Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Lucian sneers at me, his eyes flickering with anger. "You may have destroyed the potion, but that doesn't mean we can't defeat you," he says, his voice dripping with malice.

But I know better. With the power of the potion flowing through me, I am stronger and more powerful than ever before. And with my father and Alexander by my side, I know that we can defeat Lucian and his clan.

Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice calling out to me. "Amelia, look up!" Kiki flies towards me with a group of faeries trailing behind her, their wings buzzing with energy. "I found some help."

I feel a surge of gratitude towards Kiki and the faeries. "Thank you so much," I say, my voice filled with emotion.

With the faeries by our side, we charge towards Lucian's army. I can feel the power of the potion coursing through me, and I unleash my newfound strength with a blast of energy, sending several vampires flying.

The faeries use their powers to create a blinding light that disorients the army, giving us an opportunity to strike. With each swing of my arm, I feel the power of the potion guiding me, and I know that we're winning this battle.

"Is that all you've got, Lucian?" I call out, my voice ringing with triumph. "Your army is no match for us!"

Lucian snarls at me, his face contorted with rage.

"You may have defeated my army, but you haven't defeated me yet," he growls, charging towards me with fangs bared.

I stand my ground, channeling all the power of the potion within me. As Lucian lunges towards me, I unleash a powerful blast of energy that sends him flying back. He hits the ground with a thud, and I can see the shock in his eyes.

"You underestimate us, Lucian," I say, my voice calm and steady. "We may be outnumbered, but we have the strength and power to defeat you."

With a roar of anger, Lucian charges towards me again, but I am ready. I dodge his attack and strike back with a blast of energy that sends him crashing to the ground once again.

As the battle rages on, I can feel the power of the potion surging through me, making me stronger and more powerful with each passing moment. With the help of my father, Alexander, Kiki, and the faeries, we are able to defeat Lucian and his army.

With each blast of energy, I can see Lucian weakening. His movements are slower, and his attacks are less precise. It's clear that he is no match for the combined power of the potion and our united forces.

My father and Alexander fight fiercely by my side, their skills and experience evident in their every move. Kiki and the faeries use their powers to create distractions, disorienting Lucian's clan and preventing them from regrouping.

I continue to channel the power of the potion, my senses heightened, my movements fluid and precise. I dodge Lucian's attacks with ease, countering with powerful bursts of energy that push him further back.

"You cannot defeat me!" Lucian shouts, his voice filled with frustration and desperation. "I am the rightful ruler of this kingdom!"

I remain calm, focused on my goal. "Your time is over, Lucian," I say, my voice ringing with determination. "Your tyranny ends today."

With a final surge of power, I unleash a devastating blast of energy towards Lucian, sending him flying backwards. He crashes into a tree, his body limp and unconscious.

The remaining members of Lucian's clan, seeing their leader defeated, retreat in fear, leaving the battlefield in disarray. Victory is ours.

As the dust settles and the tension fades, I look around at my companions. My father, Alexander, Kiki, and the faeries are all battered but alive, wearing expressions of relief and triumph.

Looking around, I see my father and Alexander standing by my side, their faces filled with pride. "We did it," my father says, his voice full of emotion. "You were amazing, Amelia."

I smile at him, feeling a sense of accomplishment fill me. "We all did it together," I say, my voice filled with gratitude.

Suddenly, Kiki and the faeries appear before us, their wings fluttering with excitement. "That was amazing!" Kiki exclaims, her eyes sparkling with joy. "We knew you could do it!"

I feel a surge of gratitude towards Kiki and the faeries. "We couldn't have done it without your help," I say, my voice filled with sincerity.

As we make our way back to the castle, I feel a sense of peace settle over me. The battle is over, and we have emerged victorious. But I know that there will be more challenges ahead. And when that time comes, I will be ready to face them with the same strength and courage that helped us win this battle.


Suddenly, I hear Lucas's voice calling my name, and I find myself unable to resist the pull of his voice.

I thought the bond between us had been broken, but as I turn towards the sound of his voice, I feel a strange sensation in the pit of my stomach. It's as though a part of me still belongs to him, and I cannot resist his call.

"Amelia," he calls again, his voice urgent and pleading. "Please, come to me."

I take a step towards him, the power of the potion still coursing through my veins. But something in the back of my mind tells me that this is not right, that I should not go to him.

But before I can make a decision, Lucas calls my name once more, and I find myself moving towards him, unable to resist the pull of his voice.


What happened to Charlotte? Will we meet Lily again? Is Lucy okay? Is Lilith on her way?

... and what is it with Lucas? ...

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now