Chapter 18

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The conversation that the two had shared with each other unlocked a hidden memory that was buried deep within the black haired boy's mind.

July 15h, earlier that year.

The goth huffed as he finished up his shift at the coffee shop, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead as he grabbed a bottle of cleaning spray. He sprayed it onto the table and wiped it down with a cleaning rag, the downside of being the last one at work for the day. His shift was a long one of 5 A.M. to about 9 o'clock at night. He grabbed his lanyard and closed up shop for the night, opening his car's front door as he slid onto the seat. He pushed the keys into the ignition and started the car, cranking the volume of the radio up just a bit louder than usual so that he could wake himself up a little after the tiring shift.

When he pulled up to his house, he parked his car and headed inside quickly. A light smile crept upon his lips as he ran to the garage, opening up the refrigerator and grabbed black cherry flavored energy drink. He opened it quickly before he ran upstairs to his room, laughing softly.

It was a Friday. Fridays were Stan's favorite days of the week, where he held a fun little secret that nobody else in his life knew about expect himself. He removed himself of his work uniform before he got into the shower, singing quietly to himself.

"Now that we found love, what are we going to do? With it?~" He continued to sing as he ran his fingers throughout his hair, washing it. The boy shaved his arms and legs before he rinsed off and stepped out of the shower.

Once he had dried himself off, he quickly pulled a real silk black robe over his body and sat in front of his vanity. He turned the lights on, to which bounced multiple bright rays of light onto his face. He first started by rubbing a primer onto his face, a makeup base that would make sure that his cosmetics would stay on extra long amount of time. He applied foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, lipstick, mascara, highlighter, powder... Pretty much any form of makeup you could think of, he put on, but he made it look amazing nonetheless. His trademark feature was his dark lipstick and spiky eyelashes.

Once his makeup was done, he ran to his closet with a wide smile and practically threw the doors open. He grabbed a black sparkly dress with short sleeves as well as matching gloves, pulling them up onto his arms. He pulled a pair of stockings over his legs before he slipped his dress over himself, finishing his outfit off with a pair of high heeled punk styled boots.

He quickly ran back to his vanity, hurriedly gluing his wig to his head for the night. It was a high black ponytail with styled baby hairs, something he was quite proud of.

He stood in front of the mirror and giggled softly. He felt so beautiful and as if he escaped who he was earlier this week. He was now none other than Raven Fierce, known as the prettiest goth queen who has ever set foot on the earth. The most impressive thing about his outfit was that he made it all by himself, by hand. It was near impossible to look as good as he did with the budget that he had.

Raven hurried out to his car, clutching a black leather purse in his hand. He threw it onto the passenger's seat before he started up the engine, driving over to the local bar where a number of performances took place.

He sat down behind the stage and waited for the current performer to finish up.

This place made Raven feel genuinely happy. The atmosphere was dark and bright, all at the same time. Stage lights flashed of all different kinds of colors, and the crowds roared and cheered for every single performer that even set foot on that stage. Raven clapped for each one as they made their way back stage as well.

"Hah... Hah...," One panted heavily as they made their way back behind the stage. It was yet another drag queen, much like Raven himself.

"Marcia, you okay?" Raven questioned as he drank from the black jeweled water bottle that he held in his hands.

"Oh yeah! I'm fine...," The other queen nodded. This queen, well... Let's just say that her true name is Butters Stotch. Butters didn't have the usual type of style for his drag that nearly every other queen did. His makeup was always cute and natural, and his outfits were never skimpy. He was wearing a long blonde wig with a checkered headband and a school uniform. It was cute, purple and white plaid with a skirt and matching jacket. His drag name was Marcia. Well, Marcia3x. Shortened to just Marcia by Raven.

"You sure that you're alright, darling? You worked quite hard out there," Raven smiles, speaking almost motherly to the blonde.

"Yeah... I just worked really hard out there. Those performances aren't as easy as the other queens make them to look, you know?" Butters, or... Marcia laughed softly.

"Yeah. It definitely does take a lot out of you. Here," Raven reached into the mini fridge, throwing a plastic bottled water to the blonde.

"Hey... Thanks, Ms. Fierce!" Butters caught the water in his hands, chugging it down in a matter of seconds.

"Marcia, you know that's not very ladylike!" Raven pushed the blonde playfully. The two laughed together for a moment, and Raven waved goodbye to Marcia when it was his time to perform on stage.

He took in a heavy swallow as he stepped forward on stage. The lights flashed on and off. They flashed on and off again.

The same song that Raven was singing in the shower that night started to play loudly, and the goth immediately started to dance as hard as he could. He was capable of all kinds of tricks, cartwheels, splits, break dancing... Pretty much anything that you could think of. And he was amazing at it. His hair swayed along with every single movement that he made, and he moved quite graciously and mesmerized many members of the crowd. Black roses were thrown onto his stage and he waved goodbye to his audience was the music stopped.

"I love you all, darlings!" He laughed softly as he made his way backstage. "Now, none of you ever forget to be fierce!" And with that, Stan made his way back to Marcia.

That was about the best night of his life he had ever had at that point. He had gotten paid the most money he had ever made from a drag performance that night, about $1000 dollars. It was because he had the best performance there. He decided to go out to a late night dinner with Butters, and the two had a fun 'girls' sleepover at the blonde's house after. Butters was his best friend back home.

Current time.

Stan's phone had buzzed, and he flipped it over, checking it. He began to sniffle a little, wiping a few tears that escaped his eyes as he laughed softly.

"Babe? What is it?" The Jerseyite questions, gazing at Stan's phone.

It read:

"Message from Marcia."

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