There were few students, but everyone stared at me like I was some exotic animal. Sebastian ignored the looks and walked towards a fireplace. "This is my favorite place. Here I can read in peace and think clearly.", he said with a smile. "I also like to sit on the sofa in front of the fireplace. That fills my heart with..." "Warmth," Sebastian interrupted me, nodding, "I feel the same way. I love this common room, but it's all quite distant. When I'm sitting in front of the fireplace with a good book and a warm cup of tea, I feel really safe. It could only be better if you and Anne were with me," said Sebastian quietly. He pulled me further towards the dormitories. 

We were standing in a gloomy, barren corridor. "Sallow, are you seriously bringing strangers into our common room to satisfy your sick fetishes?" a 7th grader asked. "Yeah, why not? The girls here just bore me.", Sebastian answered coolly and continued walking. "They obviously don't have the best opinion of you." I said with a smile. "Oh the guy's jealous. He got dumped by his girlfriend last week and now he's frustrated," he laughed.

We turned off and stood in a dorm. This room, too, was quite gloomy and dark. It was only lit by a couple of candles on the cupboards. Dark green sheets were attached to the beds. Sebastian offered me to sit down. "Is this your bed?" I asked him. "Yes, of course." He answered and took Garreth's bag to his chest to store the books.

I looked around. Countless books lay on all his furniture, even occupying part of his bed. He had a blanket on the bed that had the same pattern as the handle of his elegant wand. There was a small mirror and a razor on his dresser. "You shave already?" I asked smiling. "Yes, I want to look neat," he replied. 

There was a photo on his bedside table, which I took in my hand.

In this picture I saw a happy family with two small children, who were clearly Sebastian and Anne, and a large dog. His parents were also both brunettes. They all looked extremely happy. Sebastian sat down next to me. "The photo was taken a few weeks before she died," he said softly. I looked at him. Tears filled his eyes. I leaned into him and put my head on his shoulder. "Life's not fair," he said sadly. I nodded in agreement.

After a short while, he got himself up again. Took Garreth's bag and my hand and led me back outside. We went to the Gryffindor common room together.

The fat lady in the portrait looked skeptical as Sebastian grabbed my hand and we entered the common room together.

The last of the evening sun shone through the windows and made the room feel even warmer. I looked at Sebastian. "It's quite a difference, isn't it?" I asked, smiling. Sebastian looked around and nodded slightly. He too was now stared at.

"Today we have a distinguished visitor!" Natty called in our direction. We went to her. She was sitting on our sofa while Nellie was back on the mantelpiece.

"Are you even allowed in here?" Nellie asked, adding with a laugh, "Well it doesn't bother me, I was just wondering." "I don't know, but Caelie was in the Slytherin common room, too," Sebastian replied, shrugging.

"Have any of you seen Garreth?" I asked. Both shook their heads. I let go of Sebastian's hand and walked over to Jennie, who was again sitting on a rug practicing enchanting. "Hey Jennie, have you seen your brother?" I asked her. "Well, Hector was with Kay, but I haven't seen Gary since noon today. He's probably up to some nonsense again... And Caelie, you don't have to let go of the Slytherin boy's hand. As long as you don't hurt Gary, I don't care what you do." She said, winking at me. I found myself blushing bright red.

"Shall we go by ourselves then?" Sebastian asked me. I agreed and we exited the Gryffindor common room and the castle. We decided to fly to Hogsmeade even though it was an easy walk to get there.

We landed in front of the three broomsticks and walked inside. "Oh Sebastian, we haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you? And what can I get you to drink?" asked a stranger's voice. The voice came from the bartender. "Hello Sirona, two Butterbeers please. This is Caelie, my girlfriend. I'm fine, and you?" Sebastian answered, blushing slightly. 

We sat down directly at the counter. Sirona brought us two butterbeers and sat down behind the counter with us.

"So you managed to get to the heart of that block of ice? Thought that day would never come. Especially after the last two years, he just seemed sad when he came to me. I'm glad he now has a reason to be happy again." She said gently smiling. Sebastian grinned at her, "Hey, I'm not a block of ice just because I have expectations!". 

The two started laughing out loud. We were drinking our Butterbeers and having a great chat when suddenly a few strands of wavy, strawberry blonde hair fell into my field of vision and I felt a pair of warm, soft lips on my forehead. "Hey, the lady is here with her boyfriend! Get away from her!" Sirona yelled menacingly, whipping out her wand. I heard a familiar chuckle behind me, "Yes, but I'm her boyfriend too. Hi, Sebastian."

Sirona put her wand down again and said, smiling, "Guess, if witches can be born as wizards, a witch can also have two wizards by her side. Sorry, young man, but we have far too many cases of molestation in town. Do you drink Butterbeer? I'll give you one for free, on the fright."

"What are you doing here? We were looking for you in the castle. Nobody knew where you are." I said and looked at Garreth. He was holding his broom and had some shopping bags in front of him. He blushed a little, "I bought ingredients. And a few little things for Christmas. How come you're back already? Was the cave empty?" he asked curiously. "Later," whispered Sebastian.

He handed his bag to Garreth, who stowed all his purchases in it. Sirona placed three more butter beers on the counter and sat down again, "May I ask you three something intimate?" "Of course, go ahead.", Sebastian replied. "How does that work for you? So in everyday life, aren't you jealous?" She asked quietly.

"Caelie spends most of her time with Garreth because both are in Gryffindor, plus they've been friends forever," said Sebastian. "And then sometimes she meets up with Sebastian, like today.", Garreth added and took a sip, "It was a little harder for me at first because I was a bit... possessive, but now I've got it I'm used to it and I don't think it's bad at all. That way I know that she's always well protected."

We continued to drink and had an enjoyable evening. We were all pretty drunk by now though. "By Merlin's beard, how are we supposed to get back into the castle like this?" I asked.

"Hey Sirona, do you still have a room available?" Sebastian asked, slurring slightly. "Yes, but that only has one bed. If that doesn't bother you, you're welcome to sleep here. Special price for the three of you today is only one galleon per person, because you really brightened my evening. Then it's the second room on the on the left on the second floor."

Garreth drew three Galleons from his robe pocket and gave them to Sirona. "Then I wish everyone a good night.", Garreth slurred and toasted the other guests with a laugh before he took the last sip.

I took the two gentlemen and dragged them to the second floor. We walked into our room. It was simple but very clean, well maintained and pleasantly warm. Sebastian immediately fell backwards onto the bed. Garreth started to undress. "Why are you taking your clothes off?" asked Sebastian. "Don't want a wrinkled shirt in the morning and besides, it's too warm anyway." Garreth replied and stripped down to his underwear before lying down on the bed next to Sebastian. Lying down, Sebastian took off his shoes and pants before unbuttoning his shirt.

I was still standing in the entrance of the room and suddenly had an intriguing idea.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now