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Oynx Pov

I wake up with a pounding headache. I groan and sit up. I look around the room and frown. I don't recognize anything in this room. Where the fuck am I?

"You finally woke up," I hear a woman's voice say.

I look up and make eye contact with a woman I didn't recognize. Who the fuck is she? And why the fuck am I in her room naked? Why can't I remember shit?

She walks over to me and hands me a glass of water and a pill. "For your head," She said. She stands up straight and fixes her pencil skirt. She fixes her blazer and smirks at me. "I have to leave for work and drop my son off at school," She said bending over and picking up my clothes. Son? 

"But I enjoyed last night and hope we can do it again sometime," She said before walking over to me and kissing my lips softly. She pulls away when I make to move to return the kiss. She hands me a piece of paper before leaving the room.

I take the pill and drink the water before balding up the paper and throwing it in the trash. I get dressed in my clothes before walking out of the house.                      

I see my car parked outside her driveway. I climb inside the car and make my way home.

After driving for over an hour I arrive at dad's white cottage house. I park my car behind his blue pickup truck and climb out. I walk over to the house and open the door. I look around the kitchen and find it empty. I sigh and lightly close the door behind me. I silently walk to my room and close the door. 

I collapse on the bed with a heavy groan. 

I cover my eyes with my arm and try to fall asleep.

"Onyx, is that you son?" 

I sigh and sit up as my door creak open. Dad peeks his head in and smiles at me. "Where were you last night?" He asked. "I was worried about you."

"Don't be," I told him. I look around the room ignoring his lingering stare. "Well I made some pasta last night if you want any," He said. "No, I'm fine," I said picking up my drug stash. I hear him sigh before closing the door. 

I hate my father with a passion. I've only known him for 10 years and I'm 25. My dad left my teenage mother as soon as he found out she was pregnant. My mom has always been depressed and after I was born she did drugs and drank alcohol. She was abusive to me until she went too far. So far that I ended up calling the cops. They got in contact with my father and I was sent to live with him. I feel the only reason he took me in is because he lost his wife and son 2 years before meeting me. And I was a way of feeling that hole. But I refuse to let him be a father to me. I blamed him for everything I'd been through my entire childhood.

I open the shoebox where I kept my drugs. I take out some medications that were crunched up. I open the bag and stick my finger in it. I lick my finger and smile. 

Later that day I decided to stop by my friend's job. I push open the door of the small restaurant and walk inside. I walk over to the counter and see Lori a girl whose gut I hated and the feeling was mutual. 

She looks up from her notebook and frowns. "What the hell are you doing here, Onyx?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "Where's Lex?" I asked her. She points behind her in the back of the restaurant. "Doing his job," She said. I glare at her and she returns the look. 

I walk passed her and into the back area. 

"You should take some eye drops you look high," She says after me

I ignore her and walk into the staff room. Lex sat in one of the many chairs scrolling through his phone. I sit down next to him. He looks up at me with a bored expression before returning back to his phone. "What do you want, Onyx?" He asked. I chuckle and fix my pants. "I need some more weed, Lex," I whisper to him so no one else could hear me.

He looks at me and smirks. "I see you used the last bit this morning," He mumbles. "You look high as hell." He laughs and sits up. "Come with me to the bar, I'll hit you up with something," He said. "But you can't just walk around with red bulging eyes," He said. "Clarie will find out and lock your ass back up."

Claire is my probation officer. She's been with me since I was 13 when I first got locked up. I hated her. I swear she tells the police about my whereabouts and gets me locked up again and again. On four separate occasions, she admitted she put me in jail for drug possession and other minor offenses. I couldn't stand that old lady.

I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest. "I can give little fucks about that bitch," I said running my hands through my hair. "I just need to get high and forget about everything," I mumble. Lex grins and looks back down at his phone. 

I sigh and close my eyes thinking about all the pussy I was going to get tonight.

Later that night I arrived at the bar and walked inside. I look around and grin when I see a group of people I recognized. 

I walk over to the booth and clear my throat to get their attention. 

A girl with long blonde hair turns her head quickly. She smiles her bright smile and stands up to greet me. "Onny," She said in an overly cheery voice. She wraps her arms around my torso and pushes her head into my chest. I awkwardly hug her back and she steps away. "I'm glad you're here."

I look over at Lex who was making out with his finance Molly. He wasn't paying me any attention as I sit down in the booth next to my other friend Chubs. Chubs was a redhead boy that used to be chubby when he was a kid. But after his health nearly killed him when he was younger he decided to lose weight. Now he's one of the fitness people I know. But everyone still calls him Chubs because he hated his name which was Edward. 

Chubs grin at me and hand me a small box. I open it and smile when I see marijuana in it. I lick my lips and stuff the box in my pocket planning to get high later. 

"So what are you planning on doing later," The blonde girl that was name Mila asked me. I shrug her hand off and look around the room. "Not much probably get laid," I mumble. Mila scoots closer to me and places her hand on my thigh. "Maybe I could help with that," She whispers. I remove her hand and shake my head. "No thanks."

She still had her cheery smile on her face as she looked at a boy that walked past us.

I stand up and walk over to the bathroom to quickly get high before I met some girl. 

I walk into a stall and sit down. I open the box and take out a small piece of paper and set it on my leg. I sprinkle some marijuana in the middle of the paper and roll it up. I lick the end and the side to make sure the weed doesn't fall out. I hold the blunt up and smile at my work. I take out a lighter and light the blunt. I inhale on the blunt before a huge puff of smoke releases from my mouth.

I lean back against the stall with a stratified smirk on my face.

I take a few more hits from the blunt I decided to get back to my friends. 

I go back to my friends and notice Mila was missing from the table. Lex was now taking some shots as Molly cheered him on. Chubs watch them with a smirk on his face as he slowly drank his beer. 

I sit down next to Chubs. He smirks as he sniffs the air. "You smell like weed," He chuckles. I do the same as I watch two blondes past our table. I look at Chubs with a lazy grin on my face. He smirks back at me. "I think I might get laid earlier tonight," He said. I chuckle as I make my way over to them.

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