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Onyx's Pov

"Thanks," I mumble to Lori as she handed me a mug of coffee. She mumbles under her breath before walking away. I take a drink from the hot black coffee. I take a breath before running my hands through my hair. I had a good night's sleep last night even though I never fully relaxed enough to let my guard down. I didn't want Maya to get more hurt than she already was. She looked pretty bad after what her stepdad did to her. 

It made me so angry when I saw that ugly bruise on her jaw. I was shocked she actually called me last night. I gave her my number completely expecting not to get a call from her. So when she called me I was shocked and it was clear she was in distress. She tried to deny it but I knew it was true. As soon as I heard the smallest sniffle I rushed over to her apartment and made sure nothing happened to her. 

I was planning on keeping it that way.

I don't know why but I felt a strong attachment to the little girl. Her light brown skin, her dark brown curls, her brown eyes, and her very plump lips. I couldn't none of that off my mind. Her smell clouded my mind all the time and it was hard to get rid of it. I hated how much she affected me in such a short time. She was just so addictive and I barely knew her. I feel ashamed about how I was feeling but as my dad always says, you can't stop the heart from wanting what it wants. And for the first time, I believed him.

"Onyx?" Lex said grabbing my shoulder and startling me.

I look up at him with a glare. "What?" I grumble. He frowns and looks at my cup. "You only drink coffee when something is stressing you out," He said grinning. "Who did you get pregnant?" He asked with an arched eyebrow. I chuckle and take a sip from my coffee. "I didn't get anyone pregnant just confused about something."

He gasps and covers his mouth with both his hands like a schoolgirl. 

"You are starting to have feelings for someone," He said with the biggest smile. I hide my grin with my coffee mug. "Oh god you do," He said pushing on my shoulder. I shake my head in denial. "I don't." He laughs and sits down beside me. "I remember when I first started catching feelings for Molly. It was so obvious that I'm surprised it took her 3 months to realize. And look at you, you look just like me." 

I roll my eyes. Molly and Lex were annoyingly cute. More of Molly than Lex. Molly was a quiet girl that was a nursing student when we met her. She eventually started stopping by our cafe all the time before going to work or school. She then became friends with Lori and since Lori is Lex's cousin we started to see Molly all the time. Lex eventually got feelings for the quiet redhead. I mean we all found the girl very attractive but Lex was way more than just attractive to her. Anyways he asked her out after crushing on her for nearly 5 months and now they're engaged and can't get their hands off each other. 

"I don't have feelings for her," I said. 

"Aha, so it is about a girl," He said. 

I groan and hold my head in my hands. "No, I mean yes, I mean," I groan again. He lay my head down as I felt frustrated. I honestly didn't know at that very moment. Plus she was so young and it felt illegal to be having these feelings for her. And now she's all I could think about which pissed me off. 

"Do you remember that boy, Alfred...no Arnold, something like that?" I asked Lex. He looks away in thought before the realization hit him. "You mean Andrew?" He asked. "The pretty boy with the braces and lovely curly hair. That boy is gorgeous and his sister is just as stunning." 

I nod my head. "Well the girl in question is his sister," I mumble. 

He looks at me in shock. "Really?" I shrug my shoulder and finish my coffee. "I was with her last night and I just had this overwhelming urge to protect her," I said. "And not in the way you are with Lori, the way you are with Molly. Like it would make my heart feel better if she was near and I knew she was safe. And I know it's weird for feeling this way but I can't seem to help it." 

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