Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

My heart races as I stand before the queen, feeling her piercing gaze on me. I can sense the tension in the room, the weight of her disapproval pressing down on me. It takes all my strength to keep my emotions in check, to resist the urge to lash out with my newfound powers. I know that I must tread carefully here, that any misstep could have disastrous consequences.

The queen's words cut through me like a knife, a reminder of the power that I hold within me. She speaks of destruction, of the potential for chaos and ruin that lies within me. I know that she is right, that these powers are not to be taken lightly, but it's hard to hear these words and not feel a sense of shame and anger.

I nod, my eyes downcast as I try to keep my composure. I can feel the retort rising within me, the urge to snap back at her, but I bite my tongue. I know that I must show deference to the queen, even if it means suppressing my own emotions.

As I make my way out of the throne room, I can feel my anger building once more. It's not just the queen's words that are rankling me, but the knowledge that Alexander has betrayed my trust. I trusted him with my secret, with the knowledge of my powers, and he went and told his mother everything. The thought of his betrayal stings like a fresh wound, a reminder that even those closest to me cannot be trusted.

"I can't believe he did this," I mutter to myself, my fists clenched at my sides. I can feel my powers stirring within me, a tempest of raw energy that threatens to spill out of me. But I know that I must keep them under control, that I must find a way to harness this power and use it to my advantage. With a deep breath, I turn and make my way back to my chambers, determined to find a way to master this untamed force within me.

I make my way down the dark corridors, trying to ignore the whispers and murmurs that follow me. My mind is swirling with thoughts and emotions, and I can feel the power coursing through my veins, both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

As I reach my room, I pause for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm myself. I know I must learn to control this new power, but for now, I need to let it out. With a sharp inhale, I focus my energy and feel my body begin to shift and contort. In a matter of seconds, I am a wolf, the rush of power and freedom almost overwhelming me.

I take a few tentative steps around the room, reveling in my newfound strength and agility. But I know I must be careful, that I can't let anyone else know about this. As much as I want to share this with Alexander, I can't take the risk of being exposed.

With a deep sigh, I shift back into my human form and slump onto the bed, still feeling the energy coursing through me. My mind drifts to Alexander and the betrayal I feel. I thought we could keep our extra powers a secret, something only the two of us knew about. But now, the whispers and rumors have spread, and I can't help but wonder if he was behind it.

I know betrayal is a harsh word, but it feels like betrayal.

I know I need to confront him about this, to demand an explanation for his actions. But the thought of his cold, harsh demeanor sends shivers down my spine. Still, I can't let him get away with this. I take a deep breath and steel myself for what's to come.

I pace back and forth in my room, my mind racing with anger and frustration. How could Alexander do this to me? I trusted him, and he went and told his mother everything.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself, but it's no use. The anger is still there, burning within me like a flame. I need to talk to him, to confront him about what he's done.

I make my way to Alexander's chambers, my heart pounding with anger and anxiety. As I knock on his door, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. When Alexander finally answers, I can see that he's engrossed in a book. He doesn't even look up at me when he speaks, his voice cold and dismissive.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know why you told your mother about my powers," I say, my voice shaking with anger.

Alexander's eyes widen in surprise as he looks up at me. For a moment, I can see a flicker of guilt in his expression, but it quickly fades away.

"I didn't mean to betray your trust, Amelia," he says. "I thought she needed to know."

I feel a surge of anger rising within me. How dare he act like this is no big deal? I take a step forward, getting closer to him.

"But you didn't even ask me if it was okay!" I shout. "You just went and told her everything without even thinking about how it would affect me!"

Alexander stands up from his desk, his expression growing more defensive by the second.

"I'm sorry, Amelia," he says. "I didn't realize how much it would upset you."

I feel my anger rising again. "How could you think that? I trusted you, and you went and told her everything."

Alexander sighs, standing up from his desk. "I'm sorry, Amelia. I didn't realize how much it would upset you. But you have to understand, my mother needs to know about these things."

"I understand that," I say, my voice shaking. "But it's not your place to tell her. I trusted you, and you broke that trust."

Alexander takes a step towards me, his hand outstretched. "Amelia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

I step back, my anger still burning within me. "I need time to think, Alexander. I need to figure out how to control these powers, and I can't do that if I can't trust the people around me."

Alexander nods, his eyes downcast. "I understand, Amelia. But please, don't shut me out completely. I want to help you, to support you."

Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself before responding to Alexander. "I'll think about it, Alexander. But right now, I need some space," I say firmly, my voice laced with frustration and anger.

As I turn to leave, Alexander's hand reaches out and touches my arm, causing me to stop in my tracks. "Amelia, please. Don't let this come between us," he pleads, his voice sounding desperate.

I pull away from him, feeling the heat of my anger still burning within me. "I'll talk to you when I'm ready," I say through gritted teeth, before turning on my heels and walking out of the room.

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