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"Thank you come again," I said as I wipe down a table and watch the couple leave. It's my first day back at the diner since that hold shenanigans with the robber or whatever you'll call it. It was pretty traumatic but I got over it pretty quickly. Plus I've been missing work so I decided to return today after being gone for two weeks. 

I was already in 4 hours of my 6-hour shift. I didn't get the normal 5 to 9 hours of work like everyone else since I was still in high school and was still a minor we I begin working here. But I still got a fair check with fair hours so I couldn't complain. 

"Hey," Lori said walking over to me. 

"Hey," I said as she slowly approached me. She runs her fingers through her dark locks and sighs. "I need to ask you a favor, please," She asked me with pleading green eyes. I smile and nod my head agreeing to it without even knowing what I was agreeing to. But I knew Lori wouldn't ask for something unless she was desperate. And she looked desperate at this moment.

"Ok so I kind of agreed to watch one of my cousin's daughters," She said scratching the back of her neck. I nod my head a little confused because I thought Lex was her only cousin. But it was possible to have more than one cousin. Personally, I didn't have any on my mother's side. I don't about my father's side though but I made a mental note to ask him about it when I meet him this weekend. 

"Why can't you watch her?" I asked. She sighs and rolls her eyes at the question. "I overbooked forgetting that I had things to do today. I have a hair appointment that I can't miss because my interview for my college is also today which I totally forgot about and I can't take a 7-year-old to an interview with me. Plus after that, I also agreed to take Aria on a date which she is only now she just reminding me of. God, I have to stop agreeing to make plans knowing I have other plans to do. You don't mind do you, Maya? I would ask Lex because that's technically his cousin too but Molly got him on a tight leash with these wedding plans." 

"I don't mind," I said walking over to the kitchen with Lori following close behind me. "I love kids," I told her. 

She lets out a relieved sigh. "Thank you," She said giving me a quick hug. She looks down at her Apple watch and rolls her eyes. "I have to go," She said. She kisses the side of my head before rushing out the door. 

Not even a second later she texts me information about her cousin I'm babysitting. The kid was name Elizabeth but everyone called her Libby. She texted her mom will be dropping her off in an hour and will be picking her up around 9. Which in my opinion is a little late but maybe her parents have their reasons why they're picking her up that late. 

I finish up around the diner before my shift was due to end. I was the only person working other than some kid that was the assistant manager. I didn't know a 17 can actually be that but apparently she's been working here for 2 years at this point. So Lex thought he deserved the position. I didn't complain because he did a good job at his job and took it very seriously. I mean he had to when he was still in high school with a child. I didn't judge I actually quite enjoyed it when he talked about his daughter. 

"Hey, baby," I feel Onyx's large hands grasp my waist and he places his chin on my shoulder. I smile and lean back into his chest. He kisses my neck and grins. "Your shift ended 12 minutes ago, I've been waiting outside for a while now," He mumbles. I look over at the clock and bite my lip. I turn around to face him and let out a breath. He smelled heavenly and looked wonderful. 


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