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"Maya wake up," I hear the distant voice of Onyx calling out to me. 

I slowly open my eyes and turn over to see him with the biggest smile on his face. I smile back but a yawn soon takes it over. I sit up and rub my eyes and look over at the clock. I frown noticing it read 5:50 in the morning. I look over at Onyx who was almost jumping with happiness. 

I have never seen him so happy and it confused me greatly. 

"Dad got a surprise for you and I think you'll love it," He said grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet. I stumble nearly falling over but I catch my balance. He smiles at me and takes me out of the room and downstairs. 

He walks us over to the couch and sits me down. I frown and smile up at him confused. He smiles and sits next to me. "It's a late birthday gift from dad," He said looking behind us towards the kitchen. I frown because Aaron has already gotten me a present. It was a new dress and it was perfect. It came with matching earrings that looked expensive and some cheap perfume that smelt lovely. So I wonder why he was gifting me something else. If anything it should be Onyx gifting me something since he never gave me his gift. I knew he had one since I saw it but when I asked him about it he told me to forget about it

I didn't really care since afterward he watched Ponactas with me and made candy popcorn even though it made his stomach hurt. And plus he took me to lunch which I loved and he took me to the roller rink. He knew I always wanted to go and he made that dream come to. He even made my experience the best one yet. I had so much fun and couldn't ask for a better birthday gift.

I stare at Onyx as he happily looks behind us. 

"This is a gift that I just picked up this morning," I hear Aaron's voice. I hear him walk over to us and then he appears in front of us with a large cardboard box. He places it on the floor and motions for me to stand up. 

I do and look over at Onyx confused about what was happening. I walk over to the box and crotch down near it. Just before I open it, it starts moving causing me to fall back in shock. I look at the box with wide eyes and then at Aaron who was smiling ear to ear. 

I crawl over to the box and open it. I gasp when I see what's inside. 

A puppy. But not just any puppy a rottweiler puppy. The same one my grandfather used to have. He was a large puppy with a blue-collar around his neck. His little tail was swaying side to side as he stared up at me with his small mouth parted open. His big black eyes stared up at me with curiosity. 

I cover my mouth and look at Aaron and then at Onyx. 

"Oh my god," I said slowly reaching my hands inside the box. I pick up the large puppy and bring him to my chest. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes and I hug the big boy to my chest. I look over at Aaron who stared down at me with happy eyes. I sniffle and wipe my eyes before the tears fell. "You got me a puppy," I said looking down at the cute dog. 

"I remember you telling me about your grandfather and his digs and how you wanted your own," Aaron said as he scratched the back of his neck. "I had Lex pick him up a few days ago and he watched over him until I was able to pick him up this morning," He said. 

I sniffle again and bring the puppy up to my face. "This means so much to me, Aaron, thank you," I said rubbing my cheek against the dog's head. I stand up and sit next to Onyx on the couch who had the biggest smile on his face. "Did you know about this?" I asked him. He shakes his head. "Not until he woke me up at 3 in the morning asking me to come to pick it up with him," He said petting the dog's head. 

I grab the puppy's large paw and grin. "He's such a big boy," I said cooing at the dog. I frown and look at Aaron. "He's a boy right?" I asked him. He nods his head with a smile. I nod my head and look back down at the dog. "Oh he's so adorable," I said. "What's his name?"

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