27th chapter

Beginne am Anfang

I had very little time to realize what had happened when the next goblins came. This time, I tried to use the ability actively.

So I reached out my hand again, and held it out to a small group of goblins who ran towards me. I focused on my inner energy, but nothing happened. The goblins were getting dangerously close to me when I suddenly heard Sebastian shout "Imperio!" calling. One of the goblins drew his knife and cut his comrades' throats. I looked at Sebastian. His eyes were no longer brown as usual, but they glowed faintly green. I turned my gaze back to the controlled goblin, and he stabbed a knife into his own heart.

"Are you okay?" he asked while the next goblins were already on their way to us. We went back to back and threw all sorts of spells at the goblins until we finally finished them all. We took a quick breather.

"Sebastian, please teach me the Imperius Curse." I said softly. Without hesitation, he showed me what wand gesture I needed to perform. "The formula is Imperio, of course, and like the Cruciatus Curse, you have to really want it," he said, looking into my eyes. I pointed my wand towards him. "Imperio!".

Sebastian looked at me like he was waiting for an order. "Kiss me." I said. He came to me, put his hand on my cheek, and kissed me. I canceled the spell. "Did it work or were you willing to do it?" I asked curiously. "Both. There's no situation where I wouldn't kiss you voluntarily," he winked at me, "But yeah, my body didn't obey me. Good job!"

We entered the cave and proceeded cautiously inside. We encountered a few more goblins, but we eliminated them without any problems. We stood in front of a huge, ornate, locked door. We couldn't find any opening mechanism. "Could it be?" Sebastian murmured to himself and looked at the door closely. "I think this door can only be opened with a blood sacrifice.", Sebastian said, looking at me. He held the tip of his wand to his palm and I saw his blood drip onto the stone floor. I did the same and the moment the first drop of my blood hit the ground I saw the door begin to glow before it opened.

"My blood seems to be something special." I grinned at Sebastian.

We slowly walked into the next room. The door closed behind us immediately.

We were standing in a room that had obviously been used for research a long time ago. Sebastian checked if we were alone and looked around a little more closely. He went to the bookshelves and started looking through the books. Typical Sebastian, I thought to myself, smiling.I saw some loose papers on a round, dusty table. I looked at the top sheet.

6th June 1439

Accidentally killed an injured mooncalf while attempting to heal his wound.

I don't want to hurt or even kill anyone anymore. I want to create a world in which there is no more pain. No sadness, no worries, no fear, no sorrow.Will that day come? Will I understand my power? Will I be able to control them? Will I be able to use them to protect people?

I set up a small research room in a cave near my home. This is where I start my diary. I have to figure out how to properly use the power within me. I want mom and my brother to be with dad and me again. He hasn't spoken for 9 years now.

I finished my education at Hogwarts 3 years ago and I'm not a step further. No one can help me, no one sees this light what I see, so I decided to look for information in the past.

I want to help the people. And if someone is ever born with powers similar to mine, I hope I can leave enough information for him or her as my legacy.


"Isidora Morganach. It's Isidora's research room, Sebastian!" I called excitedly. He put his books down and came over to me. "She really did have the same magic. You were right!"

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt