Kyley starts walking away. "See ya, black lipstick," He says in a teasing tone.

Stan didn't know why, but that nickname caused his heart to beat fast and run adrenaline all throughout his body. "Hey, wait...!" He chases after the Jerseyite.

"Huh? I knew that'd get you to come," Kyley grins, wrapping his arm around Stan again.

Don't Cry [Goth Stan/Jersey Kyle]Where stories live. Discover now