Chapter 28

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"No... You can't be serious!" The blonde shakes his head, his tears coming down hard. "KYLE, KENNY...!" He calls out, unable to help his streaming tears.

"Oh shit...!" The Jerseyite quickly walked into the room, a panicked look on his face as he felt his heartbeat spike up. "What's going on, babe?!" He asks in a frenzied matter, picking Raven up in his arms.

"...Raven?!" Kenny follows behind the two, sweat streaming down his face in a panic.

"No... NO!" Tweek covers his face with his hands, his body trembling. "Oh my hell...! I don't know if I can watch it!" He begins to weep into his hands, sobbing.

"...Come on, Tweek," Cartman bites his lower lip, covering his emotions up fairly well. He knew that now was not a time to screw around with anybody.

"I don't know if I have the strength to look at him like that...," Tweek shakes his head, his heartbeat slowing down as his vision begins to blur a bit.

"...Listen. You have to," Cartman grimaces, placing his hands on Tweek's shoulders. "Come on... We will go together. We have to go, Tweek...," The brunette's eyes drop, feeling a pang in his chest too.

"I... I really don't know if I can! I, I...! Ah, ah...!" Tweek backs up to the wall slowly, beginning to hyperventilate a bit. He's having a panic attack.

"Hey... Hey, Tweek, no!" The brunette shakes his head, taking in a deep sigh. He takes the blonde into a separate room and closes the door. "...Look at me, Tweek. Take some deep breaths with me," He nods his head slowly, a few drops of sweat rolling down his head as well.

"I-I... I can't...!" Tweek says in a panicked manner, shaking his head vigorously.

"...This may be the last time we ever get to speak to him, Tweek! So it's your choice if you want to come with me or not," Cartman leaves Tweek behind, making his way to Raven's room quickly.

"I... I guess he's right," Tweek nods his head slowly, wiping a few of his tears as he dragged himself off of his feet and followed Cartman into the goth's room.

"I feel... So weak," Raven whispers quietly, struggling to keep his eyes open. "It's worse than it has been the past few days right now...," He takes in small, short breaths, his skin even paler than usual.

When the other two had walked in, Butters was on the phone with the emergency line.

"Hello...?" The blonde sniffled, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "We need medical attention as soon as possible! My friend Raven is having an emphysema attack, and he's acting very weak...!" The usually bright boy is crying lots of tears, unable to keep them stored in his eyes. There's nothing positive that he can make of this situation.

Kenny stood on the other side of Raven, holding onto one of his hands.

"Stay strong Raven, please...," He grimaces, closing his eyes slowly.

"...Kenny?" The goth questioned with shaky breath.

"...Yes?" He frowns, wiping a few tears of his own.

"...Open the first drawer on the nightstand for me, please. There is a letter inside. Give it to Kyley...," He says in almost a whisper, barely able to keep his consciousness. "Don't... Don't open it until we get to the hospital, okay?" Raven shakily places his hand on the side of the redhead's face.

"Raven... You're so strong. Fight through this, please! I know you can do it... I know you can," He sniffled, hearing sirens outside.

The ambulance had made their way inside, placing the goth down on a stretcher and took him out of he and Kyley's apartment. Nobody was allowed inside the ambulance with him.

"...I have to get to the hospital as soon as I can. You guys can come if you want," Kyley wipes a few of his tears away, making his way to his car.

"I'll go with you!" Butters chases after the Jerseyite, nodding his head quickly.

"Yeah... Me too. Come on, guys. I will take Tweek and Cartman, you take Butters. We will all meet each other there," Kenny walks in the opposite direction of Kyley, Tweek and Cartman following behind him.

Kyley drove about the fastest he ever had in his life, his shoulders feeling tense. He kept his eyes glued on the road as he did so, his heartbeat spiked up in a panic.

Butters opened up his Instagram page, frowning deeply at it. Tears glazed over his eyes and rolled down his cheeks as he stared at them. They were all pictures of he and Raven together.

There were no words spoken between the two as they drove there together expect a "Thank you," from Butters.

"Come on...!," The redhead pulled into the parking lot, opening the door and ran inside.

"There's still time... There's still time to save him," Butters whispers to himself, his body trembling a bit as well. "Nothing is ever hopeless until you make it...," A very small smile forms upon his lips, following after Kyley as quickly as he could.

"Okay... We're here. Come on, guys," Kenny parked his car and ran as quickly as he could to the hospital doors.

Tweek followed right behind him, unable to hold his tears back. "Raven...," He whimpered softly.

"Wait... Wait! I can't run that fast, slow down!" Cartman struggles to catch up with the others, but eventually is able to.

Kyley approached the front desk. "H-Hi... I'm... I'm here for Rave- Stan Marsh, my lover...," The Jerseyite frowns, wiping a tear from his face.

"Raven...?" The woman at the front desk frowns. Her nametag reads "Red." "I believe that he is about to get a double lung transplant right now. It is an emergency operation," She frowns, feeling sad for him.

"Yes, um... I'm here to pay for it," He passes his card to the woman at the front desk.

"Okay... Thank you," She nods her head, with a sad smile.

Kyle checked his bank account. He only had about ten dollars left, but it was worth it to him. If it could save Raven's life, it was worth it.

Another nurse looks to Kyle from the hallway.

"Kyle Broflovski?" She looks around the room for him.

"...Yes? That's me," Kyle approaches her with a panicked look in his eyes.

"Stan wishes to speak with you," She frowns.

"...Okay," He nods his head slowly, the nurse taking him to Stan's room.

Don't Cry [Goth Stan/Jersey Kyle]Where stories live. Discover now