"Well, good luck with that," Druex said ending the call quickly. The job of calming Eros is not so easy. A quiet person's temper is never easy to deal with.
"I was given permission to relay everything due to some new developments," he said to the couple. The two unconsciously reached for each other, ready to comfort the other according to what they heard next. 
'I can pair them as a couple, right? Ah, I'm setting off the ship,' he asked himself. 



While plans see their first phase in motion, in a home office based in an affluent mansion, a man nearing forty sat in an armchair diligently fielding calls for his boss. This wasn't something new to him as he was Josef Macallis's aide for over fifteen years. Kyle Lanley knew every dirty secret of the family and the lengths the powerful magnate went to so he could acquire all his riches. The current situation was child's play. 
On the coffee table before him was a well-written script to counter the slander the public have been throwing their way. The article about placing the young miss in a bad light was a good move when Min Hanjool is currently in hot water but they can easily turn the tables. Using the basic route of swaying the public, he had a few people make concerned yet justifiable comments under that article. When the homophobic article surfaced, he placed doubtful commenters. In the midst of conspiracy theorists and those who wish to breed more chaos, the white knights gain the heart of the public. 

It all went beautifully.

The Macallis's name was buried. 

As he was choosing the best media house to grant an exclusive interview, his phone rang obnoxiously in the quiet of the office. His boss has yet to come down to start his day so it was clear to Kyle his day had to start earlier. The number was labeled as unknown and that made him frown. Most of their contacts were saved on his phone which means this caller was a stranger and awfully rude to call so early in the morning. 
Kyle sighed. He can only be courteous to this person. There might be an opportunity for a great connection.

"Lanley. Aide to Chariman Macallis. How can I help you?" he answered curtly.

"Mr. Langley. This is Anthony Pascal of Pascal Premier Company. It is urgent that I speak with Chairman Macallis." 

Kyle raised a contemptuous eyebrow at the man's hurried request. How did this man acquire their contact? How urgent was his issue to call his boss before working hours? These middle-tier companies think they are at the same level as the Macallis. 

"Chairman Macallis has yet to start his business day. Since it's urgent as you say, you can leave a message and he will return your call," Kyle replied firmly.

"I need to speak with him now. After all, it's because of his daughter that my son is detained at the moment. Get him on the line NOW!" All signs of noble bearing left Anthony Pascal upon hearing that reply he often give to low-class folks. His image was declining by the minute. The neighbors who witness his son being arrested are already spreading the news of this disgrace. If his son wasn't so weak-willed he wouldn't know who instigated all this attempted murder crap.

"How dare you call the chairman for something so foolish. Whatever your child did has nothing to do with us. Figure it out yourself!" Kyle ended the call abruptly, cursing the man and his son for their idiocy.
Even after the blatant rejection, Pascal called two more times before giving up. Scoffing at the idiot's attempts, Kyle returned to his duties. 

"What do you ..... your..... I.... -da"

"Shut... Why would..."

Bits and pieces of an explosive argument filtered through the doors of the office. Kyle sat up and listened carefully. Rolling his eyes, he got to his feet and approached the door. Seconds after opening it, Josef Macallis stalked in with a severe expression on his face with his wife trailing behind him hurling insults and guilt-inducing words. To him as an aide to a high-profile man Chairman Macallis, scenes like this were part of his daily life. Silently he tried to deduct what the woman wanted this time.

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