Chapter 24

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The goth had risen up early that day, something usual for him. He was more than excited to know that today was the very day that his best friends were coming down to see him. He now had everything he could ever want in the world, he found a new place to call his home as well as his best friends that he could see in person. Speaking of...

"Wow! It sure is different up here than it is down there, huh?" Butters says as he places his hands against the window of the airplane, gazing at all of the clouds in front or him. "How cool! I never thought that I would be able to see the clouds this close up ever again!" A wide grin comes upon his face.

"It is pretty cool, huh?" Tweek smiles to the other blonde, scratching the side of his cheek. "I can't help but to feel partly stressed out, though! What if it crashes, and we all lose our lives? Especially when it could have been avoided," He winces as he rubs his arms nervously.

"Don't worry, Tweek! I'm sure that everything will be okay," The bubbly blonde smiles. "Here... We got free cocktails from the flight attendant, right? Take this with it," Butters slides over a few tablets to the blonde.

"Huh... What are these?" Tweek tilts his head as he looks at them.

"You put them in your drink and they dissolve. They will help you go to sleep, if you want. That way you don't have to be awake and worry about the whole thing!" He smiles sweetly, dropping the tablets into the cocktail can.

"Oh... Um, alright...," Tweek feels a little bit nervous, as he looks out the window. "Oh, Butters! Look over there!" He points outside.

"Huh, what is it?!" Butters looks outside quickly, having not seen anything. "...What did you see? I know my eyes didn't catch anything at all!" He shakes his head, gazing over to Tweek curiously.

"Oh... I guess it is gone now. I could have sworn that I saw a bird or something," He shrugs, sipping on his drink a moment later.

"...Oh well! I will just have to look for them another time," He takes a sip of his drink as well. "Wow... This is excellent! It sure was nice for us to be gifted free cocktails, you know?" He smiles.

"Yeah... Yeah, it sure is. It seems they went out of their way to do that for us," Tweek gives a light smile, shifting his eyes away.

"Hey that reminds me of...," Butters yawns before he begins to zone out. He thinks about a certain memory he had.

Butters and Kenny had all decided to meet at Cartman's place to get ready for a show that they were doing together. Cartman had turned his basement into a huge studio for them, oddly enough.

"Are you guys excited for the performance today?" Butters chuckles softly, unzipping his bag and sets a large variety of makeup onto the vanity.

"Yeah," Kenny nods his head, grinning as well.

"That last one that you did was pretty good, I can't lie," Cartman shakes his head, laughing upon thinking of it.

Kenny's performance sure was interesting. The boy squatted down on the floor and waved his arms around frantically, all while explaining that he was "walking that freaking duck walk", in his own words. It was a hit that night and made enough money for him to win the entire show.

"I wonder if we will meet any new friends tonight. People seem to be pretty nice for the most part. ...Expect for the judges that always tell me that I don't put enough makeup on," The blonde sighed lowly, his head falling a bit. "I just don't think that they quite understand it sometimes. I am a natural beauty!" Butters throws his hands up in the air, as if trying to prove that he is innocent of something.

"Maybe they will understand it eventually, Butters. I know that you're newer to this kind of thing, so I don't exactly expect you to be doing what the judges have in mine for you. But even so, they shouldn't be so mean about it," Kenny sets a hand on his shoulder for a moment. "Either way, I think you always look awesome," He hugs the smaller boy quickly before retreating back to his station.

"I think that the judges are just trying to help you. Especially Red. I know she can be a little on you for it at times, but she means well," The brunette adds.

The three continued to make small talk until they had successfully finished getting ready.

Once they had stepped into the club, two queens caught their eyes in particular.

They were sitting in chairs while enjoying drinks together, laughing hard as they seemed to be enjoying each other's company.

One of them had a long, ginger ponytail with tanned skin. 'She' was wearing a cheerleaders uniform, colored green along with a matching letterman jacket.

His friend was wearing a white one piece, which contrasted beautifully against skin that was rich in melanin pigments.

They side eyed the other queens that walked in, whispering to each other before waving.

"Hi," The redhead spoke nonchalantly.

"Hi!" Butters (Marcia3x) greeted as he walked up to him.

"Hi," The black haired one responded.

"Um... What are your names?" Butters asked.

"My name is Jax," The redheaded boy waved with a smile.

"The name is Luxx Noir London... And I am one. The one," His friend winks, sounding almost a bit cocky.

"Oh! It's great to meet you two!" Butters smiles gleefully. "My name is Marcia Marcia Marcia! Are you guys new?" He asks, taking a seat near them.

"Mmm... No," Luxx shakes his head, sighing.

"Oh... Um...," Butters forms a bead of sweat, feeling awkward. "Then what are your real names?" He asks. "I'm Butters Stotch!" He extends his hand forward.

"Stanley Randall Marsh," The cinnamon skinned boy responds.

"...Broflovski. Kyle Broflovski," The redhead nods with a small smile.

Don't Cry [Goth Stan/Jersey Kyle]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin