Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

"Dad," I call out, running towards him as fast as I can. He looks up, surprised to see me here.

"Amelia?" he says, his voice laced with disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

I quickly explain the situation to him, about Lucian's clan and how we're in danger. I can see the concern etched on his face as he listens intently to my words.

"We need to leave," my father says urgently. "There's no time to waste."

I nod in agreement, feeling grateful that he understands the severity of our situation.

We follow him through the winding corridors of the castle, his knowledge of the layout guiding us towards the exit. Every step feels like we're walking on thin ice, as if we could be caught at any moment. The silence is deafening, broken only by the sound of our hushed breathing and the soft shuffle of our feet.

My heart is pounding so hard that I can barely hear the sound of my own footsteps. I'm hyper-aware of every sound, every movement, every shadow. I can feel my father's eyes on me, willing me to keep moving forward.

We move quickly and quietly, trying to avoid any patrols that may be lurking around the corner. My father is constantly checking our surroundings, his eyes darting back and forth as if he's trying to anticipate any danger that may be coming our way.

The corridors seem to go on forever, and I start to wonder if we'll ever find our way out. My legs ache and my lungs burn, but I push through the exhaustion, knowing that our lives are on the line.

But my father is unwavering in his determination, and soon we come across a secret passageway that leads outside the castle walls. I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope as we step into the dimly lit tunnel. It smells musty and damp, but it's better than the stale air of the castle.

We move through the passageway with caution, our eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of danger. As we emerge into the night air, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. The cool breeze feels refreshing against my skin, and for a moment, I allow myself to take a deep breath and savour the feeling of freedom.

It's over. We're outside the walls, safe and sound.

I turn to face my father, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as we finally reach our destination. We've finally found him. But before I can even take a moment to revel in our success, my sense of security is shattered by the sudden appearance of a group of guards. They materialize out of thin air, surrounding us and raising their weapons, their cold and unforgiving expressions sending a chill down my spine.

My heart sinks as the reality of our situation sinks in. We're trapped, with no way out. My powers, which I've always relied on to protect myself and those around me, are failing me now. I can't feel anything in my body, no energy, no power rising to help us escape this predicament. It's as if I can't control my own abilities completely, and the fear of being completely powerless in this moment is overwhelming.

I glance at my father, hoping to find a plan or a way out of this situation in his eyes. But even he looks rattled by the sudden turn of events, and I can tell that he is just as scared and unsure as I am. We stand there, frozen in fear, as the guards close in around us, leaving us with no escape and no hope for the future.


I can't believe it. We're back in the castle, but this time we're not free. We're prisoners.

The guards had arrested us - Alexander, Kiki, my father, and me - as soon as we had stepped out of the secret passage. I had felt a sense of relief when I had seen my father, but now all that relief has turned to dread.

We're led through the castle, surrounded by guards. People are staring at us, whispering among themselves. I feel exposed, vulnerable.

As we enter the room, my heart sinks as I take in the sight before me. It's a vast space filled with prisoners of all kinds - humans, vampires, and even a few other supernatural beings. But to my dismay, there are no hybrids like me. I'm the only one.

The room is suffocatingly dark and damp, despite its size. Its vastness is offset by the multitude of prisoners crammed within its walls. There are so many corners and places to hide, but it feels small with the number of people huddled together. The walls are made of rough, gray stone that looks like it's been there for centuries, and the floor is made of cold, hard concrete that sends shivers up my spine.

The room is poorly lit, with only a few flickering torches providing a dim glow. Shadows dance on the walls, making it difficult to see anything clearly. The air is stagnant, and there is a faint smell of sweat and fear mixed in with the musty odor.

The cells that line the walls are made of rusted iron bars, and inside each one, there is a small, dirty cot and a bucket for waste. The prisoners look tired and hopeless, with dark circles under their eyes and their clothing in tatters.

The floor is slick with slime, making it difficult to walk without slipping. The walls are covered in grime and mold, and the air feels thick and heavy. It's an oppressive and depressing atmosphere, with the only relief coming from occasional gusts of cold, damp air that blow through the cracks in the walls.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now