Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing in my small room. It's my 18th birthday today, and I can't help but feel a little anxious. Today is the day when the vampires come for me.

I get out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. I see the same girl that I've seen every day for the past 18 years. Brown hair, brown eyes, nothing special. But to the vampires, I'm something special. I'm their prey.

I get dressed and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. My mom is already up, making breakfast. She smiles at me when she sees me and says, "Happy birthday, honey!"

I force a smile back at her, trying not to show how scared I am. I don't want to worry her. I know she's just as scared as I am, but she doesn't show it. She's always strong for me.

After breakfast, I go to my room and try to distract myself by reading a book, but I can't concentrate. All I can think about is what's going to happen to me tonight.

As the day goes on, I start to hear whispers and rumors of the other girls in town. They're all talking about the same thing - the vampire auction. They talk about how some of the girls never come back, and how lucky the ones are who are chosen by the kinder vampires.

But I don't want to be chosen at all. I don't want to be anyone's pet. I want to live my life freely, without fear of being taken away by some blood-sucking monster.

As the sun starts to set, there's a knock on the door. My heart stops. I know what it means. It's time for me to go.

I take a deep breath and walk to the door. My mom hugs me tightly and whispers, "I love you, be strong."

I nod, trying to hold back my tears, and walk out of the house. I see the vampire's car waiting for me, and I know that my life will never be the same again...

As I sit in the car with the driver, I can't help but think about my dad. I never knew him, but maybe he knew something about the vampires. Maybe he left to protect me from them. Or maybe he was taken by them too. I don't know, and I might never know.

But as the car drives farther away from my home, I can't help but wonder if I'll ever see my mom again. I don't know what's going to happen to me, but I know that my life will never be the same again.

As we drive, the silence in the car is deafening, and my thoughts start to wander. I can't help but think about the other girls who are also being taken, wondering if they're experiencing the same fear and uncertainty as me. I wonder if they have families like mine, and if they know how to defend themselves against supernatural creatures like the vampire driving us.

Despite my fear, I try to focus on staying calm and collected, reminding myself that I need to keep my head down and learn to behave if I have any chance of getting out of this situation alive.

As I look out of the car window, I see the imposing building in front of me. It's massive and daunting, with towering walls and a solid construction that looks like it could withstand anything. The exterior is made of sturdy brick and mortar, giving it an air of permanence and timelessness. The guards at the entrance are imposing, and the door itself is massive, made of solid wood and reinforced with metal bolts and hinges.

As I step through the doorway, I am greeted by a dimly lit hallway that stretches out before me. The guards hand me a set of clothes that feel rough and uncomfortable against my skin, adding to my already mounting sense of unease. The hallway is lined with doors, leading to various rooms, but there are very few windows, making the space feel claustrophobic and closed off.

After what feels like an eternity, I finally arrive at my assigned room. It's small and cramped, barely providing enough space to move around in. The walls are painted a dull, faded white, and there is only one small window that lets in a faint glimmer of light. The bed is old and creaky, and the bedding is thin and scratchy. The attached bathroom is equally uninviting, with peeling paint and a rusty sink.

As I take in my surroundings, a sense of confinement washes over me, like a caged animal. I know that I'll have to learn to adapt to this new environment if I want to survive, but the thought fills me with a sense of dread.

As I stand in front of the guards, my heart races with fear and anxiety. They explain to me that I have a week to adjust and learn how to be a good pet to the vampires. Their words are stern and cold, emphasizing that I need to listen to every command and be obedient at all times. I nod along, trying my best to hide the disgust I feel towards the situation I find myself in.

After the guards leave, I am left alone in the small room. As I walk around, I can hear the sounds of other girls in the building. Their cries and whispers echo through the halls, and I know that they are just as scared as I am. The thought of being treated like a pet, of having to obey every command, fills me with a sense of dread. But I know that I have to be strong and find a way to survive this nightmare.

As I move into my new room, I make a conscious effort to keep to myself. It's safer that way. But suddenly, I hear a voice calling out to me from the next room, "Hey, are you new too?" I turn towards the sound and see a girl peering through a small hole in the wall. She has curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and looks about my age.

I hesitate for a moment, unsure of whether to respond. But then, I realize that it might be nice to have someone to talk to. So, I answer her, "Yeah, I'm new here. My name is Amelia." The girl introduces herself as Lily, and we start chatting. It feels good to have someone to talk to in this place. We talk about our families, our hobbies, and our dreams.

As we continue our conversation, I can feel a sense of normalcy returning to me. It's like, for a moment, I'm not trapped in this place anymore. But then, the reality hits me. The auction is only a week away, and our fates will be decided then. I need to start behaving and following all the commands, or else I won't survive. It's a harsh reality to face, but it's the truth.

As Lily and I continue to speak through the small hole in the wall that separates us, I learn more about her. I discover that, just like me, she's from a small town and has a younger brother. Hearing her talk about how much she misses her family, a lump forms in my throat, and I can't help but feel empathetic towards her.

Time goes by, and I begin to understand the rules of being a pet. The guards come in every day to give us basic training on how to behave and obey commands. It's a dehumanizing experience, but I know that it's necessary if I want to survive in this place. We're not allowed to talk back or even look directly into the eyes of the vampires. It's a difficult situation, but Lily and I bond over our shared fear and sadness, finding comfort in each other's company.

I sit here in this dark place, the only thing that keeps me sane is talking to Lily. We talk every chance we get, sharing our fears and hopes for the future. We often discuss what we would do if we ever got out of here, but deep down, we both know that it's unlikely to happen.

One day, while we're in the middle of a conversation, I hear a knock on the door. My heart races as I freeze, afraid that one of the vampires has caught us talking. To my surprise, it's a guard with a small plate of food.

I can hardly believe it. The guard hands me the plate and says gruffly, "Eat up. You'll need your strength for the auction." I examine the meager portion of rice and vegetables on the plate, knowing that it's barely enough to keep me alive, let alone give me any strength. But I know better than to complain.

I thank the guard and start to eat the food. Lily and I eat in silence, both of us too hungry to speak. As I eat, I am reminded of how little control we have over our own lives now. We are at the mercy of the vampires, and all we can do is try to survive day by day.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now