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"Can you stop staring at her," Molly said glaring at Onyx. Onyx only glances at Molly before focusing his eyes back on me. I blush and quickly look away from his intense eyes. Molly groans and kicks Lex underneath the table. "Make him stop, Lexi," She said. 

I couldn't help but smile at the nickname Lex was clearly flustered and embarrassed about.

"Dude, let her eat," Lex said to Onyx who rolled his eyes and looked down at his plate. 

Molly rolls her eyes and smiles at me. "So as I was saying, I decided to make you one of my bridesmaids," She said grabbing my hands. "Onyx is the best man and I thought since you are his girlfriend and I really really like you, you are my new bridesmaid." She said pushing some curls away from my fave. 

"I don't know," I said looking down at her lap. She shakes her head. "Why not?" She asked sounding disappointed. "What will your friends think? You've barely known me for that long and I don't wanna intrude." She scoffs and smiles at me. "Between you and me you're my favorite out of them all. I may have known those girls for a long time but they're all fake bitches who only care about themselves. Except for Lori. Love her." 

I smile and look over at Lex and Onyx who was already staring at me. 

I blush and look away from them.  "Your wedding is in 3 months will you even have enough time to adjust everything so I could be at the wedding?" I asked her. 

She flops her wrist at me and smiles. "That's why I'm asking you today," She said taking a bite of fry. "The rehearsal is in two weeks and I want to take you to dress fitting tomorrow," She said. "I already have the bridesmaids' dresses I just need you fitted for it," She said playing with my hair. 

I nod my head and focus on my lunch.

After we finish we stand outside the restaurant saying our goodbyes. 

"And I'll call you later to go over the details," Molly said in my ear as she hugged me goodbye. I nod my head and pat her bare back since the shirt she was wearing was backless. She smiles and kisses my cheek like the true Britian she was before walking over to Lex and interlocking their arms.

"Ok, call me for anything ok?" Lex mumbles staring into Onyx's eyes. Onyx nods and Lex grabs the pack of Onyx's neck before smiling and grabbing Molly's waist. He waves goodbye to me before walking off to their car. 

Onyx walks over to me and grabs my hands. He kisses my hands before leaning into kisses my lips. I smile against his lips before pulling away. "Let's go home, I miss Groot," I said smiling up at him and walking towards his car. 

I squeal in shock when I feel Onyx's arms wrap around my waist and lift me in the air. He chuckles and I kick my feet in the air. I laugh as he twirls me around. He also laughs before placing me back on my feet. I place my hands on his forearms and look at him with a small smile. 

"Remennber that night?" He asked grabbing my hands and staring at my left one. He looks me in the eye deeply and smirks. "I love you so much," he whispers. I smile and nod my head. "I need time, Onyx," I whisper. His grip on my hand loosens a bit. "Why?" He asked quietly. I look up at him and exhale. "Because I think it's moving too fast and I think you haven't fully moved on from your trauma. Plus I just turned 18 and I'm still in high school."

Onyx nods his head and lets go of my hands. 

I sigh and push my hair back as I walk behind him toward our car.

He opens the door for me and helps me inside. I smile at him and he smiles back before shutting the door and walking to his side. 

The entire drive back was silent. We didn't say anything to each other and were lost in our own thoughts. 

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