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"I love you so much," Onyx whispers into my ear. We were laying in bed after a long-needed shower. It was my first day back at school and I stay afterward to help with some community work. Then I stay at work after time to make up for coming in late. I came home late and ate dinner late. I smelt like grease and musty kids before but now I smell of cocoa butter and vanilla. 

Onyx has apparently been working all day as well too. When I came home I saw him throwing out some clothes that apparently were stained so badly it was impossible to clean. It also smelt heavily of chemicals and dead animals. I didn't ask what work he was doing but I expected he was picking up roadkill. I bet that'll be something he'll do for some cash. Now he smells like Dove's man soap and shaving cream. 

I kiss his chin and lay my head on his chest. He runs his fingernails down my back and kisses my head. He wraps his arms around the curve of my body and pulls me closer to his. "I'm going to get us a beautiful house in the country and we'll have so many kids to run around in our backyard," He whispers as he plays with my fingers. I place my chin on my chest and stare up at him. "What name should we name our son?" I asked. He shrugs. "I always liked the name, Emery," He said pulling on my finger. 

I hum, liking the sound of that. "Emery Powers or Emery Baker," I said cupping his cheeks. He shakes his head. "I like the sound of Emery Powers more," He said. "Just like Maya Powers sound amazing," He said grabbing a fist full of my butt. 

I giggle and bite my like. "What about for a girl?" I asked him. He shrugs. "I never saw myself as a girl dad before," He said pulling on a curl. "I always thought I'll have boys if I ever have kids so I never really thought about gurl names." I nod my head agreeing with him. "I do have a girl's name though," I said sitting up and straddling his waist. "Yes and what is that?" He asked interlocking our fingers together. 

"Anastasia," I said with a smile. 

He grins. "That's a wonderful name," He said. "Anastasia Powers," He said looking up and thinking about it. "Why Anastasia?" He asked. I shrug. "I heard the name once while I was in middle school and have been in love with it ever since." "What about Emery? Why do you like it?" I asked. 

"I don't know," He said placing his hand on my stomach. "Aaron showed me his baby name list that he wanted to name Benji or any future kids he had and Emery was on that list. I saw it and I loved it. Aaron said it was one of Ova's favorite names." 

I awe by that. It was so adorable that Onyx agreed with Aaron on a name. I could totally see Aaron walking around with a baby Emery and Onyx naming his own child after that sibling. 

Onyx's hand that was on my stomach traveled around from my stomach to my waist. He grips my side and I have noticed it's been getting a little chubby. Like my stomach was much more floppier than it was before I met Onyx. I guess all that food they have been cooking has made me chubby. My cheeks were even getting chubbier. 

"Am I getting fat?" I asked Onyx as I pull on my stomach. 

Onyx eyes travel to my stomach and he groans with a smirk on his face. "Hell babe," He said looking back into my eyes. "I love your stomach," he said. I shake my head. "That's not what I asked," I said folding my arms over my chest. He frowns and then smirks. "No I think you look healthy," He said looking my body over. "Your healthy body turns me on so much," He said throwing his head back and lifting his hips up to my crotch. I bite my lip to hold back a moan. 

He grabs the waistband of my pants and pulls them down to my ankles. I stand up and step out of them. I sit back on him and he smiles. He grabs my shirt and lifts it over my head leaving me in nothing but my underwear. He smiles and grabs my breast in both his hands. He squeezes them making me moan and throw my head back. I grab his wrist and help him massage me. 

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