Chapter 15

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The black haired boy decided to keep his makeup on for the night. He shivered upon thinking of the movie they watched, rubbing his arms for comfort.

Kyle was in the shower at the moment, and Stan couldn't stand to even hear the sound of the water running. It was raining heavily outside, the sound of the wind whistling heard audibly.

The goth took in a nervous swallow before getting up from the bed as quietly as he could, locking the door to the bedroom before sitting back down on the Jerseyite's bed. But he then remembered that the killer in the movie had a key to unlock the door. As well as many tools to possibly break open the door.

Raven gasped, pushing a chair in front of the door as well. His heartbeat quickened in fear as he rushed back to the bed, sitting there patiently and waited for the redheaded Jersey boy.

"It's okay, Raven. What you watched was not real! And it was old. If it was real, the killer in the movie would have been dead any- AAAH!" He lets out a loud and piercing scream as he hears something slam against the window, his eyes widening in fear as he slowly turns his head.

A figure appeared at the window, and Raven shook his head slowly while backing up against the wall. Worried, he took a few breaths in, quickly inhaling and exhaling.

"Kyley...!" He cried, attempting to open the bathroom door, only for it to be locked.

"Huh? What's going on, baby?" The Jerseyite questions, the shower heard shutting off. The redhead could tell that Raven was panicked, quickly pulling his robe over himself and looked to the goth. "What happened? You look terrified!" He frowned.

"O-Over there...!" The goth cries, pointing to the windown.

The Jerseyite turns his head to the window, his eyes narrowing at it. "You're scared? Do you want me to check?" He questions as he looks towards the smaller boy.

"Well... Yes, and no! I don't want you to get hurt, and I don't want them to break into our apartment!" He lunges at the redhead, his lean body trembling as he grasps onto him tightly.

"Okay. I'll see what I can do. I'm sure it's nothing, baby," He presses a kiss to Raven's head. "I'll be back in a second. I see you boarded up the door," Kyley rolls his eyes with a smirk. He could be a jackass sometimes, but he mostly had a heart of gold hidden deep down inside.

The Jerseyite made his way out of the apartment, and to the back window. Raven was too afraid to push himself out there, he waited patiently as he took in a nervous swallow. While his boyfriend left to discover whatever waited for him outside, the black haired boy had to think of something that would calm him down.

He flicked the switch on the radio from off to on, turning to his favorite station.

Station 37- Octane.

In darkness
When you can't seem to feel a thing
The darkness
That haunts you
Won't hurt much longer

He recognized the song immediately. It was playing none other than Catharsis by Motionless In White, something that took the boy's pain and sorrows away every single time he heard it. He secretly always had a crush on the lead singer, anyway.

He'd pair up the song with a cigarette, and since Kyley was gone, it was the perfect time to have one. He brought one to his mouth and lit it, breathing the smoke in and out.

Then, suddenly,

"Raven," The redheaded Jerseyite steps back into the room, soaked from how hard it was raining out there. "A piece of cardboard blew into the window from the storm. There's nothing there, baby," He smiles, though cringes upon noticing the cigarette. "Didn't we have a talk about this?" He looks disappointed upon seeing it.

"Honey. You can trust me, I told you this!" The goth frowns deeply, knowing that what he was doing was wrong. "It's not going to hurt me. I can stop when I want to," He adds, putting the cigarette out with his fingers.

"You can't though. You told me that you wanted to stop the last time we had this talk, and you still have not done that," The redheaded man sighs, taking a seat on his bed beside Raven. "Look. If you smoke less than 3 cigarettes a day for 3 weeks, then I will buy you tickets to any concert that you want," He gives a small smile, trying to be as kind to Raven as possible instead of taking the harsh approach.

"Any concert?" The black haired boy's eyes widen.

"Yes. Even your beloved Motionless In White. Though I'm afraid that the old lead singer would take my baby away from me," He teases, knowing that would get a smile on Raven's face.

"Kyley, no! I will always love you the most, no matter what. Though... It's almost too kind of a compromise. How about we pick somewhere to go out to eat together instead?" He suggests, wanting his boyfriend to save money.

"No! I want and will take you to that damn concert!" Kyle grins, hugging Raven tightly and allows for the smaller boy to lean against him.

"You're... You're the best person in the world, Kyle. I love you more than anything that you could ever imagine," Raven blushes while snuggling up against his lover.

"Even Chris Motionless?" Kyley chuckles, pressing a kiss to his lover's head.

"Even Chris Motionless. Come here," Raven sets a hand underneath Kyle's chin, and shares a kiss with him.

The two continued to cuddle for awhile before finally pulling away.

"You sure you're gonna be able to sleep tonight? I can tell that Toolshed may have scared you just a little bit," Kyle asks with a smile on his face, though he really is concerned for Raven.

Raven blushes heavily, folding his arms. "Yes, I will be able to sleep tonight!" He huffs.

He didn't. He just rested his head on Kyle's chest with his eyes wide open, flinching at even the slightest of noises.

Don't Cry [Goth Stan/Jersey Kyle]Where stories live. Discover now