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"Do you need anything else?" Onyx asked me. I look at the pad and tampons in my hands and shake my head. He tilts his head something I noticed he does a lot. "You don't need any comfort food?" He asked. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Comfort food?" I asked him. He nods his head. "My friend's fiance likes to eat specific food when she's on her period to make her feel better." 

I blush and shake my head. "I never had any comfort food while on my period," I mumble. He nods his head. "What type of food do you like?" He asked me. I smile at this. "I like pancakes with chocolate syrup," I said with a twinkle in my eyes. He nods his head and pats my head. "Stay here I'll be back," He said. 

He walks away leaving me by myself in the menstrual aisle. I bite my lip and chew on it. I look around as people walk through the aisle. I hated being in public without anyone I knew. I have bad social anxiety and hated being around people I didn't know. So I didn't really feel comfortable being left alone here. And women and sometimes men would walk past me which made me uncomfortable. 

I chew hard on my lip and anxiously move around on my feet.

I notice some painkillers pills across from me. I grab them and shake them. I have always had bad period cramps ever since I was 15. I haven't had periods for that long so I wasn't an expert on this but I knew the basic things because of my mom. But I always thought that period cramps couldn't be healed. So I just lay there and took the pain until it passed through. 

I read the back of the bottle and keep them. 

If Jackson sees these he'll probably use them to his own advantage. So I had to keep these a secret. 

"Maya," I hear Onyx call out. 

I turn around and see him with things in his hands. He walks up to me with a smile. "You like Twizzlers and sour punch right?" He asked me. I nod my head with a large smile on my face. I look in his hands and there was cake mix, chocolate syrup, Twizzlers, sour punch, and a heating pad. 

I look back into his eyes and I smile again. 

"Come on, I'll take you to my place," He said turning around and walking away. I follow behind him quickly. 

Now I sat in Onyx's nice kitchen looking around. It was very cozy and didn't have a bad smell lingering in the walls as mines did. I love the interior of the kitchen as well. Green cabinets, a green refrigerator, a white kitchen table, a black stove, and cute decorations that fit well in the small kitchen. It was small but very cozy and I liked it.  

Onyx stood over the stove making my pancakes. 

He told me to be a good girl and sit at the table and wait patiently. I bite my fingers nervously as I look around. I look into the living room which matched the kitchen with the green interior as well. I notice a small picture frame on the table next to the couch. It piqued my interest. 

I slowly stood up and make my way over to the framed picture. I pick it up and smile at the picture. It was of Onyx when he was much younger. He had a few tattoos, no facial hair, and was a lot skinnier than he is now. But that same cold stare he has when in public. Next to him was an older man that sorta look like him. I mean I could see the resemblance between them but they are not like identical. The older man had a large smile on his face as he looked at the camera. But it was clear the smile didn't reach his eyes. 

"Maya, what are you doing?" Onyx asked. 

I look over at him and show him the picture. "Is this your dad?" I asked. He squints his eyes and nods his head. "Yeah." He mumbles and turns into the kitchen. I smile and place the picture back down and follow behind him.

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