Chapter 6

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Raven opened his eyes slowly, analyzing the area around him. He took a moment to recall the events from yesterday, only to feel somebody's presence hanging onto him.

His face paled and his heart began to beat loudly in fear, a feeling all too familiar. He pulled away from them, panting heavily while backing out into a wall. It took him a moment to realize who it was.

The sunbeams that peeked through the small openings in the window were shining down on the center of the bed, and none other than Kyley-B himself. The man was covered in dried blood and looked quite exhausted as he lied there.

Raven didn't understand what this meant, but he felt sick to his stomach. The ravenette quickly ran to the bathroom and hung his head over the toilet, throwing up.

Kyle groaned, regaining consciousness slowly. He rose up from the bed before he realized that Raven was vomiting.

"Hey... You okay?" The redhead questions, rubbing his eyes. "That was a pretty serious fight that went down last night, huh?" He questions with a light chuckle. The truth is that Kyle is pissed. He cannot believe that Raven's first true Jersey party went like this.

"The amount of discrimination that I am getting is going to put you in danger some day," The black haired boy wiped his mouth with a few sheets of toilet paper. "I think that it's probably best that we part ways... So that you don't get hurt like that again," Truth be told, the ravenette also does not trust the Jersey man fully. Even though he had shown nothing but kindness, Raven was afraid of being manipulated.

"Part ways...?" The Jersey man frowns at that. "If want you, I suppose we could. But I'm not parting ways with ya as long as your in Jersey. Would ya want to go back home? I can pay for it," The redhead offers.

Stan stopped in his tracks after hearing the offer. Home? He thought about it.

He then realized how nobody cared for him at home. Nobody stopped to say anything kind to him, save for a few teenage girls (who were probably joking.) He would come home to an empty house and eat dinner in the bathtub, then smoke about two packs of cigarettes in there. After he got out of the bath, he'd lie in bed for awhile and think about how miserable he was.

Sometimes he cried himself to bed. He only hoped that one day somebody would acknowledge him and give him attention. He didn't care what kind of attention it was, negative or positive, it was still attention. Somebody or something that acknowledged his existence.

And he had that now. From the very first moment he stepped into Jersey, he was pushed against the yard concrete. It caused his hand to get cut and bleed, he remembered it clear as day.

Because that was the first time Raven had felt anything at all for what felt like years.

He felt nothing back home.

He just stood there in front of the mirror while his bottom lip quivered, feeling his body start to tremble again.

"Hey... You okay?" The Jerseyite takes notice of the goth's pain. "Don't stress, babe. If ya wanna go home, then it's fine with me!" He frowns deeply, staying back to leave some space for the ravenette.

"I just...," Stan covers his face with his hands. Feeling his heartbeat slow. It feels as if there are a million tiny shanks each pulling at his heart. "I wish for nothing more but a coffin to rest in. I'm sick of wrestling with my thoughts every day, having my past come back and chase me until I am crawling a cracked and broken path," He slowly removed his hands from his face, staring at himself in the mirror.

Raven's dark makeup was smeared around his eyes, dark, black tears running down his face.

"How do I know that you weren't lying to me...?" He questioned with a shaky voice, meeting his eyes with the Jersey man's. "How do I know, that you didn't invite me in there because you knew that would happen?!" He raises his voice, his tears coming down harder. "How do I know that you didn't want me dead?!" He hisses, his tears coming down harder as he cries in pain. "There's no doubt in my mind that you may be just like the others, manipulating me so that you can get what you want!" He shakes his head, just standing there while sobbing.

"...," Kyley's eyes widen as he listens to the other boy. Never has he ever seen or heard somebody this broken and upset. He realizes this boy must have had a pretty rough life at home and it hasn't gotten any better here.

"...Raven," He speaks gently, continuing to keep his distance. "I know others in the past have tried to break you. But look at you, you're still standing here in front of me, you're strong," He smiles lightly, attempting to lift his mood. "I just want you to know that I would never, ever hurt you intentionally. I'm feeling pretty bad right now, actually. Seeing ya cry like that is enough to make me shed a few tears," Kyle sniffles, and surely enough, a few tears are rolling down his cheeks. They are real and sincere. "I don't wish for you to go through such pain. I can feel how much you're hurting right now, and it's breakin' my heart...," The Jerseyite frowns, placing a hand near his chest as he feels a few heartaches coming on. He closes his eyes as he tries to soothe the pain, remembering the last time he felt it clear as day.

Kyle's parents had cut him off. They weren't fond of the life he was trying to live. How he always ran off to parties and came home drunk half of the time, how he always managed to get himself into fist fights; They were sick of it. So once he turned 18, they told him to find a way to live on his own.

Kyle was aggravated and upset. He was near dirt poor, having to join illegal fighting rings just to get enough money to afford an apartment. They paid big, and he was good at fighting. There wasn't a reason on why he wouldn't want to join it.

But he was always alone. He became known as Kyley-B, a man not to mess with.

But he always came home alone. He would crash on the couch, worn and exhausted just about every night.

He'd kiss girls at parties and have them all over him, but he really just wanted someone to take home with him.

Someone that would care for him, who would listen and hold him close.

Someone who would love him. 

And that brings us to the present.

"...Breaking your heart?" Raven questions with a sniffle.

"Yeah... I don't like seeing you so upset," The redhead frowns deeply, his eyes meeting with the black haired boy's.

None of them said a word to each other for awhile. Kyle held back tears, and Stan sobbed into his own knees.

Would they be able to mend this patch in their relationship? 

As of now, the answer was unknown.

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