Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Alexander is leading the way, and I follow closely behind him, trying to match his pace and movements.

We move quickly, staying low and trying to be as quiet as possible. The walls are rough and jagged, and I can feel my skin scraping against them as we move forward. The passageway twists and turns, and I'm grateful for Alexander's sense of direction. I would be hopelessly lost without him.

After what feels like an eternity, we finally emerge into a small room. It's almost pitch-black, but I can see a faint light coming from a crack in the wall. Alexander approaches it cautiously and peeks through. I hold my breath, waiting for him to give us the all-clear.

"It's clear," he whispers, turning back to us. "We're in the heart of the castle."

Relief washes over me as I realize that we've made it. We've infiltrated the inner sanctum, and we're one step closer to achieving our goal. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, and I'm ready for whatever lies ahead.

Relief floods through me as we make our way out of the hidden passage and into the main hallway of the castle. However, the weight of the situation presses down on me as I realize the danger we are in. I am an intruder, and if we are caught, we could be killed.

Kiki's low voice breaks my thoughts, "We need to find your father and do it quickly. We need to split up to cover more ground."

I nod in agreement as we divide into two groups, Kiki and Alexander heading in one direction, while I move in another. As I slink through the dark and winding hallways, I keep a low profile, trying to stay hidden and avoid being seen. Despite my efforts, I can't shake the feeling that I'm just a small ant in a vast and complicated maze.

I take a turn, and suddenly, I am face to face with a group of guards. They are heavily armed, and their eyes narrow as they catch sight of me. Fear courses through my veins as I try to back away slowly, but one of the guards steps forward, blocking my escape. I swallow hard, realizing that I have no choice but to face them head-on.

As the guards approach, their faces twisted with suspicion and hostility, my heart starts to race. "Who are you?" one of them demands, his voice booming through the hallway.

I try to form words, to explain who I am and why I'm here, but my throat feels tight and dry. Fear grips me as I realise that I'm trapped, with no way out.

But then something inside me shifts. It's a familiar sensation, one that I've felt many times before. My powers surge to the surface, and I feel a surge of energy coursing through me. My fingers tingle as I raise my hand, and a bolt of lightning shoots out, striking the guards and sending them flying.

The room is filled with a blinding light, and I can hear the guards shouting and cursing as they stumble back, their bodies convulsing from the shock. It's a raw display of my powers, and for a moment I feel both exhilarated and terrified.

As the guards lay writhing on the ground, I take a deep breath and steel myself, so I stand here, panting and trembling, unable to believe what I've just done. My powers have always been unpredictable, but I've never felt anything like this before.

I turn around and rush away from the chaos, trying to make sense of what's happening around me. My mind is racing as I try to process the situation. I know that I need to find my father, but the fear of my powers getting out of control is suffocating. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, making me feel jittery and restless.

As I move through the hallways, the sound of footsteps echoing behind me sends shivers down my spine. I turn around and see Kiki and Alexander running towards me. Their expressions are grim, and their urgency makes my heart pound even faster.

"We need to go," Kiki says, her voice urgent and tense. "We've been spotted."

I nod, my mind racing with questions and possibilities. We need to find my father and get out of here as fast as possible. I feel a knot in my stomach as I realise that the danger is real and imminent. Every step we take could be our last.

My heart is pounding in my chest as we hurry through the dimly lit corridors, searching for a way out of the castle. My eyes dart frantically from side to side, scanning the surroundings for any sign of my father or an escape route. The echo of our footsteps reverberates off the walls, making it feel like we are surrounded by an army of people. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, and I am acutely aware of the sound of my own breathing.

Kiki, Alexander, and I move quickly, darting in and out of doorways, dodging around corners, and skirting past groups of people. The colors and sounds of the castle blur together into a cacophony of chaos and confusion, and I can barely keep up. Every nerve in my body is on edge as we weave our way through the maze of hallways.

But then I see him.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora